You’ve maxed out your credit cards, asked your family for loans, begged vendors for favors, cajoled friends into sacrificing salaries to model for a day, and then suddenly it is New York Fashion Week and, with it, New York Men’s Day, the only chance some men’s wear designers will have to be seen.
“What else could we do?” said Erin Hawker, the indefatigable publicist who first envisioned New York Men’s Day a decade ago.
“We staged a peaceful protest on the sidewalk.”It’s Sinatra 101.
What you also require, as it turns out, is Gandhian tactics and nerves of steel.
The city backed off for a few hours, and 10 designers were briefly given their chance.
You’ve, cajoled, you’ve, ”, Erin Hawker, It’s
New York, It’s Sinatra
New, New York