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The House select committee investigating the Capitol riot plans to subpoena former President Donald Trump following what will likely be its final hearing Thursday, according to multiple media reports. Lawmakers on the committee have for months tried to piece together Trump's actions on the day of the Capitol siege. The legality of Trump's actions and statements leading up to and during the Capitol riot has also been called into question by more than one federal judge. Lawmakers have so far held four top Trump aides in contempt and criminally referred them for prosecution connected to the select committee's investigation into the Capitol riot. One of those aides, former White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, with two misdemeanor counts of contempt of Congress for refusing to comply with the select committee's subpoena.
The message from Ye appeared to show him saying that Combs was controlled by Jewish people, a reference to an antisemitic conspiracy theory. In one antisemitic post on Twitter, Ye said he would soon go “death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE,” according to internet archive records, making an apparent reference to the U.S. defense readiness condition scale known as DEFCON. Ye appeared in a Fox News interview Thursday with Tucker Carlson and echoed antisemitic conspiracy theories. Also, at a fashion show last week, Ye sported a T-shirt that read "White Lives Matter," in apparent mockery of the Black Lives Matter movement. "White Lives Matter" is a "white supremacist phrase" that's popular with the Aryan Renaissance Society, the Ku Klux Klan and other hate groups, according to the Anti-Defamation League.
Now 76 and living in Oregon, Mountain Girl has gave us an exclusive look at her memoir. Altamont, the free concert that Mountain Girl and Jerry Garcia helped organized, was meant to revive the spirit of the Sixties. Today, 60 years since she took that ride with Neal Cassady, Mountain Girl is still forging her own path. Before I leave Kesey's farm, Mountain Girl and I walk outside to the old brown barn where Furthur now rests. But for Mountain Girl, it lives forever, an emblem of everything her generation believed in, and all that they achieved.
Instagram has restricted the account of the rapper Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, after he posted a message that some groups are calling "anti-Jewish." According to a Meta spokesperson, Instagram deleted content from Ye's Instagram page and restricted the account after the company said he violated its rules and guidelines. Ye appeared in a Fox News interview Thursday with Tucker Carlson and echoed anti-Semitic conspiracy theories. In a post Friday, the American Jewish Committee, an anti-hate group, posted a video calling Ye's remarks antisemitic. In the video, the AJC said, Ye was using "antisemitic tropes like greed and control," highlighting his Fox News appearance and his Instagram post.
2: The hosts don't know what they don't knowThe problem is, VC podcasts don't stick to the core issues of venture capital. 3: The hosts want us to believe what they don't knowThere's a shocking amount of this kind of drivel on the tech podcasts. This is what a good tech podcast should do: Use access to the best and most successful investors and innovators to illuminate the way Silicon Valley works. But that's not what matters in the world of tech podcasts. But after 40 hours of listening to tech podcasts, I feel kind of bad about it.
Trump almost fired Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner through a tweet. Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner were Trump's senior aides throughout his presidency. Trump was about to tweet the dismissal, but Kelly interjected, telling the president to have a conversation with Ivanka and Kushner beforehand. Both Ivanka and Kushner stayed at the White House throughout Trump's four years in office, often accompanying the president on trips with foreign leaders. Haberman's book, "Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America," comes out on October 4.
In their new book, journalists, Peter Baker and Susan Glasser go behind the scenes of the Trump White House. As the 2020 election results came in, Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump had already moved on, the book says. They had their own future to think about, one that would no longer involve the White House. While still in the White House, he began writing a memoir focused on Middle East peacemaking. "We either have a vote WE control and WEwin OR it gets kicked to Congress 6 January 2021," Don Jr. wrote.
Jared Kushner took aim at Ron DeSantis while discussing the flight of migrants to Martha's Vineyard. Using migrants "as political pawns" is "very troubling," he told Fox News on Tuesday. "Many of them are exploited, put in human trafficking and modern slavery in a lot of ways," Kushner said of the migrants. On September 15, Ron DeSantis flew 48 migrants from Texas to ritzy Martha's Vineyard in Massachusetts, in a stunt aimed at bringing border and migration issues to a liberal enclave. "It's only when 50 get put into Martha's Vineyard," that outrage follows, DeSantis said in the clip, which host Emily Compagno agreed with.
