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Companies Standard Chartered PLC FollowJuly 31 (Reuters) - China's Ant Group and Standard Chartered (STAN.L) said on Monday they will work together in green finance and global fund management, broadening their existing partnership. The deal is the first high-profile tie-up between Ant and a major foreign bank since authorities cancelled a planned mega-IPO by the fintech giant in 2020. StanChart will help Ant build "an industry-leading global liquidity and foreign exchange management structure", they said in a joint statement. They also plan to enhance collaboration in environmental, social and governance, digital innovation and inclusive finance, the statement said. Ant also hired StanChart as one of the lead arrangers and book runners for the $6.5 billion sustainability-linked syndicated loan it took out last year.
Persons: StanChart, Ant, Roxanne Liu, Selena Li, Edwina Gibbs Organizations: Chartered, Standard Chartered, Thomson Locations: China
Just before I gave birth, a friend sent me a copy of “Operating Instructions” (1993), the writer Anne Lamott’s diary of her first year as a mother. A week or so later I began to read it very slowly, so that my son would be around the same age as Lamott’s was when she wrote each entry (also, I didn’t have a lot of free time). A handful of newish books each address the conflicts between motherhood and creative work in different ways. The realities of motherhood often feel impossible to articulate; other people’s attempts to do so are among the best gifts I could imagine. Pretty PotsA Dutch Oven to Brighten the Kitchen
Whether you're trying your hand at a screenplay like Charlie or brainstorming ideas for an upcoming meeting, there are a few things you can do to unlock your creativity and get the ideas flowing. Sometimes, connecting with someone else is the catalyst that unlocks our own creativity and gets the ideas flowing. "However, I find that once I just start, it creates momentum, because then I have something to work with, and the ideas start to flow and with progress comes confidence!" In her book "Bird by Bird," on the art of writing, Lamott describes the SFD this way: All good writers write them. A former colleague and I used to joke that our ideas were so good, it was bigger than a brainstorm.
MILAN, March 17 (Reuters) - The former head of the remuneration committee and board member of UniCredit (CRDI.MI), Jayne-Anne Gadhia, did not quit the bank due to alleged disagreements over the pay package of CEO Andrea Orcel, the chairman of Italy's No.2 lender said on Friday. UniCredit is proposing hiking Orcel's fixed salary by 30% while a corresponding increase in the variable pay would be tied to the group beating financial targets. Hitting 2023 goals would leave Orcel with the same overall pay of up to 7.5 million euros ($5.33 million) as in 2022, making him one of Europe's best paid bank executives, thanks to a reduction in the compensation's variable component, which will be all in shares and spread over a longer period. "The sug­ges­tion that Dame Jayne-Anne left the bank 'after skir­mishes ... over [chief exec­ut­ive] pay' is false, as we have repeatedly said", Chairman Pier Carlo Padoan said in a letter to the Financial Times, referring to an opinion piece published by the British newspaper on March 13. ($1 = 0.9378 euros)Reporting by Gianluca Semeraro; editing by Federico MaccioniOur Standards: The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
Warburg has approached a number of Chinese investors including local government-backed entities and state-backed financial institutions for the new yuan fund, the people with knowledge of the matter said. The U.S. private equity (PE) firm plans to primarily focus on the healthcare and industrial technology sectors in China with the yuan fund, one of the people said. "RMB (yuan) funds are relatively independent and self-sustainable," he said. Sensitive sectors will remain closed to global private equity groups even if they raise yuan funds, she added. Emerging markets-focused Affirma Capital is also targeting a 2 billion yuan raising in its debut fund and reached first close at 1.5 billion yuan by end-2022, a person close to the situation said.
A federal jury in Virginia on Tuesday found mostly in favor of two police officers who were sued by a U.S. Army lieutenant after he was pepper sprayed, struck and handcuffed during a traffic stop. The jury also awarded Nazario $1,000 in punitive damages after Windsor police officer Daniel Crocker illegally searched Nazario’s SUV, the attorneys said. A federal judge already ruled last year that Crocker was liable for the search. The jury found in favor of Crocker and against Nazario’s claims of assault and battery and false imprisonment, the attorneys said. U.S. District Judge Roderick C. Young had narrowed the scope of Nazario’s lawsuit.
The trial is taking place in Munich's largest and newest courtroom, a bomb-proof underground hall built in the Stadelheim prison complex. Braun, an Austrian born in Vienna, has denied embezzling money from Wirecard and accused others of running a shadow operation without his knowledge. [1/8] Wirecard's former CEO Markus Braun looks on at a courtroom as his trial begins, after the German payments company collapsed in the wake of a fraud scandal in 2020, in Munich, Germany, December 8, 2022. The fraud let Wirecard managers siphon money out of the company with no proper checks and balances. "All three defendants worked together to make Wirecard appear as an extremely successful FinTech company," said Anne Leiding, a spokesperson for the prosecutors.
In this farming community, oil giant Chevron Corp is sending crews as part of a state-wide push to seal leaks. Energy companies are being urged to reduce emissions by cities, investors and governments. Federal rules that will require them to monitor and report on climate-warming methane emissions from larger wells are expected early next year. It plans to deconstruct and plug some 500 old wells in Colorado each year. "I've never had any problem with the oil companies," says Klein, who for 57 years has owned land around where Patriot 16-12 operated and has collected royalties from oil and gas drilling.
