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Vladimir Putin crede că ţara care „va domina” în domeniul inteligenţei artificiale va conduce lumea, scrie Liderul de la Kremlin a declarat că Rusia vrea să fie un lider în domeniu, dar nu îl va monopoliza… ci va împărtăşi cunoştinţele cu „întreaga lume”. Eric Schmidt, fostul șef al Google, a declarat că SUA va fi depăşită de China în domeniul inteligenţei artificiale, dacă Washingtonul nu acţionează repede. Vor folosi această tehnologie atât pentru obiective comerciale, cât şi militare, cu toate implicaţiile rezultate din asta”, a declarat Schmidt. China şi-a anunţat strategia privind inteligenţa artificială şi şi-a propus ca până în 2030 să fie lider mondial în domeniu.
Persons: Vladimir Putin, Stephen Hawking, Eric Schmidt, Schmidt Organizations: Google Locations: Kremlin, Rusia, SUA, China
They take advantage of features like autopay to avoid late charges for everything from utilities to mortgage to credit card bills. They don't ignore their credit scoreYour credit score plays a leading role in determining your interest rates. A high credit score can earn you a low interest rate and save you thousands of dollars in interest over the life of a loan. A low score may prevent you from getting a loan if you ever need one. Wealthy people know this and they never, ever ignore their credit score.
Henry Kissinger, Statesman and Friend
  + stars: | 2016-05-09 | by ( Eric Schmidt | )   time to read: 1 min
Former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger at the Pentagon in Washington, May 9, 2016. Photo: brendan smialowski/Agence France-Presse/Getty ImagesMy father, who worked for the U.S. Treasury in the 1970s, called Henry Kissinger the smartest, hardest-working person he ever knew. As a teenager, I responded by demonstrating against the Nixon administration and the Vietnam War. Little did I understand that Kissinger was working step by step to end the war while the demonstrations took place. He asked me about how Google worked and joined me on stage at headquarters where he announced that Google was “a threat to the world’s civilization.” The Googlers loved it, and Henry eventually became my best friend.
Persons: Henry Kissinger, brendan smialowski, Nixon, Little, Kissinger, Henry, Google Organizations: U.S, Pentagon, Agence France, U.S . Treasury, Google Locations: Washington, Vietnam
Total: 3