DeSantis' political stunt in Martha's Vineyard rocketed the issues to front-page news ahead of the midterms. Ron DeSantis orchestrated flights sending migrants and asylum seekers from San Antonio, Texas, to Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts, many observers saw a stunt aimed at raising the Republican's political profile ahead of a potential 2024 White House run. They've also been able to keep the spotlight on former President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly teased a 2024 White House run, is the subject of an FBI investigation over classified documents, and faces a $250 million fraud lawsuit. The flights carrying migrants injected immigration into the national discussion, forcing the White House to respond. Jordan Vonderhaar/Getty ImagesRepublicans play up illegal immigration issueCongressional Republicans have welcomed the shift in the national conversation to immigration and border security.
Longtime Trump aide Hope Hicks didn't buy into his false claims that he won the 2020 election. She told him to move on, according to the book "The Divider: Trump in the White House, 2017-2021." Hicks told Trump it was time to move on, according to the book set to publish Tuesday. Once, the authors wrote, when seeing Biden on television, he said, "'Can you believe I lost to this fucking guy?'" "'Obviously, I support you, but I can't help you on that,'" Kushner told Trump, as he related the story to another Republican at the time," the authors wrote.
Cannabis companies from startups to public giants are laying off employees as sales slow. The cannabis industry is in a full-on downturn. Cannabis companies also don't have access to much of the nuts-and-bolts of the banking system like their non-cannabis counterparts. Investment into cannabis companies has dried upThe spigot has slowed to a trickle on the once-plentiful venture-capital and private-equity firehose of investment into cannabis startups. Hauser said that capital for cannabis companies is only getting more expensive and more elusive.
Trump and his aides tried to push AT&T's CEO to sell CNN to Rupert Murdoch, a new book claims. Stephenson, per the Independent's reporting, left the meeting with the feeling that Trump posed a threat to the AT&T and Time Warner merger. Per the Independent's reporting on the book, Murdoch offered to buy CNN from AT&T and remarked that it "would help get the deal done." According to the book, Stephenson said he was not interested in selling CNN. The book said AT&T executives viewed the calls as "almost mob-style extortion," according to the Independent.
Jared Kushner this week broke his silence about the FBI raid at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort. After studying at Harvard, Kushner made a name for himself as a publisher and young real estate mogul. But just like Trump, he comes from a wealthy and influential New York family that made its money in real estate. After studying at Harvard and New York University, Kushner made a name for himself as young real estate magnate and a publisher of the New York Observer. The former first-son-in-law this weekend broke his silence on the FBI raid at Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort earlier this month.
Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump were a high-profile couple long before they became fixtures in the White House. Coming from two prominent real-estate families, some estimates project the couple's net worth to be $1.1 billion. Jared Kushner spoke about the Mar-a-Lago raid following speculation that he may have tipped off the FBI. But Kushner and his wife Ivanka Trump have long courted media speculation and frenzy as a high-powered celebrity couple. Both hailing from prominent New York City real-estate families, Kushner and Trump had impressive houses and habits since before they settled in Washington, DC.
Read more:The cannabis-tech startup Fyllo used this pitch deck to land $26 million. Here's an exclusive look at the pitch deck it used to close the round. Once hailed as the "Uber of weed," Eaze vastly scaled back ambitions in 2020, as evidenced by its pitch deck. Here's an exclusive look at the pitch deck that helped Cann raise $5 million. Here's the pitch deck that made it happen.
Noom is a weight-loss app that uses a psychology-based approach to change your eating habits. One writer tried Noom for eight months to shed some pounds and prevent pandemic weight gain. In my latest attempt to lose weight, I turned to the Noom app. Lisa Rabasca RoepeI imagine that this is a powerful exercise for someone who has more than 10 pounds to lose. In fact, I've noticed that the people who have the most weight to lose have the most success with Noom.
