Mr. Couverthier’s old boss told him the previous super at a building on West 72nd Street was retiring after almost 30 years.
The previous super didn’t live in the building full-time, but Mr. Couverthier knew he didn’t only want a full-time job, he wanted to build a home.
Since then, his job has been a to-do list that never ends, filled with routine maintenance and the unexpected: A call is a crack on the fifth floor.
He usually sends voice notes of incomplete tasks to Ms. Diaz as a way to save them in his phone.
Sometimes he writes them on a whiteboard calendar, but mostly, he writes his daily to-do list on his left hand, as he drinks his morning coffee and watches ESPN.
Ismael Bonilla, Mr, Diaz, Couverthier, didn’t
New, Riverside Park, ESPN
New York City, Central