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3 mentions found

To Store Renewable Energy, Some Look to Old Mines
  + stars: | 2022-04-25 | by ( Rhiannon Hoyle | )   time to read: 1 min
Around the world, companies are seeking to repurpose old mines as renewable-energy generators using a century-old technology known as pumped-storage hydropower. The technology, already part of the energy mix in many countries, works like a giant battery, with water and gravity as the energy source. Water is pumped uphill to a reservoir when energy supply is plentiful. It is released and flows downhill through turbines generating hydroelectric power when electricity demand is high or there are shortages of other types of power. Finally, the water is captured to be pumped uphill again in a repeated cycle.
This article is part of the "Financing a Sustainable Future" series exploring how companies take steps to set and fund sustainable goals. Metrics include diversity reporting, wage gaps, and health and safety. Metrics include employment and wealth generation, taxes paid, and research and development expenses. Metrics include employment and wealth generation, taxes paid, and research and development expenses. Sustainable finance is bigger than just ESG, though the terms are often conflated.
Unul dintre cei mai cunoscuți scenariști din lumea filmului, legendarul Quentin Tarantino, a anunțat că planifică să își încheie cariera. Tarantino a menționat că decizia sa de a se retrage din activitate a fost luată din dorința de a nu se plafona, întrucât consideră că regizorii nu devin mai buni cu timpul. El a mai adăugat că a avut o carieră lungă și frumoasă, în cadrul căreia a reușit să implementeze toate ideile pe care le-a avut. Quentin Tarantino este considerat unul dintre personalitățile care au influențat major industria cinematografică. În cadrul unei cariere de peste 30 de ani, a creat filme legendare, precum ”Reservoir Dogs”, ”From Dusk Till Dawn” sau ”Inglorious Basterds” și a luat Premiul Oscar pentru cel mai bun scenariu cu peliculele ”Pulp Fiction” și ”Django Unchained”.
Persons: Quentin Tarantino, El, Tarantino, Django Organizations: Fiction
Total: 3