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Xavier Niel can feast on European telco misery
  + stars: | 2023-03-27 | by ( Pamela Barbaglia | )   time to read: +5 min
LONDON, March 27 (Reuters Breakingviews) - Xavier Niel is set to be more than a spectator in the looming consolidation of Europe’s telecoms industry. It earned EBITDA after leases of 3.3 billion euros last year. Those shareholdings have a combined market value of 1.2 billion euros, though they were partly funded through derivatives, potentially limiting the tycoon’s cash outlay. On a multiple of 6 times last year’s EBITDA of 652 million euros it’s worth little more than the 3.5 billion euros Niel and other investors paid in 2017. Smaller investments in Monaco Telecom and holdings in Senegal and the Comoros are probably worth a combined billion euros, bankers estimate.
A successful no-confidence vote would fell the government and kill the legislation, which is set to raise the retirement age by two years to 64. Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire on Sunday called the votes "a moment of truth" for the government. Senior officials from the conservative Les Republicains (LR) party have said they will not get behind the no-confidence motions. Le Monde calculated that at least 26 LR lawmakers would need to back the motion for it to succeed. Even if the motions flop, Macron's failure to find enough support in parliament to put his pension system overhaul to a vote has undermined his reformist agenda and weakened his leadership, observers say.
PARIS, March 1 (Reuters) - French technology consultancy Atos (ATOS.PA) is in talks with Czech businessman Daniel Kretinsky about the possible sale of its Tech Foundations business, Le Monde reported on Wednesday. According to our information, the management is also talking with Daniel Kretinsky ... who for his part is interested in the group's historic business of IT services Tech Foundations," the French newspaper said. Kretinsky holds a minority stake in Le Monde. Spokespeople for Kretinsky and Atos declined to comment. In October, Atos said it had been approached by several players interested in buying Tech Foundations, which groups activities the company defines as approaching maturity, such as data centres and business process outsourcing.
SAN FRANCISCO, Feb 3 (Reuters) - An Iranian government-backed hacking team allegedly stole and leaked private customer data belonging to French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, security researchers at Microsoft said on Friday. The caricatures were part of a media campaign that Charlie Hebdo said was intended to support anti-government protests in the Islamic nation. A press officer for Charlie Hebdo said the magazine had no comment on the matter "for the moment." loadingThe hack-and-leak targeting Charlie Hebdo was part of a wider digital influence operation with techniques matching previously identified activity linked to Iranian state-backed hacking teams, Microsoft researchers said in a report. Two accounts impersonating a Charlie Hebdo editor and a technology executive also posted the leaked data before Twitter banned them, Microsoft said.
PARIS, Jan 28 (Reuters) - France has extended mandatory COVID tests for travellers from China until Feb. 15, a government decree published on Saturday showed. While Chinese officials have said infections have peaked, some global experts have warned about the possibility of a rise in cases in rural areas less equipped to deal with them as millions of Chinese travel for family reunions during the Lunar New Year holiday. On Dec. 30, France announced it would require travellers from China to provide a negative COVID-19 test result less than 48 hours before departure as China eased lockdown rules. The measure, which had been set to last until Jan. 31, imposed tests on all flights from China - including flights with stopovers - and required travellers on airplanes arriving from China to wear masks. China abandoned its strict "zero COVID" policy in early December after protests against the restrictions, allowing people to travel and the virus to spread rapidly throughout the country.
France is also considering sending its Leclerc tanks to Ukraine. A French Leclerc tank during an exercise in Germany in November 2019. Some claim it performed better than the M1 Abrams tanks that Saudi Arabia has used in that conflict. The Leclerc's lighter weight may make it more maneuverable than the other Western tanks headed to Ukraine. But other than Rafale jet fighters, the most powerful weapon — symbolically and militarily — that France could provide would be Leclerc tanks.
