Latinos are the second largest demographic population in the United States, but they are vastly underrepresented on corporate boards, according to a new report by the Latino Corporate Directors Association.
"Sixty-five percent of Fortune 1000 companies lack Latinos, and Latinos are seeing the least growth of any other group," Esther Aguilera, CEO of LCDA, told CNBC at this week's L'Attitude Conference.
This has to change," Elizabeth Oliver-Farrow, chair of the Latino Corporate Directors Association, said in a release.
The Latino Corporate Directors Association, a membership-based organization of U.S. Latinos at the highest level of corporate leadership and corporate governance, was formed to increase U.S. Latino representation on corporate boards by raising visibility of the Hispanic talent primed for the boardroom.
"These are extremely accomplished individuals, who have led and grown business on the corporate level internationally and they add additional value and insight into new markets," Aguilera said.