Trump's Save America PAC released a photo showing the former president meeting with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy on January 28. It added: "President Trump will always and forever be a champion for the American People." Millions of Trump supporters would likely follow Trump to a new political party — if he chose to break away from the Republican Party. Afterward, McCarthy predicted intraparty peace, saying in a statement: "President Trump committed to helping elect Republicans in the House and Senate in 2022." "President Trump has agreed to work with Leader McCarthy on helping the Republican Party to become a majority in the House."
An election watchdog group has filed an updated complaint with the FEC against the Trump campaign. The Trump campaign "hid an incredible amount of money," Campaign Legal Center Director of Federal Reform Brendan Fischer said in an interview. A spokesman for the Trump campaign did not immediately return a request for comment Thursday morning. As a civil law enforcement body, it may issue fines to political committees and actors it determines have violated federal campaign laws. The Campaign Legal Center has not filed a complaint with the Department of Justice, which is tasked with investigating potential criminal violations of campaign finance laws.
The January 6th attack by a mob of his supporters on the Capitol raises the question of whether Trump could pardon them. Trump has the power to broadly pardon the rioters for federal crimes, even before they are charged, experts told Insider. He has repeatedly wielded them to help his political allies who have been charged or convicted of federal crimes. Trump supporters inside the Capitol after shattering doors and windows to get in. That's where Pelosi went with a question about Trump's pardon powers during a 60 Minutes interview broadcast on Sunday.
Nu este clar dacă Donald Trump a evocat această posibilitate după ce a fost acuzat că şi-ar fi instigat simpatizanţii să intre cu forţa în sediul Congresului. Donald Trump a exprimat preocupare că Departamentul Justiţiei ar putea lansa proceduri împotriva apropiaţilor săi în timpul mandatului preşedintelui Joseph Biden. Donald Trump a fost vizat de o investigaţie a procurorului special Robert Mueller, care a identificat potenţiale cazuri de obstrucţionare a justiţiei, dar a evitat să indice dacă ar fi vorba de vreo încălcare a legii. În 2018, Donald Trump a fost vizat de acuzaţii ale procurorilor din New York privind finanţarea ilegală a campaniei electorale. Procurorul Michael Sherwin a explicat că verifică dacă cineva a jucat un „rol auxiliar” în evenimentele violente produse miercuri seară.
Persons: Sherwin, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Jim Mattis, William P . Barr, Trump, . Aceștia, Donald Trump jr, Eric Trump, Jared Kushner, Rudolph Giuliani . Donald Trump, preşedintelui Joseph Biden . Donald Trump, Robert Mueller, Michael Sherwin Organizations: Congresul, New York Times, Congresului, Mediafax, Casei, Trump, Washington D.C Locations: Metropolitană, Washington, New York, SUA, Statelor Unite, exerciţiu
În ultimele zile la Casa Albă, Donald Trump continuă să semneze ordine de grațiere pe bandă rulantă. După ce miercuri, președintele în exercițiu al Statelor Unite şi-a amnistiat mai mulţi aliați acuzați de corupție, precum și câțiva criminali de război, joi, Trump a anunțat grațierea a 26 de persoane. Printre aceştia se numără și Charles Kushner, cuscrul lui Donald Trump, care a fost condamnat pentru evaziune fiscală și influențarea martorilor. Roger Stone, fostul consilier al președintelui american a fost, de asemenea, amnistiat. Totodată, Stone a mai fost condamnat pentru influențarea martorilor și obstrucționarea unor proceduri oficiale.
Persons: Donald Trump, Trump, Charles Kushner, Paul Manafort, Roger Stone, El, Hillary Clinton ., Stone Organizations: Albă Locations: Statelor Unite
Trump's campaign and an affiliated committee regularly spent millions of dollars through American Made Media Consultants, according to FEC records. Insider was able to independently verify those details with other sources close to the Trump campaign. A request for comment from the Trump campaign was not immediately returned Friday evening. But in a previous statement to Insider, Trump campaign communications director Tim Murtaugh said Lara Trump and John Pence did nothing wrong. Among those cases is one filed in July by the nonpartisan Campaign Legal Center, which accused the Trump campaign of using American Made Media Consultants to illegally disguise campaign spending.
