The Danish drama “The Promised Land” takes its old-fashioned remit with enjoyable seriousness.
There, on a vast shrubby expanse thought untamable yet beloved by the Danish monarch, Kahlen hopes to work the land and establish a settlement for king, country and himself.
Written by Arcel and Anders Thomas Jensen, the well-paced story briskly takes Kahlen from the poorhouse to the royal palace minutes after opening, establishing the reach of his ambition.
(The movie is based on the novel “The Captain and Ann Barbara” from the Danish writer Ida Jessen.)
In return, Kahlen wants a title, a manor and servants; effectively, he wants to become one of them.
Mads Mikkelsen, Mikkelsen, Ludvig Kahlen, Kahlen, Nikolaj Arcel, Arcel, Anders Thomas Jensen, Ann Barbara ”, Ida Jessen
Jutland, Denmark, Danish