On a trip to the sprawling factory in the port city of Haiphong in northern Vietnam, Widodo also sat behind the wheel of a VinFast electric car before wrapping up his three-day visit to Vietnam.
The Vietnamese EV maker has said it will invest $1.2 billion in Indonesia and build a factory with the potential to make up to 50,000 vehicles every year.
Green SM, an EV taxi operator that is mostly owned by VinFast’s founder, also announced an investment plan of $900 million in Indonesia.
VinFast's plans to expand in Indonesia are part of their global goal of selling EVs in 50 markets worldwide.
It is exporting EVs to the U.S. and also building a $4 billion EV factory in North Carolina, where production is slated to begin this year.
Joko Widodo, Widodo, GoTo, Tokopedia Tbk, Pham Nhat Vuong
Green SM, EV, VinFast’s, Group, AP
HANOI, Vietnam, Indonesia, Haiphong, Vietnamese, Indonesian, North Carolina, India, Vingroup, Ukraine