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11 mentions found

Baseball Has Changed
  + stars: | 2023-04-23 | by ( Matthew Cullen | )   time to read: +1 min
America’s oldest professional sport looks different this year. For the first time in M.L.B.’s 148-year history, clocks in stadiums now count down between every pitch, forcing pitchers and batters into action. The changes — including the pitch clock and others meant to increase action — have led to much faster games with more hits, more stolen bases and less down time. Whether the changes will increase interest in baseball is another question. Today’s newsletter will explore how different this new version of baseball really is, with some charts from my colleague Ashley Wu.
Mets Ace Gets 10-Game Ban for Sticky Substance on Hand
  + stars: | 2023-04-20 | by ( Scott Miller | )   time to read: 1 min
Another unwanted, extended rest is coming for Max Scherzer, the Mets’ ace right-hander: He has been suspended for 10 games by Major League Baseball for violating prohibitions on foreign substances. Scherzer, who was ejected from the Mets’ game against the Los Angeles Dodgers on Wednesday in the fourth inning, also was fined an undisclosed amount. The punishment was announced early Thursday evening before the Mets opened their four-game weekend series in San Francisco against the Giants. Scherzer had planned to appeal the suspension, according to his agent, Scott Boras, but then he told reporters before Thursday’s game that he would instead accept the ban. According to a person familiar with the proceedings, who spoke on condition of anonymity, Scherzer filed the appeal but agreed to drop it once M.L.B.
'MascaraGate' has consumed TikTok, with a beauty guru being accused of false advertising. Mads Lewis, a TikToker with over 12 million followers, argued in a now-deleted video that deception is pervasive across the advertising industry. Lewis said in her original TikTok, apparently in response to criticism of Nogueira helmed by commentary creator Angelika Oles. "I know it's false advertising, but isn't everything false advertising? "Sorry, if somebody put $200,000 in your face and said, 'Hey, promote my shitty mascara,' I don't think you'd think twice about it."
Abercrombie & Fitch Co. is moving more merchandise through New York and New Jersey to avoid West Coast bottlenecks. It trailed its East Coast rival again in that measure during September and October, according to the Pacific Merchant Shipping Association and ports data. ”There are so many customers that got so screwed because they were entirely reliant on L.A. and Long Beach.”The logistical challenges of spreading imports along the East Coast and the Gulf Coast are massive. The shift in trade to the East Coast marks a return to where container ships originated. Then the U.S. began importing more goods from Europe, making an Atlantic Ocean crossing to various East Coast ports more critical.
Inflation and a phenomenon called 'bracketing' are driving returns, Insider Intelligence says. Returns add another layer of cost and complexity for retailers, Insider Intelligence analyst Zak Stambor wrote in the report. Depending on the way they handle returns, retailers could be on the hook for packaging, shipping, and labor costs, he wrote. Zara is among the stores that have started charging shoppers if they return items by mail. Amazon, for example, allows customers to return items purchased on its website at Whole Foods grocery stores, which the company owns.
You Be the Ump: World Series Edition
  + stars: | 2022-11-11 | by ( Michael Beswetherick | Sean Catangui | )   time to read: 1 min
Justin Verlander is one of the game’s elite pitchers, and maybe the umpire is giving him the benefit of the doubt on this one. Regardless, it should have been called a ball. Bryce Harper was ready to trot to first base with a walk, but he ended up there anyway. Your browser does not support the video tag. ; pitch paths by The New York Times
Freight Operators’ Peak Shipping Season Is Crumbling
  + stars: | 2022-10-18 | by ( Paul Berger | Paul Page | )   time to read: +7 min
The peak shipping season is fizzling as overstocked retailers cancel overseas orders and freight companies scale back expectations for heavy freight volumes heading into the holidays. Many retailers pulled peak season orders in early this year to avoid a repeat of 2021 when supply-chain congestion caused delays and product shortages during the holidays. Container shipping rates that hit record highs last year have also pulled back sharply, although they still remain above 2019 levels. The peak shipping season cascades down into package transport, as United Parcel Service Inc., FedEx Corp. and others typically handle growing volumes as the calendar counts down to Christmas. Citi analysts say they expect a “weaker peak season and a large amount of uncertainty in terms of the magnitude of demand.”—Esther Fung and Liz Young contributed to this article.
Freight Operators’ Peak Shipping Season is Crumbling
  + stars: | 2022-10-18 | by ( Paul Berger | Paul Page | )   time to read: +6 min
The peak shipping season is fizzling as overstocked retailers cancel overseas orders and freight companies scale back expectations for heavy freight volumes heading into the holidays. But a range of measures of shipping demand across the U.S. are sliding, freight rates are falling as a result, leading carriers to pull back capacity amid concerns a deeper downturn is coming. Many retailers pulled peak season orders in early this year to avoid a repeat of 2021 when supply-chain congestion caused delays and product shortages during the holidays. Container shipping rates that hit record highs last year have also pulled back sharply, although they still remain above 2019 levels. The peak shipping season cascades down into package transport, as United Parcel Service Inc., FedEx Corp. and others typically handle growing volumes as the calendar counts down to Christmas.
