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Many in the art and insurance world, however, say it may be only be a matter of time before art works are vandalised, especially if protests spread beyond climate activism. The art insurance market globally earns around $750 million in premiums. PRESSURE ON PREMIUMSLosses and levels of insurance availability tend to dictate insurance premiums. Commercial museums and galleries, however, buy art insurance, and its use is also more prevalent among larger museums in the United States than in Europe. While five insurers contacted by Reuters said they were not yet factoring climate attacks into premiums, some artists say they already face increased costs.
BERLIN — Climate activists in Austria on Tuesday attacked a famous painting by artist Gustav Klimt with a black, oily liquid and one then glued himself to glass protecting the painting’s frame. Members of the group Last Generation Austria tweeted they had targeted the 1915 painting “Death and Life” at the Leopold Museum in Vienna to protest their government’s use of fossil energies. After the attack, police arrived at the museum and the black liquid was quickly cleaned off the glass protecting the painting, Austria Press Agency reported. It’s one of the latest pieces of art to be targeted by climate activists to draw attention to global warming. Just Stop Oil activists also glued themselves to the frame of an early copy of Leonardo da Vinci’s “The Last Supper” at London’s Royal Academy of Arts, and to John Constable’s “The Hay Wain” in the National Gallery.
[1/4] Gustav Klimt's painting "Tod und Leben" is seen after activists of Last Generation Austria (Letzte Generation Oesterreich) spilled oil on it in Leopold museum in Vienna, Austria, November 15, 2022. Letzte Generation Oesterreich/Handout via REUTERSVIENNA, Nov 15 (Reuters) - Climate-change activists on Tuesday smeared and glued one of their hands to a glass screen protecting a Gustav Klimt painting in a Vienna museum to protest against oil drilling, on a day when entry was free thanks to an oil firm's sponsorship. One of Last Generation Austria's tweets said: "New drilling for oil and gas is a death sentence for humanity." Nonetheless we are shocked that the Leopold Museum was in focus here," the museum's museological director, Hans-Peter Wipplinger, told a news conference. While the museum sympathised with the activists' cause, it disagreed with the means employed, Wipplinger said.
Gustav Klimt's painting "Tod und Leben" is seen after activists of Last Generation Austria (Letzte Generation Oesterreich) spilled oil on it in Leopold museum in Vienna, Austria, November 15, 2022. Climate activists in Austria on Tuesday attacked a famous painting by artist Gustav Klimt with a black, oily liquid and one then glued himself to glass protecting the painting's frame. After the attack, police arrived at the museum and the black liquid was quickly cleaned off the glass protecting the painting, Austria Press Agency reported. It's one of the latest pieces of art to be targeted by climate activists to draw attention to global warming. The British group Just Stop Oil threw tomato soup at Vincent van Gogh's "Sunflowers" in London's National Gallery last month.
An auction of late Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen's art collection raised just over $1.5 billion. The Christie's auction has set a new record as the biggest art sale in history. The most expensive work was Georges Seurat's "Les Poseuses, Ensemble (Petite version)", which fetched $149.2 million. This painting, which depicts three nude women, is considered a pioneering work of Seurat's signature style of Pointillism. A total of five pieces went for more than $100 million each at the auction in New York on Wednesday night.
The total represented the highest amount ever collected at a single art auction, according to the auction house, Christie's in New York. Among the priciest works sold was Pointillist pioneer Georges Seurat's Les Poseuses, Ensemble (Petite version), an 1888 oil on canvas depicting three nude women. Cezanne's "La Montagne Sainte-Victoire", a colorful landscape painted from 1888-1890, sold for $137.8 million, another record. And a Gustav Klimt 1903 painting, "Birch Forest," set the high mark for a Klimt work, selling for $104.6 million. Additional pieces from Allen's collection will be offered at auction on Thursday.
Christie's sold 60 works from the Paul G. Allen Collection for over $1.5 billion Wednesday night, as wealthy collectors around the world shrugged off economic and crypto worries to invest in trophy artworks. Several works sold for three or four times their estimates, with several artists setting new records at auction, including Vincent van Gogh, Edward Steichen and Gustav Klimt. The sales total of $1.506 billion shattered the previous record for the most expensive collection ever auctioned, set by the Harry and Linda Macklowe collection auctioned at Sotheby's for $922 million. The sales total for the Allen collection will soar even higher Thursday morning, when another 95 lots head to auction. The collection of Paul Allen, the late co-founder of Microsoft, was a treasure trove of masterpieces spanning 500 years.