American Made Media Consultants became the source of consternation for President Donald Trump's campaign staff, who were kept in the dark about its operations. Despite its $617 million spending through AMMC, the Trump campaign publicly disclosed little information about the company, including how it used the money. Insider independently verified details of this person's account with other people close to the Trump campaign. The shell company — incorporated as American Made Media Consultants Corp. and American Made Media Consultants LLC — allowed Trump's campaign to skirt federally mandated disclosures. "Nothing was done without Jared's approval," the former Trump campaign advisor said.
Președintele în exercițiu Donald Trump a discutat cu consilierii săi dacă să le acorde amnistie preventivă copiilor săi, ginerelui său și avocatului său personal Rudy Giuliani, scrie New York Times, citând două surse care au informații despre subiect. Dezvăluirea vine la o zi după ce tot NYT scrisese despre o discuție Trump - Giuliani, in care avocatul îi cerea președintelui să-i acorde amnistie preventivă. Donald Trump le-a spus consilierilor că este îngrijorat că Departamentul de Justiție din viitoarea administrație Biden va căuta să se răzbune pe el și să-i ancheteze pe cei trei copii ai săi mai mari - Donald Trump Jr., Eric Trump și Ivanka Trump -, dar și pe soțul Ivankăi, Jared Kushner, care este consilier superior la Casa Albă, potrivit surselor NYT , citat de digi24. Donald Trump Jr. a fost investigat de consilierul special Robert S. Mueller III în legătură cu contactele pe care le-a avut cu rușii, care ofereau informații compromițătoare despre Hillary Clinton în campania electorală din 2016, însă nu a fost pus sub acuzare niciodată. Cotidianul mai scrie că nu e clar de ce este îngrijorat Donald Trump cu privire la Eric și Ivanka Trump, deși procurorul districtual din Manhattan, care investighează afacerile Trump Organization, a extins ancheta asupra scutirilor de impozit de milioane de dolari din facturi de consultanță, din care o parte pare că a ajuns în conturile Ivankăi Trump.
Persons: Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Biden, Eric Trump, Jared Kushner, Robert S . Mueller, Hillary Clinton, Eric Organizations: New York Times, Albă, Trump Organization Locations: New, Manhattan
Liderul american se teme că, odată ce Joe Biden va fi numit în funcţia de preşedinte al Statelor Unite, Departamentul de Justiţie ar vrea să se răzbune pe trei dintre cei cinci copii ai săi – Donald Trump Jr, Eric Trump şi Ivanka Trump –, dar şi pe ginerele său, Jared Kushner, unul dintre principalii consilieri de la Casa Albă. Donald Trump Jr a fost investigat pentru datele pe care le-ar fi oferit ruşilor în timpul campaniei prezidenţiale din 2016, mişcare ce ar fi periclitat şansele candidatei democrate Hillary Clinton, însă nu a fost acuzat în mod oficial. Între timp, Kushner a oferit informaţii false autorităţilor federale despre relaţiile pe care le are cu anumiţi cetăţeni străini, moment în care preşedintele a garantat pentru poziţia sa din administraţie. Motivele de îngrijorare care îi privesc pe Eric şi Ivanka Trump sunt momentan necunoscute, însă o investigaţie lansată în Manhattan indică faptul că Organizaţia Trump ar fi evitat o serie de taxe de câteva milioane de dolari, autorităţile citând-o aici pe fiica preşedintelui. Totuşi, graţierea nu garantează protecţia împotriva infracţiunilor comise la nivel local sau de stat.
Persons: Joe Biden, Donald Trump Jr, Eric Trump, Jared Kushner, Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Eric, Trump, Giuliani, Michael Flynn Organizations: Albă, Manhattan, FBI Locations: Statelor Unite, Ucraina, rus
Total: 25