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JERUSALEM, Dec 25 (Reuters) - Israel's president voiced concern for the well-being of all members of the public regardless of their identity or values on Sunday after far-right members of the incoming government called for revisions to anti-discrimination laws. Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu, who is preparing to present his religious-nationalist coalition this week, has vowed to preserve principles of tolerance. But his political rivals have accused the veteran conservative leader of being vulnerable to his far-right allies’ policy demands. Netanyahu's conservative Likud and like-minded religious-nationalist parties close to Israel's ultra-Orthodox and West Bank settler communities won a comfortable majority in a Nov. 1 election. The inclusion of hardliners Itamar Ben-Gvir of the ultranationalist Jewish Power party and Bezalel Smotrich from the far-right Religious Zionism party in the coalition has dismayed Palestinians and liberal Israelis.
[1/3] Anti-abortion demonstrators celebrate outside the United States Supreme Court as the court rules in the Dobbs v Women's Health Organization abortion case, overturning the landmark Roe v Wade abortion decision in Washington, U.S., June 24, 2022. REUTERS/Evelyn HocksteinDec 20 (Reuters) - Six months after the U.S. Supreme Court overturned its 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling, the state of abortion rights around the country remains unsettled, thanks to a patchwork of lawsuits in state courts and emergency court orders. About half of all states are ultimately expected to adopt new abortion restrictions in the wake of the Supreme Court's June ruling on Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health. The litigation has resulted in chaos for abortion providers and patients, according to people involved in the lawsuits and legal experts. In state after state, courts have issued emergency orders blocking the new bans while lawsuits unfold, only to be reversed weeks or even days later on appeal.
Elon Musk has been weighing in more and more on political issues since buying Twitter. "Any argument that he's trying to empower the center is patently bullshit," a researcher on extremism told Insider. "In the past I voted Democrat, because they were (mostly) the kindness party," Musk wrote in a tweet this May. "Any argument that he's trying to empower the center is patently bullshit and should be treated as such." "The way that Twitter's content moderation has changed since he's taken over has definitely skewed towards favoring the far-right," Berger said.
Photo illustration by Bráulio Amado Talk Do Humans Owe Animals Equal Rights? But does it then follow that we think of animals’ lives as being equal in value to humans’? That would lead to redoubling our efforts to make sure animals don’t perish in the future. Just think: Women are often raped, and that has been so all throughout human history. Now, as an incrementalist I want to be cautious here because I don’t think that predatory animals are doing anything wrong.
At face value, this act seems like a step forward by codifying federal same-sex and interracial marriage rights. At best, it is a preemptive Band-Aid should the Supreme Court try to overturn Obergefell v. Hodges, which cited the Fourteenth Amendment to legalize same-sex marriage. But in no way does this act federally legalize “marriage equality” across the United States. The protections to religious liberty were late additions to the bill, in order to secure the support of Senate Republicans like Utah’s Mitt Romney. Of course, the irony in this situation is that federal marriage equality isn’t even guaranteed under the Respect for Marriage Act.
Iger is widely considered entertainment industry royalty, celebrated for his management acumen and creative chops. He turned Disney into a global powerhouse by acquiring marquee brands such as Pixar, Marvel, Lucasfilm and 21st Century Fox. Bob Chapek, left, and Bob Iger, in Orlando, Fla.,on Sept. 30, 2021. Shares of the Walt Disney Co. are down 40% this year, and layoffs are pending. But almost immediately, the entertainment industry media zeroed in on what was thought to be a frosty relationship between the two men.
Stores’ self-checkout machines can annoy shoppers with error messages about unexpected items in the bagging area and other hiccups. PREVIEWThe problem is spreading as companies continue to install self-service transaction machines around the world, some disabled people and disability-rights activists say. The Baltimore-based organization last year worked with McDonald’s Corp. to upgrade its self-service kiosks so that they could be used independently by blind people. Walmart said its self-checkout system was accessible because staff had been trained to help disabled customers use it. Steps toward potential regulationsThe U.S. is looking into the possibility of creating regulations for the accessibility of self-service checkouts and ordering systems.
While in office, Rep. Carolyn Maloney of New York has been a frequent attendee of the Met Gala. "She has been coming to the party for years, and it is the one thing she cares about," the Met's former president said in an email. The OCE is a nonpartisan body, created by Congress itself in 2008, that investigates allegations of misconduct by House members and staff. The OCE also noted that they had obtained evidence Maloney "may have requested a Met Gala invitation, as recently as 2020." Maloney lost her primary after her district was merged with Democratic Rep. Jerry Nadler's district.
