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Car companies expect to make billions charging customers recurring fees for vehicle features. As vehicles become increasingly connected to the internet, car companies aim to rake in billions by having customers pay monthly or annual subscriptions to access certain features. But car companies still haven't figured out exactly what customers are willing to pay for, and what feels like a frustrating upcharge. An April study by Cox Automotive found that 75% of consumers are not willing to subscribe to most vehicle features. Hackers have helped car owners upgrade their vehicles for years, and subscription features could be their next target, Vice reported.
These 15 power players are just a handful of the people designing workplaces to balance productivity, interaction, and employee well-being through indoor-air-quality monitoring systems, building amenities, holographic meeting spaces, and more. AftershipCities like Austin, Texas; Nashville, Tennessee; and Raleigh, North Carolina, began offering business-relocation incentives during the pandemic to boost their workforces and help increase occupancy in office buildings. Room's office suite includes a phone booth, a meeting room, an open meeting room, and a focus room. Room also makes a soundproof meeting room that fits two people, a more open meeting booth, and a focus room designed for quiet concentration. "The future of office work needs to be guided by a new, genuine form of flexibility in which the work, not the workers themselves, become even more malleable," Petersen writes.
Warehouse supply remains tight compared with demand, but Prologis will make decisions on new sites on a “deal by deal” basis, he added. Prologis trimmed its plans for new development starts for this year to a range of $4.2 billion to $4.6 billion, from a projected range of $4.2 billion to $5 billion the prior quarter. Companies signed new leases for about 920 million square feet of warehouse space in 2021 compared with 619 million square feet in 2019, according to Cushman & Wakefield. Mr. Moghadam said Amazon hasn’t pulled out of any of its Prologis buildings or projects and the e-commerce company is taking on new space. He said e-commerce companies overall have been leasing new space to compete with Amazon’s sprawling network.
America’s Red-Hot Warehouse Market Shows Signs of Cooling
  + stars: | 2022-10-14 | by ( Liz Young | )   time to read: +4 min
Warehouse space remains tight, with some companies still storing goods on trailers outside distribution centers, but the broader figures suggest the pressure on one supply chain choke point is easing. Newsletter Sign-up The Logistics Report Top news and in-depth analysis on the world of logistics, from supply chain to transport and technology. The firm said companies across the sector signed new leases for 163.1 million square feet of warehouse space in the third quarter compared with 207.4 million square feet the quarter before. “Maybe the froth comes off the top, but you still have a very stable and strong leasing market for industrial. Real-estate experts say part of the decline could be because companies aren’t finding enough empty warehouse space after nearly two years of frenetic construction and leasing.
A warehouse crush across the U.S. is squeezing out smaller companies as big retailers fill industrial storage sites with their growing stockpiles of inventory. Karen Galena, president of First Logistics, which has four warehouses in the Chicago area that provide space for retailers and manufacturers, said bigger customers are willing to pay higher prices for increasingly scarce storage space. “It’s tough for the small guy,” Ms. Galena said, noting labor and other costs are rising for warehouse operators. The challenges small businesses face finding warehouse space mirrors difficulties many had securing room on container ships earlier in the Covid-19 pandemic, when ocean carriers drove up rates and bumped smaller shippers to make way for larger clients. He said some companies are even generating revenue from unconventional storage space.
Bricks-and-mortar store owners are emerging from the pandemic with surprising strength, posting some of their best numbers in years and plotting expansions as more Americans venture out to buy things again. U.S. retail vacancy fell to 6.1% in the second quarter, the lowest level in at least 15 years, while asking rents for U.S. shopping centers in the quarter were 16% higher than five years ago, according to real-estate services firm Cushman & Wakefield .