PARIS, Jan 16 (Reuters) - A French court has dismissed charges of complicity in war crimes against oil major TotalEnergies, lawyers for the NGOs who brought the charge said in a statement. Lawyers for the groups said they had been informed that the public prosecutor had dismissed the complaint. TotalEnergies did not immediately respond to a request for comment about the ruling. It had denied the accusations in October in a statement to French daily Le Monde. Reporting by Silvia Aloisi and America Hernandez, writing by GV De Clercq; Editing by Hugh LawsonOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
WASHINGTON, Nov 28 (Reuters) - The United States should end its prosecution of Julian Assange, leading media outlets from the United States and Europe that had collaborated with the WikiLeaks founder said on Monday, citing press freedom concerns. Assange is wanted by U.S. authorities on 18 counts, including a spying charge, related to WikiLeaks' release of confidential U.S. military records and diplomatic cables. Monday marked twelve years since those media outlets collaborated to release excerpts from over 250,000 documents obtained by Assange in the so-called "Cablegate" leak. If extradited to the United States, he faces a sentence of up to 175 years in an American maximum security prison. "Publishing is not a crime," the media outlets said in their letter on Monday.
The running of the World Cup is the only opportunity that Qatar sees for redemption," said Marc Owen Jones, an associate professor at Hamad Bin Khalifa University. "The markers of a successful World Cup would be as a nation-branding exercise, to position Qatar as an important sports hub in the Middle East and the wider Arab world," he said. 'HYPOCRISY'The first Middle Eastern country to host the World Cup, Qatar hailed it as a regional milestone when it was awarded the tournament in 2010. "The reasons given for boycotting the World Cup do not add up. Pressing back against its criticism, Qatar points to labour reforms aimed at protecting migrant workers from exploitation and says the system is a work in progress.
Nov 4 (Reuters) - People calling for a boycott of the World Cup in Qatar are from a handful of countries that do not represent the rest of the world which is looking forward to the tournament, Qatar's Minister of Foreign Affairs Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani has said. Qatar is the first Middle Eastern country to host the World Cup but the small nation has come under intense pressure in recent years for its treatment of foreign workers and restrictive social laws. "The reasons given for boycotting the World Cup do not add up. Several participating teams such as England, Australia, Denmark and the Netherlands have highlighted the plight of migrant workers in Qatar. The letter was criticised by Amnesty, which has led calls for FIFA to compensate migrant workers in Qatar for human rights abuses by setting aside $440 million.
REUTERS/Pedro NunesLISBON, Nov 2 (Reuters) - Mark MacGann, the whistleblower behind the so-called Uber Files, said on Wednesday that the ride-hailing company seemed to be taking steps toward improving its work culture but that its business model was still "absolutely" unsustainable. MacGann said Uber's current CEO, Dara Khosrowshahi, and his executive team "have done a lot of good things, but they have so, so far to go." "My message to Uber is: 'you've done well, (but) you can do it so much better (because) the current model is absolutely not sustainable,'" MacGann told a news conference during Europe's largest tech conference, the Web Summit, in Lisbon. He said Uber recently reiterated that the "core of its business model is independent contractors, since everybody wants to be self-employed, everybody wants flexibility." "Uber is pumping tens of millions of dollars in Europe, United States, other parts of the world fighting legislation," he said.
Oct 31 (Reuters) - Britain is no longer intervening in Czech billionaire Daniel Kretinsky's plan to increase his stake in Royal Mail parent International Distributions Services (IDSI.L), sending the company's shares up more than 7% on Monday. In August, Royal Mail said it had been notified by then business minister Kwasi Kwarteng that he was exercising powers to look into proposals by Kretinsky's vehicle, Vesa Equity Investment, under the National Security and Investment Act. The Royal Mail review came days after the government decided not to take action over billionaire Patrick Drahi's stake in telecoms firm BT (BT.L). Vesa, Royal Mail's biggest shareholder which is ultimately controlled by Kretinsky and his business partner Patrik Tkac, in August said it had voluntarily contacted the government to inform them of its intention to increase its stake in Royal Mail, which is currently just over 22%. "Vesa Equity Investment welcomes the decision ... and reiterate our commitment to continuing long term investment presence in the U.K., including our partnership with Royal Mail," a spokesperson said.
