DIRS.INFO:443 is a community for sharing and discussing all things related to media monitoring.

We were inspired by Hacker News, Lobste.rs and the original Slashdot to create a dedicated place for experts, enthusiasts and simple strangers to engage in discussion and occasional whimsy.

There are many different channels for news. In our experience, these are often flooded with not-so-relevant posts with tons of ads. We have created an original algorithm for selecting news that is most relevant to the current moment, so that it is easier to navigate the news flow.

We built RN because we can use state-of-art NLP for article and media analysis. From ML experts to users, this is a community that values honest debate, curiosity, positivity, and good humor. Please help us maintain these core values as the community grows.

You can access our RSS feed by going to /rss from any RSS client. You can get the progressive web app by clicking the "Add To Home Screen" option on your mobile device (Chrome on Android, or Safari on iOS). by clicking the "Add To Home Screen" option on your mobile device (Chrome on Android, or Safari on iOS).

Feel free to contact: root[a]dirs.info