Share this -Link copiedThe full order of service for the funeral at Westminster Abbey The funeral service for Queen Elizabeth II is underway at Westminster Abbey. Police officers patrol outside Westminster Abbey in London on Monday, ahead of the state funeral service for Queen Elizabeth II. The coffin of Queen Elizabeth II leaves Westminster Hall for her funeral service in Westminster Abbey. Around 2,300 police officers will line the route from Westminster Abbey to Windsor Castle and 1,000 police officers will line the route from Westminster Abbey to Wellington Arch. Share this -Link copiedBuckingham Palace releases previously unseen portrait of queen Queen Elizabeth II, photographed at Windsor Castle in May 2022.
Commercial property is a bright spot in Chinese real estate, in contrast with the doom and gloom of the residential housing market. Likewise, property group CIFI Holdings posted a 23% year-on-year drop in home sales in China for the first half, but reported a 69.5% lift in its property investment revenue. While some investors sold assets to stay liquid, Spiro said the commercial sector generally has more supportive government and fiscal policies. All in all, the Chinese commercial property sector's resilience lies in its ability to rebound faster than its residential counterpart. Down but not outBut unlike housing, the commercial sector is rebounding particularly after lockdowns ended and government incentives kicked in, CBRE said.
The Bilt Rewards program allows tenants to earn valuable points on rent payments without fees. That's about to change with the launch of the new Bilt Rewards program and Bilt Mastercard. If you're worried about using up your credit line or getting into debt, the Bilt credit card also offers a feature called Bilt Protect. Use Bilt points for fitness classesIn partnership with Soul Cycle, Rumble, and Y7, Bilt Rewards members can redeem points for group classes or subscriptions, starting at 2,500 points. If you're renting from a landlord included in the Bilt Rewards alliance, signing up for Bilt Rewards is a no-brainer.
Londra a devenit în urma pandemiei de coronavirus metropola cu cele mai scumpe prețuri la închirierea de spații pentru depozitare, costurile actuale depășind metropole ca Hong Kong și San Francisco, relatează Digi24. Prețul unui metru pătrat a crescut în 2021 cu 13% față de anul precedent. Cererea de spații de depozitare a devenit în acest context tot mai mare, a declarat într-un interviu Nick Preston, manager al companiei Tritax EuroBox Plc, care deține depozite în întreaga Europă. În Europa, companiile au închiriat anul trecut spații care adună în total 345 milioane de metri pătrați, cu 14% mai mult decât 2019, în ciuda măsurile stricte impuse de pandemie din prima jumătate a anului. În Marea Britanie, spațiul total închiriat a crescut cu 44%, se arată în raportul publicat de sursa citată.
Persons: Cushman & Wakefield Plc, Nick Preston Organizations: Cushman &, Tritax EuroBox Locations: Londra, Hong Kong, San Francisco, Marii Britanii, Cushman & Wakefield, Tritax, Europa
Etapa de scriere a Strategiei, pe cât de îndelungată este, pe atât de necesară, deoarece include pași, detalii și decizii bine gândite care se vor realiza în viitor. Planul de amenajare a teritoriului municipiului Chișinău este un punct de start pentru identificarea și definitivarea unei identități urbanistice cu potențial de creștere a segmentului economic, social, rețeaua stradală și sistemul de transport, îmbunătățirea sistemului ecologic și a sistemului de gestionare a deșeurilor. În perioada primei etape de întocmire a Strategiei, au fost stabilite cinci probleme principale ale orașului, care sunt: mediul urban neconfortabil, utilizarea ineficientă a teritoriului orașului, salariile mici, economia urbană depășită, dificultățile de autorealizare. ***Planul de amenajare a teritoriului municipiului Chișinău este un document strategic ce va stabili viziunea și prioritățile de dezvoltare a capitalei pe o perioadă mai mare de timp. Amintim că, Primăria municipiului Chișinău a inițiat lucrul asupra elaborării Planului de amenajare, în luna iunie 2020, proces care prevede o documentare amplă asupra situației de fapt.
