On 9/11, the first meme dropped at 8:56 a.m. "That is a big fucking hole in the World Trade Center sirs!"
9/11 jokes, in other words, often have very little to do with 9/11.
AdvertisementUnlike Domineau or those anonymous SomethingAwful posters, many people making and spreading 9/11 memes today are too young to remember 9/11, if they were alive at all.
She says 9/11 memes have always been popular with her cohort.
Domineau says it's only natural for young people to take 9/11 jokes to the next extreme.
NAEM, DogWelder, Brad Pitt's, Tyler Durden, monkeu, BUSH, Thom Yorke, THOM, Gilbert Gottfried, Jaroslav Hašek, Jan Chovanec, ike H, oke, hing, hite, ingle, alvin K, amar, laine, hatter, ike
World Trade Center, Facebook, Twitter, World Trade, United Airlines Flight, Radiohead, Empire, International, of Humor Research, ard, ust
New York, Czech, pec