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[1/2] Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, waves from the vehicle as he leaves from Lahore to appear before Islamabad High Court, in Lahore, Pakistan March 18, 2023. 'GOVT INTENDS TO ARREST ME'The court has previously issued arrest warrants for Khan in the case as he had failed to appear on previous hearings despite summons. On his assurance that he would appear on Saturday, the court granted Khan protection against arrest, but he said he feared the police and government planned to take him into custody. There were reports of fresh clashes between police and supporters of Khan and his party, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) in Lahore. (This story has been corrected to show Khan is to appear in court, not appearing in court, in the headline.
A few hundred Khan supporters gathered outside his house after a police team arrived from Islamabad to arrest him on a court order, government spokesman Amir Mir told Reuters. Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) workers started the violence, which injured several police officials, Mir said, adding, "If Imran Khan ensures his presence in the court, it will be good, otherwise the law will take its course." "If something happens to me, or sent to jail, or they kill me, you've to prove that this nation will continue to struggle even without Imran Khan." Several of Khan's supporters were injured when the police resorted to teargas shelling, witnesses said. The workers started pelting the police with stones and bricks, and in response police directed a water cannon at them and in some cases baton charged them, he said.
The clashes erupted in the eastern city of Lahore ahead of a Khan's planned rally to kick-start his election campaign, but which the government then banned. The former premier has been demanding snap polls since he was ousted in a parliament vote of confidence last year. Twelve workers of Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party were arrested, he added. Khan's aide Shafqat Mahmood said several of the workers were injured in the clashes, which, he termed, "fascist tactics." Live TV footage showed the police using extensive teargas shelling on several spots around Khan's Lahore home, with a couple of the workers seen bleeding.
A student traveling on an American Airlines flight was accused of urinating on another passenger. He is banned from traveling on American Airlines, the airline later said. American Airlines did not immediately respond to Insider's request for comment. Delhi Police said legal action is being taken on the basis of a complaint from American Airlines, per PTI. Wells Fargo fired an employee who was also accused of urinating on a fellow Air India passenger mid-flight, Insider reported.
LAHORE, Pakistan, Dec 17 (Reuters) - Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan announced on Saturday that his party would dissolve two provincial assemblies next week, earlier than scheduled, in an attempt to build pressure on the federal government to hold early general elections. Khan's party controls two of the country's four provincial assemblies. "Next Friday (Dec. 23), we will dissolve the Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa assemblies," Khan said while addressing a gathering of his supporters in the eastern city of Lahore. If the two provincial assemblies are dissolved earlier, separate polls would have to be held for them within 90 days, which could throw up legal problems. He added that elections in the two provinces would mean holding polls in 66% of the country, and so the government might as well hold general elections.
Khan has been holding country-wide protests to push the government for early elections since being ousted from power in April. He named Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif and a senior military official of plotting his assassination, but both the government and military have denied involvement. On Saturday, Khan arrived on stage using a walking frame and addressed the crowd from behind bulletproof glass. He said he had been told by various security sources there was still a threat to his life. PTI has already resigned from the federal parliament, but remains in power in two provinces and two administrative units.
NEW DELHI, Nov 8 (Reuters) - India stands to gain from a price cap on Russian oil and the United States hopes that it will take advantage of it, U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said ahead of a visit to India this week, media reported on Tuesday. The G7 nations plan to cap prices of sea-borne oil shipments from Dec. 5, with a second cap on oil products from Feb. 5. India imports 85% of its crude needs and has emerged as Russia's second-largest oil customer after China, taking advantage of discounted Russian oil shunned by some Western buyers. "But even if they use other financial services, we believe the price cap will give them leverage to negotiate good discounts from world markets. Yellen will travel to India on Friday to participate in a meeting of the U.S.-India Economic and Financial Partnership.
Thursday's activities began at around 8 a.m. when supporters of Khan's PTI party gathered in the streets, with crowds swelling into the thousands throughout the day. "Imran Khan arrived and we welcomed him, we never thought about any attack; people were chanting, workers were dancing,” said PTI supporter and witness Qadir Khan. "I heard a burst of shots after which I saw Imran Khan and his aides fall down on the truck," witness Qazzafi Butt said. In the chaos and confusion touched off by the gunfire, supporters clamoured to know what had happened to Khan. "People chanted that they would lay down their lives for Imran Khan," he added.