Liceul public pentru băieţi din Kankara (nordul Nigeriei) a fost atacat vineri seara de bărbaţi înarmaţi pe motociclete. Prinşi în schimbul de focuri dintre atacatori şi forţele de securitate, sute de elevi au fugit în pădurea din apropiere, o parte dintre ei fiind răpiţi.Duminică, încă nu se ştia nimic de 333 de elevi din totalul celor 839 înregistraţi la liceu, a menţionat guvernatorul statului Katsina, Aminu Bello Masari, care a vizitat locul atacului.Politicieni din opoziţie l-au criticat şi pe preşedintele Muhammadu Buhari pentru modul în care a gestionat situaţia creată de atac, care a avut loc în statul său natal. Preşedintele, care venise chiar în Katsina chiar în ziua atacului pentru o vacanţă ce coincide cu o sărbătoare religioasă în Nigeria, a condamnat sâmbătă atacul comis de "laşi" asupra unor "copii nevinovaţi". (...) Unul dintre bandiţi m-a lovit de mai multe ori pentru că nu ţineam ritmul. Militanţii islamişti operează mai mult în nord-estul Nigeriei, care este cel mai populat stat din Africa, scrie
Persons: Bello, Osama Aminu Organizations: Unicef Locations: Kankara, Nigeriei, Katsina, Nigeria, Chibok, Africa
Primii brazi naturali, de toate mărimile şi pentru toate buzunarele, au fost scoși în vânzare la Chişinău.Alexandru Ceban are o pepinieră la Briceni de unde aduce brazii şi îi livrează la domiciliu. Brazii rezistă câteva luni deoarece nu sunt tăiaţi, ci puşi în ghiveci cu tot cu rădăcini. Ideea de a-i livra la domiciliu a apărut în contextul pandemiei, pentru a evita aglomeraţia. "Noi pentru orice eventualitate luăm mai mulţi brazi cu noi, în cazul în care omului nu-i place ce i-am adus. În acest an, şi Agenţia "Moldsilva" va oferi spre vânzare în jur de 50 de mii de pomi naturali.
Persons: Le, Ceban Locations: Briceni, brazii, Chişinău
«"Молдавская Демократическая Республика в федерации российских государств" – так называлась Пруто-Днестровская Молдова со дня 2 декабря 1917 г. до дня 24 января 1918 г., то есть 52 дня». Именно на эту Молдавскую Демократическую Республику, входящую в состав Российской Федерации – СОЮЗНИЦЫ РУМЫНИИ, вероломно напали в начале января 1918 г. – бумажка без всякой юридической и политической силыНе только Россия не признала аннексию территории Бессарабии Румынией. Все попытки главарей Антанты склонить США к признанию Протокола... (об аннексии Румынией Бессарабии) были тщетны. – об аннексии Румынией Бессарабии), а Соединенные Штаты и Россия даже не были приглашены его подписать, он остался инструментом без значения».
Persons: S, P, . P, ., I . C, L’Union, P ., Charles King, The Moldovans, Stanford, Виорел Михаил, Н.Манолеску, Цара Молдовей, Петр Казак, Фердинанд I, Яссы, Лучиан Боя, К.Кирицеску, Сирет, Прут, Хушь, М.Муравьев, Коандэ, И.Левит, Ал, Авереску, Аркье, Бойль, Раковский, Док, К.Арион, Маргиломане, И.Г.Дука, П.Казак, К.Арӂетояну, И.Г.Дук, Сфатул Цэрий, Н.Титулеску, Карл II, Советы, Банат, Ш.Бокур, См. А.Лазарев, Вудро Вильсон, Р.Лангер, Октавиан Цыку, В.С.), O.Ţâcu, О.Цыку, Ч.Кинг, Молдаване, Ромыния Маре, Бой Organizations: Unirea, P, Romîniei, !, romîne, ПАСЕ, Terra Moldaviae, Парламентская Ассамблея, Совет Европы, Бессарабия, Румыния, Великая, Южный фронт, Советская Россия, Кассационный суд, БЕССАРАБИЯ, Антанта склонившие, Антанта Locations: Moldova, Prut, Nistru, Iaşi, . Bucureşti, Roumanie, Paris, Chișinău, Chişinău, Бессарабии, Румыния, Земля Молдавская, Россия, Пруто-Днестровская, Молдавия, Северные Карпаты, Черное море, Молдавская Демократическая Республика, Российская Федеративная, Пруто-Днестровская Молдова, Российская Федерация, РУМЫНИЯ, Советская Россия, СССР, Васлуй, Прут, Антанта, Франция, Великобритания, Италия, Трансильвания, Бессарабия, Валахии, Карпато-Прутской Молдова, Буковина, Добруджи, Австро-Венгрия, Королевский двор, Бухарест, Молдова, Яссы, Российская Республика, Киев, Молдавская Республика, Кишинев, Советский Союз, Германия, Трианон, Трансильванию, Кришану, Марамуреш, Япония, Европа, Антанты, Восток, Бессарабии Румыния, США, Румыния Бессарабия, Республика Молдова, Соединенные Штаты, Объединенные княжества, Западная Молдавия, Валахия, Карпато-Прутская Молдова, Добруджа
Total: 11