Now he’s saying “Goodbye, Disney (DIS).”Chapek’s rocky two-and-a-half year tenure at the head of the entertainment giant had a few wins. But Disney made the surprise announcement Sunday that its revered former CEO Bob Iger is making a return as the head of the company. Disney employees began staging walkouts, saying Chapek’s statements “utterly failed” to grasp the threat to LGBTQ communities. DeSantis quickly ripped Disney after Chapek’s public condemnation, calling the company a “woke corporation” with questionable business interests in China during a private event. Investors celebrated Iger’s return as CEO, sending Disney shares up nearly 7% Monday after dropping roughly 38% this year.
Tokyo begins same-sex partnership recognition
  + stars: | 2022-11-01 | by ( Associated Press | )   time to read: +4 min
TOKYO — Tokyo began issuing certificates recognizing same-sex couples on Tuesday, becoming the largest municipality to do so in a country in which same-sex marriage is not allowed. Seven years after Tokyo’s Shibuya district first introduced same-sex partnership recognition in 2015, more than 200 smaller towns have joined the move, accounting for less than one-fifth of Japanese municipalities. Still, many sexual minority couples say the partnership recognition will improve their daily lives, allowing them to rent apartments and sign documents in medical emergencies, and in inheritance. Fumino Sugiyama, a transgender activist, said the certificates recognize the presence of sexual minorities and the need to recognize their rights. Moda said the certificate only recognizes partnerships between adults and needs to cover children of same-sex couples.
Some citizens identify as Palestinian, despite their Israeli citizenship, while others prefer to be called Arab citizens of Israel, because they want to emphasize equal rights with Jewish Israelis. Opinion polls he conducted show that more than 70% of eligible Palestinian voters now support an Arab party participating in a coalition, whether they intend to vote themselves or not. Makladeh, the pollster, said the most repeated phrase during interviews with 200 Palestinian citizens in Israel for a recent poll was: "We are voting for nothing." A relatively small group of eligible voters among Palestinians citizens in Israel, around 12% according to Makladeh, has actively boycotted general elections for years. Regional changes have also shifted priorities for Palestinian citizens in Israel, Khalaily said.
Iranian authorities did not respond to requests for comment for this story. His comments have angered Iranian authorities, who placed him under a travel ban in 2017. The supreme leader's office wrote back and said Iran's government does not allow discrimination or inequality. Iranian officials have occasionally counted on him in times of crisis. The group, denounced by Tehran as terrorists, has carried out repeated attacks on Iranian security forces.
REUTERS/Thomas Peter/File PhotoHONG KONG, Oct 18 (Reuters) - As Xi Jinping consolidates power at China's 20th Communist Party Congress this week, Chinese women are not holding their breath for progress in gender equality. Mao Zedong, the founding father of the People's Republic, famously said "women hold up half the sky" and gender equality is enshrined in the country's constitution. "The trend (now) is usually women serve as a deputy or more symbolic position," he said. The sole current female member, Sun Chunlan, who has spearheaded China's zero-COVID policy, is 72 and expected to retire. The Chinese government body in charge of women's rights, the Women's Federation, did not respond to a Reuters request for comment.
Most members of the Congressional Black Caucus are twice as old as the median Black person living in the US. The Congressional Black Caucus, a powerful voice for Black Americans, is significantly older than those it speaks for. Clay had replaced his father, William Lacy Clay Sr., a civil-rights icon and founding Congressional Black Caucus member who had represented the area since 1969. Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty ImagesThe Congressional Black Caucus is reckoning with a leftward shift it's struggled to embrace. A spokesperson for the Congressional Black Caucus did not respond to Insider's request for comment.
California job postings will soon include pay ranges, thanks to a new salary transparency bill signed into law by Gov. The move makes California the largest state where job listings will require salary information by law. In California, women are paid roughly 88 cents for every dollar paid to a man, with the gap increasing for women of color. Reporting pay data based on job and demographic background can help uncover occupational segregation that employers may not be aware of. Previous California law already requires companies with 100 or more direct-hire workers submit job and demographic data for those workers.
