The women agreed to meet at a school Ms. Oliver founded three years ago.
When the pandemic hit, Ms. Oliver grew frustrated watching wealthy, largely white, parents pay teachers for private learning “pods,” exacerbating inequities.
“I have a very strong affiliation with marginalized people — brown, displaced, refugees, Black,” Ms. Oliver recalled saying at the beginning of the conversation.
The way Ms. Oliver described the Hamas attack read to Ms. Minkin like a justification for the murder of Jews.
Israel, Ms. Minkin later thought, is a central part of her identity, a place that shaped her, a Jewish homeland she returns to frequently.
Oliver, Black, Minkin, “, Ms, ”, existentially, Yitzhak Rabin, Morgan, Morgan Oliver, —, Oliver nodded
West Bank, Army, Morgan Oliver School
Israel, United States, Gaza, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, Afghanistan, America