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Japanese-American Nisei soldiers at US Army Military Intelligence Service language school. Not many people know that we had Japanese-Americans fighting the Pacific war. The very first Japanese language school was started by the Army a months before Pearl Harbor. A US Army Nisei soldier gives water to a child in Okinawa. US Army Nisei soldiers interrogating a Japanese prisoner of war.
The lawmakers are co-sponsors of the National Development Strategy and Coordination Act. That's why we've joined forces to jumpstart a national project to restore American manufacturing leadership. This committee would be charged with developing a National Development Strategy, recommending investments to improve national security, strengthen domestic manufacturing, create good-paying jobs and develop new technologies. Second, our proposal — the National Development Strategy and Coordination Act — would give this committee the authority to direct the Department of Treasury's Federal Financing Bank to achieve its goals. This would bring overdue strategic coordination to our federal loan system and inject much-needed long-term capital into critical industries.
CNBC Pro looked at stocks that are poised to lose the most in 2023 based on the average analyst price target, according to FactSet. Asset manager Franklin Resources has the most downside next year, set to lose 12%, according to the average analyst price target on FactSet. Also making the list is food giant General Mills , which has nearly 8% downside to the average analyst price target. The stock has nearly 7% downside to the average analyst price target, per FactSet. Lastly, Etsy has nearly 4% downside to the average analyst price target.
Control of Congress was once so close, Republicans lost power before they ever met in Washington DC. Fourteen representatives-elect died after election day in 1931 and before the start of the new term. The special elections largely went to Democrats, flipping control of the House before the start of the term. Similarly, the 1930 election followed another major economic event: The 1929 stock market crash. With each new special election that took place, the country plunged further into a Depression, giving Democrats an edge to win their races.
The Biden administration on Friday reversed a 1954 decision by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) to revoke the security clearance of Robert Oppenheimer, known as the “father of the atomic bomb” for his work on the Manhattan Project. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in a written order that the since-dissolved AEC acted out of political motives when it revoked Oppenheimer’s security clearance nearly 70 years ago. He oversaw the first atomic bomb detonation in the New Mexico desert, code-named “Trinity,” before the weapons were used in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Following the war, Oppenheimer opposed nuclear proliferation and development of the hydrogen bomb, stances that Granholm suggested in her order led the AEC to revoke his security clearance. of Energy Granholm for vacating the AEC’s flawed 1954 decision to revoke Robt Oppenheimer’s security clearance,” Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont said on Twitter.
Dec 16 (Reuters) - The Biden administration on Friday reversed a 1954 decision by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) to revoke the security clearance of Robert Oppenheimer, known as the "father of the atomic bomb" for his work on the Manhattan Project. Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in a written order that the since-dissolved AEC acted out of political motives when it revoked Oppenheimer's security clearance nearly 70 years ago. He oversaw the first atomic bomb detonation in the New Mexico desert, code-named "Trinity", before the weapons were used in the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Following the war, Oppenheimer opposed nuclear proliferation and development of the hydrogen bomb, stances that Granholm suggested in her order led the AEC to revoke his security clearance. of Energy Granholm for vacating the AEC’s flawed 1954 decision to revoke Robt Oppenheimer’s security clearance," Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont said on Twitter.
Biden had been hopeful that Russian President Vladimir Putin would be more apt to free Griner once America’s midterm elections were done, a calculation that proved correct. Still detained in Russia is Paul Whelan, a businessman whom the White House has also been working to free without success. In a 2012 interview with NBC’s “Meet the Press” when he was vice president, Biden came out in favor of same-sex marriage, and he is expected to sign the measure into law. White House officials acknowledged the headwinds and worried that the midterm elections would be a repudiation of Biden’s record. “When I look at what the Biden White House has done, I think experience and patience really paid off,” said Jennifer Palmieri, who served as White House communications director during the Obama administration.
Thanksgiving Was Born From America’s Struggles
  + stars: | 2022-11-23 | by ( Meir Soloveichik | )   time to read: 1 min
Norman Rockwell’s painting “Freedom From Want” is perhaps the most famous artistic depiction of an American Thanksgiving, showing a family joyfully gathered round an enormous turkey. For Rockwell, the abundance of the meal was the point, reflecting the ideal Franklin Roosevelt named in his famous “Four Freedoms” speech. Equally notable is the tranquility of the family gathering. This year, it’s easy to wonder if Rockwell’s Thanksgiving has any relevance to our own. Soaring inflation has made big dinners less easy to afford, and many family gatherings will feature acrimonious discussions about the state of the country.