State Sen. Doug Mastriano, the Republican nominee for governor in Pennsylvania, said in 2019 that women should be charged with murder if they violated his proposed abortion ban. Under his proposed legislation, Mastriano was asked whether a woman who decided to get an abortion at 10 weeks gestation would be charged with murder. Asked if he was saying yes, they should be charged with murder, Mastriano responded: "Yes, I am." After the Supreme Court decision in June overturning Roe v. Wade, the future of abortion rights has played prominently on the campaign trail. At last week's Pennsylvania March for Life, Mastriano called the battle over abortion rights "the single most important issue, I think, in our lifetime."
Cyprus LGBT+ pride marchers seek equal family rights
  + stars: | 2022-09-25 | by ( )   time to read: +2 min
Register now for FREE unlimited access to RegisterNICOSIA, Sept 25 (Reuters) - Hundreds of activists turned streets of the Cypriot capital into a sea of rainbows on Sunday on a pride march in a push for equal rights irrespective of sexual orientation. Marriage of same-sex couples is not permitted in Cyprus, while same-sex civil partnerships with a limted set of rights are legal. Register now for FREE unlimited access to RegisterActivists say a lack of a family law framework for same-sex couples deprives them from the right to adopt children, or give equal parental rights to a couple in a same-sex civil partnership. Other concerns included legal gender change recognition on state documents, which has been pending since 2015. Register now for FREE unlimited access to RegisterReporting By Michele Kambas; Editing by Toby ChopraOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
And rather than worship the divine, the crowd was there to herald the malign: Donald Trump and his brand of hateful, intentionally divisive politics. Similar to a creed, Trump shared his litany of election-denial lies that have come to constitute the Republican Party platform. The intentional coupling of MAGA politics with religious imagery isn’t merely a rhetorical act, either. Trump’s Ohio rally is hardly the only recent example of a politician appropriating religious symbols to seize power. Here, too, Christians are speaking out against his hijacking of the church for right-wing politics.
In 1952, when Queen Elizabeth II took the throne after the death of her father, same-sex sexual relations were criminalized in Britain. That support has led some to argue that she was a “quiet” supporter of LGBTQ rights, but to others she was just doing her job. Queen Elizabeth II waves to the crowd from the balcony of Buckingham Palace in London following her coronation, on June 3, 1953. Queen Elizabeth II gave both of the measures her royal assent and went on to continue to approve pro-LGBTQ policies. Queen Elizabeth II during a visit to HMS Queen Elizabeth at HM Naval Base, Portsmouth, ahead of the ship's maiden deployment, on May 22, 2021.
America House te invită la patru evenimente despre drepturi, dublaj de filme și cariere de succesEști interesat de tema drepturilor omului și despre modul în care îți poți apăra drepturile? Atunci America House Chișinău a pregătit un program de instruire inedit în parteneriat cu „MilleniuM” Training and Development Institute ce are drept scop informarea tinerilor despre Declarația Universală a Drepturilor Omului. De asemenea, alte trei evenimente utile despre drumul în carieră, dublarea filmelor în limba română, dar și despre combaterea dezinformării sunt gratuite și își așteaptă participanții și participantele! Cum are Loc Dublarea Serialelor și a Emisiunilor Străine? America House Chișinău invită toți doritorii să facă cunoștință cu actorii, sonoriștii, managerii – o echipă de profesioniști care participă la procesul de dublare în limba română a serialelor și emisiunilor străine.
Persons: Sandra, Daniela, Veronica Organizations: House, House Chișinău, Development Institute, Media, Moldova America House Chișinău, Independent Media, Chișinău, BERD, Străine, America House Chișinău, Evenimentul, Facebook Locations: Moldova America, ERIM, Moldova, BERD Moldova, America
America House Chișinău în parteneriat cu ERIM (Equal Rights & Independent Media) Moldova invită pe toți cei interesați de alfabetizarea media și promovarea informațiilor adevărate, să participe la un Facebook Live ( pe data de 28 iunie începând cu orele 16:00 cu Flora Graioni - Director adjunct ERIM, Sandra Sjogren - Manager de proiect ERIM, Daniela Galai - Manager de proiect ERIM, biroul Moldova despre Consolidarea mass-mediei independente și a alfabetizării media în Moldova. Acest proiect constă în consolidarea rezistenței populației moldovenești la știri false, propagandă și manipulare prin mass-media prin dezvoltarea abilităților de alfabetizare media, promovarea interacțiunii civice și consolidarea raportării locale și a discuțiilor publice cu privire la problemele-cheie naționale, europene și globale. __________America House este un centru de resurse și dezvoltare profesională unde vizitatorii pot veni să învețe, să creeze și să se inspire! Centrul oferă o gamă largă de proiecte și programe culturale și educative menite să împărtășească din istoria, cultura și valorile SUA. Aici veți putea să aflați detalii despre studiile în diverse instituții educaționale din SUA prin intermediul Programului Education USA.