Organizations: Federația Locations: Chișinău, Republicii Moldova, Federația Rusă, Chișinăului, Moscova, Wakefield
Sometimes companies can get in their own way of delivering great customer experience (CX). The following is a preview of one Media, Advertising, and Marketing report, Customer Experience 2021. Great customer experience (CX) leads customers to make more purchases from companies across all industries. Best-in-class customer experience (CX) requires proper team structure. More Marketing Industry Topics:
Над Планом обустройства территории и Стратегией социально-экономического развития Кишинева, которая является первым этапом плана, работа ведется с июня 2020 года. По его словам, Кишиневу необходим стратегический план развития – План обустройства территории. "Это первый шаг в определении видения и основ развития – социального, экономического, экологического и демографического. Мы намерены определить все, что важно для развития сообщества, для экономического роста и повышения качества жизни жителей муниципия", – отметил Ион Чебан. Стоит отметить, что специалисты московских компаний Master’s Plan и Cushman & Wakefield бесплатно помогают муниципалитету в разработке Плана обустройства территории и Стратегии социально-экономического развития.
Persons: Ион Чебан, Генпримар, Чебан Organizations: Cushman &, Стратегия социальноэкономического развития, Муниципальный комитет по надзору Locations: Cushman & Wakefield, Кишинев
0Над Планом обустройства территории и Стратегией социально-экономического развития Кишинёва, которая является первым этапом плана, работа ведётся с июня 2020 года. По его словам, Кишинёву необходим Стратегический план развития – План обустройства территории. Это первый шаг в определении видения и основ развития – социального, экономического, экологического и демографического. Мы намерены определить всё, что важно для развития сообщества, для экономического роста и повышения качества жизни жителей муниципия, – отметил Чебан. Стоит отметить, что специалисты московских компаний Master’s Plan и Cushman & Wakefield бесплатно помогают муниципалитету в разработке Плана обустройства территории и Стратегии социально-экономического развития.
Persons: Ион Чебан, Кишиневу, Чебан, Генпримар Organizations: Cushman &, Стратегия социальноэкономического развития, Муниципальный комитет по надзору Locations: Cushman & Wakefield, Кишинев
Cum a inițiat municipalitatea pornirea și procesul de dezvoltare și elaborare a Planului de amenajare a teritoriului? Ion Ceban: „Vreau ca toată lumea să cunoască, că asupra Planului de amenajare a teritoriului și a Strategiei social-economice de dezvoltare a municipiului Chișinău, care reprezintă etapa I a planului, se lucrează din iunie, anul 2020. Este un prim pas de determinare a viziunii de dezvoltare și a principalilor piloni de dezvoltare, începând cu cei sociali, economici, de mediu, până la cei demografici. Ion Ceban: „Pentru ca să fie asigurată sinergia tuturor programelor de dezvoltare a municipiului, să fie asigurate condiții maximale pentru activitatea businessului, care este generatorul dezvoltării. Cu ajutorul Planului de amenajare a teritoriului și a Strategiei socio-economice vom putea avea răspuns și claritate la aceste întrebări”.
Organizations: Chișinău Locations: Chișinău, Wakefield, Moscova, Federația Rusă, Rusă
Un exemplu vine din Marea Britanie, unde o femeie experimentează aceste simptome la nu mai puțin de șapte luni de la infectare. Iar atunci când nu mă dor genunchii, am probleme din cauza pulsului care o ia razna și a respirației îngreunate. E o lume cu totul diferită, am 46 de ani și mă simt ca și cum aș avea 96. M-am săturat. M-am săturat să aștept un răspuns din partea doctorilor.
Persons: Sarah Wakefield, Sarah Organizations: BBC Locations: Bridgend
Reprezentanții domeniului HoReCa vin cu vești rele și preconizează că, până la sfârșitul lui 2020, aproximativ 100.000 de locuri de muncă, adică aproape jumătate din total, vor fi pierdute. Zeci de mii de români pe drumuri până la sfârșitul anului, iată care este concluzia sumbră a reprezentanților domeniului HoReCa. Acesta spune că nu are cifre exacte, că a făcut o solicitare la Ministerul Muncii și Protecției Sociale, dar că încă nu a primit un răspuns. Dacă vorbim de 40% din cei 200.000 de angajaţi direcţi din industrie, deja vorbim de 80.000 de oameni”, a precizat Cătălin Ilie. Sursa citată a subliniat că acestea ar fi estimările bazate pe un chestionar făcut de FIHR cu Cushman&Wakefield, în luna august 2020.