Hedge fund Farallon Capital, for instance, bought nearly 7.8 million shares of Twitter during the quarter that ended Sept. 30, while Franklin Resources, the parent company of mutual fund firm Franklin Templeton, added nearly 2.6 million shares to an existing position of less than 100,000 shares. Shares of Twitter fell to as low as $33 during the third quarter before ending September near $44. The value of Twitter shares jumped 23.2% in October when Musk completed the deal on Oct. 27 by paying $54.20 per share. While some funds reaped short-term rewards, other investors left some potential gains on the table by selling before the October rally in Twitter shares. Wells Fargo & Co (WFC.N) sold 3.7 million shares of the company, while ClearBridge Investments LLC sold 1.9 million shares.
Equity analysts have slashed estimates and price targets over recent days as companies continue to report disappointing third-quarter results. Thirteen of these stocks — all part of the MSCI World Index — have median analyst price targets below their current share price, according to FactSet data. Global stocks Other stocks with price targets below current trading levels include Japanese multinational retailer AEON , U.S.-listed Clorox , and U.K. financial services company Abrdn plc. Equity analysts have slashed estimates and price targets over recent days as companies continue to report disappointing third-quarter results. Thirteen of these stocks — all part of the MSCI World Index — have median analyst price targets below their current share price, according to FactSet data.
The Women Who Helped to Build the CIA
  + stars: | 2022-09-24 | by ( Nathalia Holt | )   time to read: +1 min
Elizabeth Sudmeier loitered outside a cafe in Baghdad one day in early 1954, taking care not to draw attention to herself. Sudmeier, one of the female intelligence officers who helped start the CIA, had just stolen Soviet secrets. In her hands were the blueprints for the MiG-19 jet fighter, just gifted by Moscow to the Iraqis to gain favor in the region. After the war, the mission of Donovan’s Office of Strategic Services was broadened and handed to the new Central Intelligence Agency, which was created 75 years ago this month. Many operatives, including women first hired by Donovan, continued in their roles.
Amy Cooper later told NBC New York that she had overreacted and was sorry for the incident. The following day, Franklin Templeton tweeted out that it had terminated Amy Cooper’s employment. Lawyers for Amy Cooper did not immediately respond to an overnight request for comment from NBC News. Franklin Templeton also did not immediately respond to an overnight request for comment. Manhattan prosecutors charged Amy Cooper in July 2020 with filing a false police report, which is a misdemeanor, but the charge was dropped months later after she completed therapy.
REUTERS/Chip EastCompanies Franklin Resources Inc FollowNEW YORK, Sept 21 (Reuters) - The white woman who falsely told police she was threatened by a Black bird-watcher in New York City's Central Park has lost a lawsuit accusing her former employer Franklin Templeton of illegally firing her and portraying her as racist. Franklin Templeton, part of San Mateo, California-based Franklin Resources Inc (BEN.N), said it "responded appropriately" to the incident and was pleased with the dismissal. Franklin Templeton fired Amy Cooper the next day, and she was branded on social media as "Central Park Karen," incorporating a pejorative for an entitled white woman. Cooper argued that the defendants' statements implied that Franklin Templeton had uncovered details about her alleged racism not evident from the video, but the judge disagreed. The case is Cooper v Franklin Templeton et al, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York, No.
It's fascinating as history, but sobering as current events. Yet they took a back seat to the more pressing fight against Hitler, first in his quiet support for England, and later with America's entry into the war. Understanding the US's role during the Holocaust requires going back before it, contemplating anti-immigrant sentiment that percolated through the 1920s, auto magnate Henry Ford's virulent anti-Semitism and interest in eugenics and racial superiority. As historian Timothy Snyder notes, Hitler expressed admiration for brutality toward Native-Americans in seizing their lands, seeing it as "The way that racial superiority is supposed to work." Broken into three chapters, the first encompasses the prewar period, the second 1938-42 and the third the conclusion of the war and its aftermath.
