The Simplify Tail Risk ETF , which trades under the cheeky ticker "CYA," is headed for liquidation later this month after a brutal money-losing stretch.
CYA 1Y mountain Simplify's Tail Risk ETF has been beaten down by the market rally.
"Tail protection, which was heavily desired in 2020, has no bids right now.
And that way if you're losing money on it, and it's a tail risk ETF where you're buying a put [option], then you understand why that's happening," Armour said.
"A tail risk ETF is going to go potentially over a decade without working, and that's okay.
Michael Green, Green, subpar, Bryan Armour, Armour, CYA, Philip Toews, Vix, Toews
CNBC, Fidelity, North, Asset Management
North America