Producătorii de şampanie din Franţa sunt nevoiţi să-şi modifice etichetele dacă vor să-şi continue exporturile în Rusia. Preşedintele rus Vladimir Putin a aprobat vineri un amendament de lege care produce deranj în Franţa. Conform acestui amendament, denumirea „şampanie” este acceptată doar pentru producătorii ruşi, în timp ce producătorii străini pot să-şi vândă băuturile alcoolice de acest tip având „vin spumant” pe etichetă. Acest amendament arată în mod evident că Rusia nu ţine cont de eforturile Franţei în privinţa protejării şampaniei, relatează corespondentul „Le Monde” la Moscova. Luând act de decizie, grupul francez Moët-Hennessy şi-a suspendat în weekend exporturile de şampanie către Rusia.
Persons: Vladimir Putin, Moët - Hennessy Locations: Franţa, Rusia, Moscova
Sursa foto: ProfimediaChina riscă izolarea internaţională; Ce se întâmplă cu ancheta privind originea CovidPresiunile asupra autorităților chineze devin din ce în ce mai mari. China riscă izolarea internaţională, dacă nu cooperează în ancheta privind originea virsului, spune consilierul pentru securiate din Statele Unite, Jake Sullivan. La capătul întâlnirilor pe care le-a avut în Europa, a luat apărarea Chinei și a spus că autoritățile de acolo fac eforturi să coopereze. Acestea nu au luat în calcul ipoteza originii de laborator a virusului decât anul acesta. Totul, în condițiile în care tot ce a fost publicat în China despre originea virusului a apărut doar după aprobarea guvernului.
Persons: Jake Sullivan, Joe Biden, Totul Organizations: Albă, News Locations: China, Statele Unite, Europa, Chinei
Молодой человек потерял руку и несколько полицейских получили травмы после того, как правоохранительные органы пытались остановить несанкционированную вечеринку во французском городе Редон. Здесь сотни молодых людей собрались в торговом районе, чтобы отметить фестиваль. Его друзья эвакуировали его в больницу Редон. Десятки других молодых людей получили травмы. « Tout le monde déteste la police » crient les teufeurs qui sont de plus en plus nombreux.
Persons: Предупрежденные Locations: Редон
Statele Unite au spionat lideri politici din Europa, printre care cancelarul german Angela Merkel, cu ajutorul serviciilor daneze de informaţii, arată rezultatele unei investigații jurnalistice desfășurate în comun de mai multe posturi de televiziune și publicații europene. Postul public danez Danmarks Radio (DR) susține că Agenţia americană pentru Securitate Naţională (NSA) s-a conectat la cablurile de telecomunicaţii daneze pentru a spiona responsabili de prim-plan şi oficiali cu rang înalt din Germania, Suedia, Norvegia şi Franţa. Pentru a face acest lucru, NSA a beneficiat de colaborarea serviciilor daneze de informaţii militare (FE), în virtutea unor acorduri încheiate. Postul danez a dezvăluit aceste informaţii după o anchetă desfăşurată în comun cu canalul suedez SVT, canalul norvegian NRK, canalele germane NDR, WDR şi cotidianul Suddeutsche Zeitung, precum şi cu ziarul francez Le Monde, relatează AFP, citată de Agerpres. Încă din noiembrie 2020, DR relatase că Statele Unite au utilizat cablurile daneze pentru a spiona industria de apărare daneză şi europeană, din 2012 până în 2015.
Persons: german Angela Merkel, NSA, Angela Merkel, Frank, Walter Steinmeier, francez Le, Bransen Organizations: Securitate Naţională, german, NDR, DR, Apărării Locations: Statele Unite, Europa, Germania, Suedia, Norvegia, Franţa, FE, francez, francez Le Monde, Chestionat, danez, Suediei, Norvegiei
Президент Франции Эммануэль Макрон объявил о введении нового общенационального локдауна во Франции. В стране начинает действовать комендантский час, школы и детские сады закрываются. С 3 апреля на все регионы Франции распространяются карантинные меры, действовавшие до этого только в 19 департаментах, объявил президент Франции Эмманюэль Макрон, передает Le Monde. На три недели будут закрыты детские сады, школы и колледжи. Ужесточение карантинных мер президент Франции связал с всплеском заболеваемости коронавирусом и активным распространением британского штамма SARS-CoV-2.