[1/2] A truck is seen at a crime scene after a shooting incident on a long march by Pakistan former Prime Minister Imran Khan, in Wazirabad, Pakistan November 4, 2022. REUTERS/Akhtar SoomroWAZIRABAD, Pakistan, Nov 4 (Reuters) - The party of former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan, who was shot and injured in an apparent assassination attempt, said country-wide protests would be held on Friday as tensions remained high in the South Asian nation. "Today, after Friday prayers, there will be protests across the country, which will continue until Imran Khan's demand is met," Asad Umar, a close Khan aide, said on Twitter. Khan's supporters began gathering again early on Friday at the spot of the apparent assassination attempt and called on the former prime minister to restart his march on Islamabad. Sharif has also called for a transparent inquiry into the shooting, which occurred in an area where Khan's party is in government.
There was a lot of bleeding," Fawad Chaudhry, a spokesperson for Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party, told Reuters. "I heard a burst of bullet shots after which I saw Imran Khan and his aides fall down on the truck," witness Qazzafi Butt told Reuters. "Later, a gunman shot a single shot but was grabbed by an activist of Khan's party." [1/7] Former Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan is helped after he was shot in the shin in Wazirabad, Pakistan November 3, 2022 in this still image obtained from video. Her father and former prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was hanged in the same city in 1979 after being deposed in a military coup.
Former Pakistani PM Imran Khan was shot and injured at a rally on Thursday. Another video showed Khan waving at the crowd before being taken to hospital. "Imran Khan was shot in the leg but was stable while being taken to hospital. It was posted online by Pakistani media outlet Naya Pakistan. Another video posted on social media appears to show the same incident from a different angle.
Imran Khan, until recently the leader of Pakistan, was shot on Thursday. His political party said he was shot in the leg, and he was stable while he was taken to hospital. Khan's political party, PTI, said Khan "was shot in the leg but was stable while being taken to hospital." PTI shared a video that it said shows Khan, who is 70, waving to supporters after he was shot. Sky News reported that Khan was shot in the leg while speaking to supporters.
The incident prompted Khan to halt the "long march" that he is leading towards Islamabad to pressure the federal government into calling snap elections. His convoy started from the eastern city of Lahore, and is expected to reach Islamabad on Friday. PTI leader Mussarat Jamshed Cheema confirmed that Naeem was run over by Khan's vehicle. The incident occurred as Khan's convoy was near the city of Gujranwala, 220 km (136 miles) from Islamabad. Reporting by Mubasher Bukhari in Lahore, Pakistan; Writing by Gibran Peshimam; editing by Philippa FletcherOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
LAHORE, Pakistan Oct 28 (Reuters) - Pakistan's former prime minister Imran Khan gathered hundreds of supporters in the eastern city of Lahore on Friday to join a caravan of cars and trucks heading for the capital Islamabad to pressure the government into calling snap polls. Khan plans to lead the motorised caravan slowly northwards up the Grand Trunk Road to Islamabad, drawing more support along the way before entering the capital in a week. DONE THIS BEFOREThe growing crowd of Khan supporters in Lahore chanted slogans including “Imran Tere Jannisar, Beshumar, Beshumar", meaning "Imran, countless people are willing to give their life for you". As Khan's supporters assembled in Lahore, large numbers of police were deployed along the 260-kilometres (160-mile) route to Islamabad. Having once been regarded as close to the generals, Khan has accused the military of supporting his opponents move to oust him.
Prakash Singh/AFP/Getty ImagesThe recommendation to free the men was made by an advisory panel appointed by the Gujarat government, led by Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP). Some lawmakers and activists have petitioned the Supreme Court for the men to be rearrested. Some saw the assailants’ release as a deliberate pitch for votes from BJP supporters ahead of the Gujarat state election. The couple want the decision reversed, as do those who have filed petitions with the Supreme Court. “We strongly believe that what happened with Bilkis was wrong and the convicts should be sent back to jail,” he said.
Ziona Chana, liderul unei secte religioase care practica poligamia, a murit duminică, lăsând în urmă 38 de soții, 89 de copii și 36 de nepoți. Vestea morții lui a fost confirmată de ministrul-șef al statului Mizoram, Zoramthanga, care și-a exprimat condolențele pe Twitter, "cu inima grea". Este dificil de stabilit dacă Chana era într-adevăr șeful celei mai mari familii din lume, întrucât sunt și alte persoane care revendică acest titlu. Potrivit Reuters, Chana s-a născut în 1945 și și-a cunoscut prima soție la vârsta de 17 ani. Secta permite poligamia pentru bărbați și a fost fondată de bunicul lui Chana în 1942.