Preşedintele american Joe Biden a ajuns miercuri seară în Regatul Unit, unde va participa la summit-ul G7, prima etapă a unui turneu european în cadrul căruia va lua parte la summit-ul NATO și se va întâlni cu omologul său rus Vladimir Putin. BBC transmite că în prima sa călătorie în străinătate de la preluarea mandatului, Joe Biden a salutat angajamentul neclintit al Americii faţă de NATO şi a avertizat Rusia că se va confrunta cu consecinţe „puternice şi semnificative” dacă se angajează în activităţi nocive. Biden și-a exprimat clar intenția de a consolida legăturile cu aliații SUA, în urma unor relații tensionate sub administrația Trump. Joi, 10 iunie, preşedintele SUA, Joe Biden, are programată o întrevedere cu premierul britanic Boris Johnson. Tot BBC scrie că Biden se va întâlni cu premierul Boris Johnson pentru a conveni o nouă „Cartă a Atlanticului”.
Persons: Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin, Biden, Trump, Boris Johnson, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Laura Kuenssberg, rus Vladimir Putin Organizations: NATO, BBC Locations: Regatul Unit, străinătate, Americii, Rusia, SUA, Atlanticului, Castelul Windsor, rus, Geneva
O monedă americană din aur, de colecţie, a fost vândută cu 18,87 de milioane de dolari în cadrul unei sesiuni organizate de casa de licitaţii Sotheby's la New York, un record, anunţă AFP, citează Ea nu a fost pusă niciodată în circulaţie deoarece preşedintele american de la acea vreme, Franklin Roosevelt, începuse sfârşitul convertibilităţii monedei americane în aur. Statele Unite nu au mai emis niciodată monede din aur, în afară de o serie limitată, de colecţie. La finalul acestei vânzări, directoarea Monetăriei Statelor Unite i-a acordat lui Stuart Weitzman un certificat de monetizare, care a transformat obiectul într-o monedă americană oficială. Stuart Weitzman a intrat în posesia acestui timbru de 1 cent, imprimat în 1856, în 2014 pentru 9,4 milioane de dolari, care rămâne şi astăzi record în materie.
Persons: american Augustus Saint, Franklin Roosevelt, Egiptului, american Stuart Weitzman, Stuart Weitzman Organizations: Monetăria, Monetăria Statelor Unite, american, Unite, British Locations: New York, Monetăria Statelor, american, Statele Unite, britanic, British Guiana, Magenta, Guyana britanică, Guyana
Sursa foto: Profimedia ImagesO monedă din aur s-a vândut cu suma record de 18,9 milioane de dolariO monedă de colecţie, din aur, a fost vândută în Statele Unite pentru 18,9 milioane de dolari, în urma unei licitaţii organizată la New York. Este cel mai mare preț plătit vreodată pentru o monedă. Moneda a fost vândută de designerul şi colecţionarul de pantofi Stuart Weitzman, care a achiziţionat-o în 2002 pentru suma record la acea dată de 7,6 milioane de dolari, relatează Reuters. Stuart Weitzman a obţinut acest timbru de un cent, imprimat în 1856, în anul 2014 contra sumei de 9,4 milioane de dolari, un record neegalat pentru o piesă similară. În urma licitaţiei de marţi, a fost vândut pentru un preţ mai mic, de 8,3 milioane de dolari.
Persons: Stuart, american Augustus Saint, Franklin Roosevelt, Egiptului, Stuart Weitzman Organizations: Reuters, Monetăria, Monetăria Statelor Unite, Unite, British Locations: Statele Unite, New York, Monetăria Statelor, american, britanic, justiţie, British Guiana, Magenta, Guiana, Guyana Britanică, Guyana
His committee oversees surface transportation, and he loves trains, just like "Amtrak Joe." "Then they named it after Joe Biden, and my staff was so ticked off. Sen. Thomas Carper and then-Vice President Joe Biden speak at the former GM Boxwood Plant in October 2009 in Wilmington, Delaware. Tom Carper and Chris Coons speak to reporters after meeting with President Joe Biden at the White House in February, 2021. As he left, "Tell Joe Biden we love him," the ticket counter attendant said.
Total: 18