Persons: Sandra, Daniela Organizations: House Chișinău, Independent Media Locations: ERIM, Moldova, House, SUA
Echipa noastră dezvoltă și susține programe inovatoare pentru a promova drepturile omului și a consolida mass-media independentă și educația mediatică. „Dezvoltarea capacităților organizațiilor societății civile” este un proiect regional implementat de ERIM și finanțat de Uniunea Europeană. Proiectul își propune să consolideze organizațiile societății civile și să contribuie la sporirea capacităților lor operaționale și organizaționale. Suportul oferit va include instruire și ghidare în comunicare externă și colectare de fonduri, inclusiv prin elaborarea planurilor individuale de acțiune. suport în dezvoltarea Termenilor de Referință și a cerințelor tehnice pentru dezvoltarea site-ului web; suport în procesul de selecție/evaluare a furnizorului și în cadrul întâlnirilor explicative cu furnizorul selectat; etc.
Organizations: Independent Media, Uniunea Europeană, Proiectul Locations: Lyon, Franța, Moldova, Republicii Moldova, Republica Moldova, moldova
Cerere de oferte pentru producția spoturilor video
  + stars: | 2021-01-12 | by ( Alte Articole | )   time to read: +3 min
Proiectul este realizat în perioada 01.01.2021 – 30.10.2021 cu suportul Equal Rights and Independent Media (ERIM) în cadrul proiectului ”Dezvoltarea capacităților organizațiilor societății civile” finanțat de către Uniunea Europeană. Scopul și conceptul spoturilor video:În cadrul proiectului vor fi elaborate 4 spoturi video care vor reflecta provocările din domeniul gestionării deșeurilor din or. Criuleni și vor informa/sensibiliza locuitorii orașului despre existența diferitor tipuri de deșeuri și necesitatea sortării acestora. Sarcina tehnică pentru ofertanți:Elaborarea scenariilor pentru 4 spoturi video și coordonarea lor cu echipa proiectului. Producerea a 4 spoturi video în limba română cu subtitrare în limba rusă cu o durată de 1-2 minute.
Organizations: Independent Media, Uniunea Europeană . Locations: Criuleni, Republica Moldova
«Республика Молдова нарушила свои обязательства по защите от дискриминации». К такому выводу пришел Комитет ООН по ликвидации дискриминации в отношении женщин, который вынес решение по делу жертвы домашнего насилия. Promo-LEX в партнерстве с Equal Rights Trust подала заявление от имени V.C., чей муж, C., подвергал ее насилию в семье во время брака. Насилие проявлялось физически, словесно и эмоционально и в конечном итоге привело к насильственной смерти В.К. Ассоциация Promo-LEX надеется, что, в конце концов, Комитет обратится к Правительству Республики Молдова с просьбой пересмотреть свою политику и отношение к случаям домашнего насилия и предоставит правовую поддержку и защиту жертвам с момента первых жалоб.
Persons: В.К, Р.Л. Organizations: Trust, Комитет, ООН, Комитет против, Правительству Locations: Республика Молдова
Comitetul Organizației Națiunilor Unite (ONU) Eliminarea Discriminării împotriva Femeilor a emis o decizie în care se constată încălcarea de către Republica Moldova a Convenției ONU privind eliminarea tuturor formelor de discriminare împotriva femeilor. Abuzul s-a manifestat fizic, verbal și emoțional și, în cele din urmă, a dus la moartea violentă a femeii. Comitetul a constatat că Republica Moldova a încălcat obligațiile sale pozitive de a o proteja victima de la discriminare. Protocolul opțional la Convenție permite depunerea plângerilor individuale din numele victimei, cu condiția că aceasta își dă consimțământul. Aceasta este deja a doua decizie a Comitetului împotriva Republicii Moldova.
Organizations: Organizației Națiunilor Unite, ONU, Femeilor, LEX Locations: Republica Moldova, Republicii Moldova
Total: 25