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The White House is preparing to take executive action to protect hundreds of thousands of immigrants known as “Dreamers,” people close to the White House told NBC News, as the Biden administration braces for a potential court defeat that could end the decade-old Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Circuit Court of Appeals, possibly within days. Although the Biden administration is likely to appeal the order, the Supreme Court has indicated it would agree with a 5th Circuit ruling that ends the Obama-era program. The order would direct Immigration and Customs Enforcement to deprioritize deporting DACA recipients and refrain from deporting them if they aren’t deemed threats to public safety or national security. And if something terrible comes out of the 5th Circuit, I think it could be an issue in November,” said Durbin, referring to the November midterm elections.
Here's what parents of successful kids have in common, according to research. Children with parents who stepped in to provide instructions frequently displayed more difficulty regulating their emotions later, the researchers wrote. "Too much direct engagement can come at a cost to kids' abilities to control their own attention, behavior and emotions. When parents let kids take the lead in their interactions, children practice self-regulation skills and build independence," Obradović wrote in the study. The parents tend to take parental leave.
Sursa foto: TwitterSe fac eforturi uriașe pentru mutarea navei care blochează Canalul Suez: Operațiunea, însă, ar putea dura câteva săptămâniContinuă eforturile pentru mutarea Ever Given, nava-container cu o lungime de 400 de metri care blochează Canalul Suez. Sunt utilizate excavatoare pentru îndepărtarea nisipului și noroiul de la prova navei, în timp ce remorcherele sunt utilizate pentru a o muta. Șeful unei companii olandeze care asistă operațiunea a avertizat că ar putea dura câteva săptămâni până la deblocarea ambarcațiunii și că ar putea fi necesare ridicarea containerelor pentru a ușura încărcătura. Nava, care este operată de compania taiwaneză de transport Evergreen Marine, dar numită Ever Given este în prezent blocată pe diagonală pe calea navigabilă. „Ne cerem scuze sincer pentru că am provocat o mare problemă navelor din Canalul Suez și celor care intenționează să treacă prin canal", a adăugat aceasta.
Persons: Peter Berdowski, Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement, Reuters, Toshiaki Fujiwara Organizations: BBC, Speranțe Locations: Suez, Asia, Europa, Africii, Shoei
Republica Moldova a intrat nepregătită în pandemia de COVID-19. Concluziile aparţin Centrului Analitic Independent „Expert-Grup”, care astăzi, în parteneriat cu Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Moldova, a lansat Raportul de Stare a Ţării 2020 (RST 2020) - o analiză complexă a situaţiei economice şi sociale din Republica Moldova. „Nicio ţară nu a fost scutită de impactul negativ al pandemiei de Covid-19, dar există ţări care au fost mult mai vulnerabile. Republica Moldova este una dintre aceste ţări. Potrivit Raportului de Stare a Ţării 2020, Republica Moldova a intrat nepregătită în pandemia de COVID-19.
Persons: Friedrich - Ebert, Juliane, Friedrich, Ebert, Adrian Organizations: Grup Locations: Republica Moldova, Moldova, Europa Centrală, Est, România, Ucraina
Очередная попытка снять контейнеровоз Ever Given с мели в Суэцком канале завершилась неудачей, сообщили представители инженерного оператора судна — компании Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement (BSM). Контейнеровоз Ever Given — который принадлежит японской компании Shoei Kisen и находится в управлении тайваньской Evergreen Marine Corporation — 23 марта сел на мель на 151-м километре Суэцкого канала по пути из Китая в Роттердам. Длина корабля — 400 метров, ширина — 59 метров, грузоподъемность около 224 тысяч тонн. Основной причиной инцидента считают ухудшение видимости из-за песчаной бури и ураганного ветра — из-за этого команда потеряла контроль над управлением. Владелец судна Ever Given рассчитывает, что его смогут освободить на выходных.
Persons: — Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement Organizations: Evergreen Marine Corporation —, Commercial Times, РИА Новости Locations: Суэцкий канал, Китай, Роттердам, Тайвань
The rising costs of healthcare, longer life expectancies, and other factors have made traditional retirement more expensive than ever. It's time to "retire" some popular retirement advice that no longer makes sense in today's world. That's because Social Security benefits grow the longer you keep from taking them, until you reach age 70. Old advice: You'll probably die young, so plan for retirement accordinglyNew advice: Your money needs to lastFinally, we're no longer in the 1800s. In other words, retirement funds will need to last — especially if you hope to retire before the standard retirement age of 65.
College students who support Sen. Bernie Sanders and will be voting for the first time in 2020 say the senator's age is not an issue to them. Sam Johnston, 18, and Anthony Schulte, 19, at a rally for Sen. Bernie Sanders in Iowa City on March 8, 2019. Johnston, Schulte, and Olaniyi all said they would've voted for Sanders in 2016 if they could've at the time. Aluna Olaniyi, 18, at a rally for Sen. Bernie Sanders in Iowa City on March 8, 2019. Read more: Read Bernie Sanders' full speech from his first Iowa 2020 campaign rally"He's a strong leader," Buhr added.
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