Persons: Ziona, Chana, Reuters Organizations: BBC Locations: Mizoram, China, Indiei
Un număr de 28 de elefanţi au fost testaţi pentru depistarea COVID-19 într-o rezervaţie forestieră din sudul Indiei, au anunţat miercuri autorităţile, după ce moartea unei leoaice a fost pusă pe seama coronavirusului, informează AFP. Leoaica, un exemplar în vârstă de nouă ani care face parte dintr-o specie ameninţată, a murit la începutul lunii iunie în parcul zoologic Arignar Anna din Chennai, în statul vestic Tamil Nadu, potrivit presei locale. Analizele probelor prelevate marţi de la 28 de elefanţi, dintre care două exemplare femele, urmează să fie realizate de Institutul indian pentru cercetare veterinară din statul Uttar Pradesh (nord). ''Animalele nu prezentau niciun simptom, a fost doar o măsură de precauţie'', a precizat reprezentantul parcului. ''Prelevările în sine nu au ridicat nicio dificultate'', a adăugat acesta, aşa cum reiese din imaginile video înregistrate de personalul rezervaţiei în timpul recoltării.
Organizations: New Indian Express, Agerpres, PCR Locations: Indiei, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, New, Uttar Pradesh
Consumatorii își pot regla individual consumul de energie termică
  + stars: | 2021-04-02 | by ( )   time to read: +2 min
Consumatorii își pot regla individual consumul de energie termicăConectarea sau deconectarea și reglarea încălzirii în blocurile locative conectate la sistemul centralizat de termoficare este efectuată la solicitarea consumatorilor, de către gestionarul fondului locativ sau responsabilul de contor, desemnat de majoritatea locatarilor. În cazul în care, pe parcursul zilei, temperaturile aerului exterior sunt ridicate, iar caloriferele sunt supraîncălzite, consumatorii sunt îndemnaţi să solicite intervenția gestionarului fondului locativ sau Termoelectrica, pentru ajustarea consumului de energie termică, transmite IPN. Alimentarea cu energie termică în condiții de siguranță și conform necesităților consumatorilor este obiectivul principal al Termoelectrica, un rol important în realizarea acestuia revenind investițiilor derulate de companie, ce prevăd inclusiv instalarea Punctelor Termice Individuale (PTI) pentru toți consumatorii. Veaceslav Eni, director general al Termoelectrica, a declarat că PTI-urile ajustează automatizat consumul de energie termică, conform setărilor prestabilite, în funcție de temperatura aerului exterior și necesitățile individuale ale consumatorilor, fără a fi necesară intervenția fizică a reprezentanților gestionarului fondului locativ sau Termoelectrica. Termoelectrica asigură furnizarea energiei termice până la branșamentul clădirii (punctul de conectare), iar sistemul ingineresc de încălzire intra-bloc este administrat de locatari, prin intermediul administratorului sau gestionarului fondului locativ.
Persons: Veaceslav Eni Organizations: Facebook
Consumatorii își pot regla individual consumul de energie termică. Unde vă puteți adresaConectarea/deconectarea și reglarea încălzirii în blocurile locative conectate la sistemul centralizat de termoficare este efectuată la solicitarea consumatorilor, de către gestionarul fondului loctiv sau responsabilul de contor, desemnat de majoritatea locatarilor. În cazul în care, pe parcursul zilei, temperaturile aerului exterior sunt ridicate, iar caloriferele sunt supraîncălzite, recomandăm consumatorilor să solicite intervenția gestionarului fondului locativ sau Termoelectrica, pentru ajustarea consumului de energie termică, utilizând următoarele canale:# centrul de apel – 1300 și 022 447 447;# pagina de Facebook a companiei – Termoelectrica S.A.;# aplicația Viber: 069-444-144 (disponibil pentru text, imagini foto și video) pentru raportarea problemelor tehnice. „PTI-urile ajustează automatizat consumul de energie termică, conform setărilor prestabilite, în funcție de temperatura aerului exterior și necesitățile individuale ale consumatorilor, fără a fi necesară intervenția fizică a reprezentanților gestionarului fondului locativ sau Termoelectrica”, a declarat Veaceslav ENI, directorul general al Termoelectrica.
Persons: Veaceslav Organizations: Facebook
На юге Индии один человек скончался и более 500 человек попали в больницу из-за неизвестной болезни. Как сообщили местные власти, в крови пострадавших обнаружили повышенное содержание свинца, никеля и других тяжелых металлов. Эксперты предположили, что причиной болезни может стать отравление хлорорганическими веществами, которые применяют для борьбы с комарами и в сельском хозяйстве. xВ городе Элуру в штате Андхра-Прадеш на юге Индии более 500 человек в минувшие выходные попали в больницу из-за неизвестной болезни. Медицинские эксперты, которые изучают причины вспышки неизвестной болезни в Индии, может стать отравление хлорорганическими веществами.
Persons: Нарасимха Рао Organizations: BBC, PTI, РБК, Бхаратия джаната, Элуру Locations: India, Индия, Элуру, АндхраПрадеш, Дели
Total: 20