It’s the first time in 50 years that a federal grant has been given to study a psychedelic drug as a possible treatment. The study, a randomized controlled trial expected to start later this year, will investigate whether psilocybin, the psychedelic compound found in “magic mushrooms,” can help people quit smoking tobacco. Hopkins researchers will lead the trial, which will be done in collaboration with researchers at NYU Langone Health and the University of Alabama at Birmingham. In a study published in August, researchers found that psilocybin helped drinkers reduce alcohol cravings. Typically in studies using psychedelics, participants receive the drug during a monitored session with a therapist, which can last hours.
The motion was filed in a 2020 lawsuit challenging several abortion restrictions in North Carolina. Three states limit procedural abortions to physicians but allow other non-physician clinicians to provide medication abortions. Medication abortion consists of a two-pill regimen that is federally approved to be taken up to 10 weeks of pregnancy. Relief from the restrictions on advanced practice clinicians would let clinics provide abortions to more patients in a timely manner, she said. Bass said she already provides medication abortions in Virginia, where it is legal.
That's what Citroën has done with a new concept car designed in anticipation of a resourceless world, using cardboard instead of steel for those parts. This and a vertical windscreen designed to reduce the amount of glass needed and save weight make the electric Citroën "Oli" concept car look like a futuristic SUV. "It's more than just a concept car like you're used to seeing," Citroën director of future products Anne Laliron told Reuters. Designers at Dacia, the low-cost brand of Renault (RENA.PA), have also tried their hand at this exercise, coming up with the "Manifesto" concept car. Work on the concept car began in 2019 and has arrived in an era beset by raw material shortages caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the war in Ukraine.
Here are six key financial mistakes I've seen folks in their 30s make, and why you should avoid them:1. Not having an emergency fundHaving an emergency fund is key to avoid debt later in life, when retirement goals should be front and center. Being underinsuredMany people don't like to buy insurance because it means paying for something they hope to never use. One medical emergency or accident on the job, for example, can change your financial trajectory. The faster you can pay those off, the more money you'll have to put towards other financial goals that become increasingly important as you progress in your 30s.
Reclamația a fost depusă în numele a milioane de copii din Marea Britanie și UE care au folosit aplicația extrem de populară în rândul tinerilor. În replică, TikTok a spus: „Confidențialitatea și siguranța sunt priorități de top pentru TikTok și avem politici, procese și tehnologii solide pentru a-i proteja pe toți utilizatorii, în special pe adolescenți. Credem că revendicările nu au temei și intenționăm să ne apărăm energic”. Longfield și-a motivat acțiunea spunând că, deși toate rețelele sociale colectează informații, TikTok a avut politici „excesive” de colectare a datelor. Cu toate acestea, în spatele cântecelor și dansurilor se află ceva mult mai sinistru”, a spus ea.
Persons: Anne Longfield, TikTok, Longfield Organizations: BBC Locations: Anglia, Britanie, UE
Proces din numele a milioane de copii. Rețeaua TikTok a fost dată în judecată pentru colectarea datelor personale ale acestoraTikTok se confruntă cu o plângere în instanță depusă de fostul comisar pentru drepturile copiilor din Anglia, Anne Longfield, cu privire la modul în care platforma colectează și utilizează datele copiilor. Reclamația a fost depusă în numele a milioane de copii din Marea Britanie și UE care au folosit aplicația extrem de populară în rândul tinerilor. În replică, TikTok a spus: „Confidențialitatea și siguranța sunt priorități de top pentru TikTok și avem politici, procese și tehnologii solide pentru a-i proteja pe toți utilizatorii, în special pe adolescenți. Longfield și-a motivat acțiunea spunând că, deși toate rețelele sociale colectează informații, TikTok a avut politici „excesive” de colectare a datelor.
Persons: Anne Longfield, TikTok, Longfield Organizations: BBC Locations: Anglia, Britanie, UE
Sursa foto: Profimedia ImagesElveţia a început pregătirile pentru a elibera certificatele de vaccinare anti-Covid din vara aceastaBiroul Federal Pentru Sănătate Publică din Elveţia a informat miercuri că a început pregătirile pentru a elibera certificatele de vaccinare pentru COVID-19 din vara aceasta, în ideea de „a fi recunoscute internaţional şi a nu putea fi falsificate”. Certificatele verzi digitale vor fi valabile în toate statele membre ale Uniunii, iar Islanda, Liechtenstein, Norvegia și Elveția vor putea recurge la ele. Cu o astfel de dovadă a vaccinării împotriva Covid-19, o persoană vaccinată într-un stat membru va fi recunoscută şi în alt stat membru ca imunizată. Acest aspect ar putea facilita călătoriile, inclusiv în scop turistic, între ţări. Adeverința electronică verde va constitui dovada că deținătorul:• a fost vaccinat împotriva COVID-19• a primit un rezultat negativ la testul de depistare a infecției cu virusul SARS-CoV-2 sau• s-a vindecat de COVID-19.
Persons: Anne Levy, deşi, deţinătorul Organizations: Uniunea Europeană, Agerpres, PCR, CE, Comisia Europeană Locations: Elveţia, UE, Uniunii, Islanda, Liechtenstein, Norvegia, Elveția
Total: 15