Emil Wallner of the Google Arts & Culture team joined Dr. Franz Smola, a leading Klimt expert at the Belvedere Museum, to use AI in an effort to re-create the paintings' colors. Emil Wallner of the Google Arts and Culture team (above) joined Dr. Franz Smola, a leading Klimt expert at the Belvedere Museum, to use AI in an effort to re-create the paintings' colors. Google Arts & Culture
Top 10 cele mai scumpe tablouri din lume care au fost vândute. Vezi care sunt acesteaPictura reprezintă o formă de artă extrem de complexă, în care oamenii au dreptul să vadă lucrurile diferit. Există picturi pe care le putem considera reușite și valoroase, dar sunt și picturi complexe, catalogate opere de artă, pe care mulți din noi nu le putem înțelege. Mai jos puteți vedea un top 10 al celor mai scumpe tablouri vândute până acum. Portretele lui Maerten Soolmans și Oopjen CoppitArtist: RembrandtPreț de vânzare: 180 de milioane de dolari#7.
Persons: Amedeo Modigliani, Pablo Picasso, Maerten, Gustav Klimt, Jackson, Nafea, Paul Gauguin, Willem, Salvator, Leonardo Locations: Alger
„Doamna cu evantai” – din nou expusă după mai mult de un secol. Tabloul lui Gustav Klimt a revenit la VienaUna dintre ultimele picturi ale lui Gustav Klimt, „Doamna cu evantai", este expusă din nou în Austria, ţara natală a pictorului, după mai mult de un secol, relatează dpa, citat de AGERPRESTabloul, care a fost scos din ţară în circumstanţe neclare şi a dispărut din ochii publicului pentru prima dată acum 101 ani, se află acum în centrul unei mici expoziţii despre ultimele lucrări ale lui Klimt şi a fost prezentat miercuri la Muzeul Belvedere din Viena. Doi ani mai târziu, „Doamna cu evantai” a fost expusă la Viena, însă, de atunci, traseul său devine greu de urmărit. Rămâne în continuare neclar momentul în care pictura a părăsit Austria pentru a fi vândută unui colecţionar american. „Doamna cu evantai” a fost ultima dată expusă la Cracovia în 1992.
Persons: Gustav Klimt, Klimt, vienez Rudolf Leopold, Stella Rollig Organizations: Belvedere, licitaţie, Muzeului Belvedere Locations: Viena, Austria, ţara, american, Cracovia, New York
(foto) Un tablou al lui Klimt, dispărut timp de 23 de ani, va fi expus la o galerie de artă din ItaliaUn tablou realizat de pictorul austriac Gustav Klimt, dispărut timp de 23 de ani, va fi expus sâmbătă la o galerie de artă din Italia, relatează AGERPRES„Portretul unei doamne” a fost furat de la Galeria Ricci Oddi din Piacenza, nordul Italiei, în februarie 1997 și a fost găsit în curtea aceleiași galerii în decembrie 2019. Câțiva muncitori italieni au găsit portretul tinerei femei, finalizat în 1917, atunci când curățau iedera de pe zidul exterior al galeriei și au descoperit o ușă ce acoperea o mică grotă. Tabloul era înfășurat într-un sac de plastic negru și părea a fi nedeteriorat. Galeria Ricci Oddi urma să organizeze cu această ocazie o ceremonie ce va fi difuzată online, deoarece spațiile dedicate artei sunt încă închise publicului în Italia din cauza pandemiei de COVID-19. Pictura recuperată face parte dintr-o serie de portrete pe care Gustav Klimt le-a finalizat în ultimii ani de viață, între 1916 și 1918.
Persons: Klimt, austriac Gustav Klimt, Massimo Ferrari, Ricci, Gustav Klimt Locations: Italia, austriac, Piacenza, Italiei
Sezonul de toamnă: 10 cele mai disputate întrebări de la etapa a doua de Ce?Unde?Când? Pentru a vă testa cunoștințele, echipa #diez a selectat 10 cele mai interesante întrebări de la a doua etapă. Operațiunea Păunul Albastru a fost un proiect britanic ce prevedea plasarea de arme nucleare în Câmpia-Germano-Poloneză, care urmau a fi detonate de un timer în caz de invaziune sovietică. Când documentul a fost declasificat însă publicul nu a luat în serios așa posibilitate. Răspuns: Deoarece documentul a fost făcut public la 1 aprilie#10.
Persons: -, iscusinţă, Gustav Klimt, Klimt, Adele Bloch, Bauer I Organizations: Chicago Tribune, Plângerii, Albă, NASA, Câmpia - Germano - Poloneză, Guinness, Moldovenesc Locations: Egiptul, Macedonia, britanic, Câmpia - Germano
Total: 12