Persons: Эммануэль Макрон, Эмманюэль Макрон, Макрон Locations: Франция
Материнская компания Google и французская ассоциация издателей подписали соглашения об авторских правах, согласно которым компания будет платить за контент СМИ, используемый в своих сервисах, пишет Reuters. Уже несколько лет медиакомпании критиковали Google за использование контента и отказ выплачивать вознаграждения авторам, писало Bloomberg в июне 2020 года. В 2014 году из-за требования платить издателям контента Google закрыла отделение News в Испании. В компании заявили, что сервисы вроде Google News привлекают трафик на сайты СМИ и таким образом помогают им зарабатывать. В 2019 году Apple в США представила сервис для чтения статей разных журналов в приложении Apple News.
Persons: Figaro, L'Obs Organizations: Google, Reuters, Bloomberg, Spiegel, Associados, Apple Apple, Apple, ABC, Wall Street, The Washington Post Bloomberg, СМИ Locations: Германия, Австралия, Бразилия, Испания, США
Европейское агентство лекарственных средств (ЕАЛС) сообщило о давлении, которое было оказано на организацию при сертификации нескольких вакцин от COVID-19, включая Pfizer. Один из сотрудников агентства них был возмущен тем, как глава Еврокомиссии Урсулы фон дер Ляйен настаивала на одобрении вакцины Pfizer-BioNTech и Moderna до конца года. По признанию одного из сотрудников ЕМА с обоими препаратами имеются проблемы, сообщает Cenzura. Напомним, что Еврокомиссия разрешила использование вакцины Pfizer-BioNTech 21 декабря прошлого года. Как отмечалось ранее, в Молдову вероятнее всего будут организованы поступления вакцин Pfizer и Moderna.
Persons: Урсулы фон дер Ляйен Organizations: Европейское агентство лекарственных средств (ЕАЛС), Европейское агентство по лекарственным средствам (ЕМА), Еврокомиссия, ЕМА Locations: Евросоюз, США, Молдова
В мире Лицензия на вакцину Pfizer-BioNTech была выдана под давлением чиновников ЕСЕвропейское агентство лекарственных средств (ЕАЛС) столкнулось с давлением при сертификации нескольких вакцин от COVID-19, включая Pfizer. Наибольший вопрос у исследователей вызвало несоответствие составов коммерческих партий вакцины Pfizer и тех партий, которые применялись в ходе клинических испытаний. Один из сотрудников агентства возмущается высказыванием главы Еврокомиссии Урсулы фон дер Ляйен, которая настаивала на одобрении вакцины Pfizer-BioNTech и Moderna до конца года. При этом, как заявил один из сотрудников ЕМА, с обоими препаратами имеются проблемы. Еврокомиссия разрешила использование вакцины Pfizer-BioNTech 21 декабря прошлого года.
Persons: Урсула фон дер Ляйен Organizations: ЕСЕвропейское агентство лекарственных средств (ЕАЛС), Европейское агентство по лекарственным средствам (ЕМА), Еврокомиссия, ЕМА Locations: ЕС, Евросоюз
Tribunalul penal special din Paris a condamnat miercuri mai mulţi indivizi acuzaţi de implicare în comiterea atacurilor teroriste, conform publicaţiilor Le Monde şi Le Figaro. Mohamed Belhoucine este considerat un apropiat al lui Amedy Coulibaly, autorul atacului de la magazinul Hyper Cacher. Hayat Boumeddiene, fosta parteneră a lui Amedy Coulibaly, a fost condamnată la 30 de ani de închisoare, tot pentru complicitate. În cazul lui Mehdi Belhoucine, fratele lui Mohamed Belhoucine, instanţa a constatat circumstanţe care împiedică posibilitatea aplicării procedurii penale. Mehdi Belhoucine este considerat mort în Siria, dar el a fost condamnat deja într-un alt proces, finalizat în ianuarie.
Persons: Charlie Hebdo, Said, Le, Figaro, Mohamed Belhoucine, Amedy, Hayat, Boumeddiene, Ali Riza, Ramdani, Willy Prévost, Metin, Michel Catino, Miguel Martinez, Said Makhlouf, Mohamed Farès, Christophe Raumel, Mehdi, instanţa Locations: Paris, Franţei, Siria, francez
Intervenţia poliţiştilor, sâmbăta trecută, contra producătorului de muzică Michel Zecler sunt de o rară violenţă. O ploaie de lovituri - pumni şi genunchi în gură, picioare în burtă, bulane peste cap – nimic nu l-a cruţat pe Michel. In urma acestor violenţe, Gérald Darmanin a estimat şi el că «imaginile sunt extrem de şocante. Colegul lui de la Justiţie, Eric Dupond-Moretti, s-a declarat «scandalizat de imagini» dar a cerut să nu se facă amalgame. Astfel, Antoine Griezman, atacant-vedetă al naţionalei franceze de fotbal, a postat o imagini pe Twitter cu faţa tumefiată a lui Michel sub titlul «Mă doare Franţa mea».
