I was placed in foster care and found it hard to create close relationships.
AdvertisementAs I browsed the crowded self-help aisle at Barnes & Noble, I looked down to find my two-year-old daughter, Kristil, on the ground kicking and screaming.
I was safe in foster care, but I didn't develop emotional bondsBeing put into foster care because of what I experienced gave me a deep understanding of how domestic violence affects children.
Tammy Rabideau was in foster care as a child, and her experience influenced how she parented her daughter, Kristil.
Courtesy Tammy RabideauDespite the challenges I faced in my childhood and foster care, I am grateful for how they shaped my perspective on motherhood.
—, Barnes & Noble, Kristil, Tammy Rabideau, Thomas W, Phelan
Service, Barnes &