Persons: Cătălin Ilie, Dragoș Atanasiu Organizations: BUCUREȘTI, Federației Industriei, Muncii, Protecției Sociale, Alianței, Turism Locations: România, angajaţi, Wakefield, HoReCa
Taste that rich filling for evidence of the Arab influence that infuses Sicilian cuisine: The candied citrus that often flavors the creamy interior remains beloved throughout the Middle East. In the 1990s, the cake became a menu star as a lava cake or molten chocolate cake. A soft, flaky dough is shaped into a plump half-moon that barely contains the sweet filling, then topped with a light blanket of powdered sugar. Variations on medovik differ widely, but the most popular takes incorporate one of two very Russian ingredients into the sweet filling. Sesame Balls, Jian Dui, ChinaShutterstockBite into the crisp shell of a deep-fried jian dui to discover a sweet filling within the golden, sesame-seed-studded exterior.
Persons: Hong, Austria Natasha Breen, it’s, United States Robert Lachman, Fannie, they’ve, Katharine Hepburn, , don’t, ” Cannoli, Johanna Kindvall, Ruth Wakefield, Cornes, Brûlée, France David Carson, Louis, Dan Tats, eggy tarts, beignets, Maine’s, Bob Fila, you’re, Gulab Jamun, gulab, Eid, kashata, Kouign Amann, amann, Dominique Ansel, Brittany, kouign amann, kulfi, Pierre Hermé, Torte, daubing, ma’amoul, they’re, blini, United States Nathan Congleton, Pavlova, Aussies, Anna Pavlova, you’ll, Rigó, Rigó Jancsi, Princesse de Caraman, Saffron, Jian, Anita Chu, jian, Xue Hua Bing, Taipei’s, xue, bing, Sticky Rice, rong, treacle, , Tatin, you’ve, , Tim Krob, tim krob Organizations: CNN, Los Angeles Times, Boston Cooking, Southern, Morocco –, Louis Post, Dispatch, TNS, Chicago Tribune, Gelato, Sudan –, New, NBC, Philadelphia, Taste Research, New Zealand, Kiwis, Midwestern, Le, Central America Locations: Africa, Asia, Italy, Portugal, South, Argentina, Peru, de leche, America, Vienna, Baklava, Turkey, Ottoman, Levant, Balkans, Caucasus, North Africa, Constantinople, Germany, Middle East, East, United States, Fannie Farmer’s, Sicily, Palermo, Sweden, fika, Singapore, pandan, States, Massachusetts, Boston, France, Southern United States, Gazelle, Morocco, Tunisia, Algeria, Moroccan, Tetouan, St, Hong Kong, nata, Macau, Portland, Portland , Oregon, Torta, Hungary, Austro, Europe, Sarajevo, Budapest, Latin America, Spain, Mexico, Chocolat, Gelato, Bologna, India, Persia, York, East Africa, Kifli, Knafeh, Amman, Alexandria, Palestinian, Nablus, Brittany, SoHo, Breton, Kulfi, Mughal, Paris, Austria, Linz, Austrian, Tangier, South Sudan, Sudan, Tanzania, Kenya, Mozambique, Uganda, Medovik, Russia, borscht, New York, Eastern Europe, Philadelphia, Netherlands, Wageningen, Australia, New, New Zealand, Philippines, Manila, Mexico City, Qatayef, Rigó Jancsi, Belgium, Cream, Iran, Persian, Saffron, Tehran, Tehrangeles, China, Taiwan, Midwestern United States, Midwest, Mango, Thailand, Southeast Asia, United Kingdom, Treviso, Umbria, Ulaanbaatar, Tres, Central, United, Oakland
Total: 18