Persons: Intervenţia, Michel Zecler, Michel ., Didier Lallement, Rémy Heitz, Michel, Eric Dupond, Emmanuel Macron, Christophe Castaner, Jean, Luc, Anne Hidalgo, Malik Salemkour, Le, Antoine Griezman, Kylian, PSG, Rudy Gobert Organizations: francez Locations: Parisului, Republicii, Justiţie, poliţie
Peter Szijjarto, ministrul ungar de externe, a declarat că Ungaria ar putea primi până la un milion de doze de vaccin împotriva coronavirusului din China. Ministrul maghiar al afacerilor externe, Peter Szijjarto, a anunțat că Ungaria a importat mai multe doze de vaccin Sputnik V, devenind astfel primul stat din Uniunea Europeană (UE) care va utiliza vaccinul rusesc, transmite Le Monde. „Experţii ungari vor avea ocazia să studieze vaccinul în următoarea perioadă şi să ia o decizie bine-fundamentată privind potenţiala utilizare şi aprobare”, a declarat acesta. Înainte de a fi produs sau utilizat în orice stat membru UE, vaccinul Sputnik V trebuie autorizat de Agenţia Europeană a Medicamentului, scrie „Întrebarea este dacă un stat membru UE ar vrea să le administreze cetăţenilor un vaccin care nu a fost revizuit de Agenţia Europeană a Medicamentului.
Persons: Peter Szijjarto, Viktor Orban, Vladimir Putin Organizations: ungar, Uniunea Europeană, UE, Comisia Europeană, Sputnik Locations: Ungaria, China, Budapesta, Ungariei, UE, ungar
RFI a anunţat, că regina Elisabeta a Marii Britanii, fostul premier francez Laurent Fabius, actorii Alain Delon şi Line Renaud, precum şi omul de afaceri Bernard Tapie au murit, cu toate că aceştia sunt în viaţă. „O problemă tehnică a condus la publicarea eronată a mai multor necrologuri pe site-ul nostru", a precizat într-un comunicat RFI, care a cerut scuze celor vizaţi. Necrologurile needitate au apărut automat pe site-uri partenere, inclusiv Yahoo, MSN şi Twitter, a notat radiodifuzorul. RFI a şters rapid necrologurile publicate, însă răul fusese deja făcut. Unii s-au amuzat, spre exemplu Line Renaud, care a publicat pe Twitter o fotografie în care râde, alături de câinele ei.
Persons: regina Elisabeta a Marii, francez Laurent Fabius, Alain Delon, Renaud, Bernard Tapie, Necrologurile, Alţii Organizations: RFI, Yahoo, MSN Locations: regina Elisabeta a Marii Britanii, francez
Sandu a obținut un triumf răsunător, scrie BBC. Potrivit jurnaliștilor, pe noul președinte îl așteaptă acum provocări uriașe, legate în special de gestionarea pandemiei de COVID - 19, dar și a economiei celui mai sărac stat din Europa. Euronews titrează că Maia Sandu a fost susținută de diaspora care a înregistrat o rată uriașă de participare la vot. Agenția de presă Al Jazeera scrie despre mobilizarea impresionantă a diasporei la vot. Le Monde notează că destinul Republicii Moldova, o țară gestionată catastrofal de la independență până în prezent, a luat o turnură surpinzătoare pe 15 noiembrie, când Maia Sandu a obținut o victorie clară.
Persons: Sandu, Igor Dodon, Euronews, Maia Sandu, Reuters, Jazeera, Vladimir Putin . Organizations: BBC, Agenția Locations: Europa, Kremlin, Republica Moldova, Rusia, Occident, Legislativ, Republicii Moldova, Moldova, Moscova
Total: 25