“Asteroid City,” the latest from Wes Anderson, is filled with the assiduous visuals, mythic faces and charming curiosities that you expect from this singular filmmaker.
It’s partly set in 1955 in a fictional Southwest town, a lonely four corners with a diner, gas station and motor inn.
Palm trees and cactuses stipple the town, and reddish buttes rise in the distance.
It opens in black-and-white on an unnamed television host (Bryan Cranston, severe and mustachioed) in a studio.
It looks like a film, a meticulous, detailed, visually balanced wide-screen Wes Anderson one.
Wes Anderson, Anderson, Bryan Cranston, that’s, Edward Norton, Thornton Wilder’s, John Deere, Jeffrey Wright, Tilda, Tom Hanks, Adrien Brody
Tilda Swinton
Southwest, Asteroid