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Chandra X-ray Observatory Center/NASASo far, Chandra has taken nearly 25,000 observations of the universe. Chandra X-ray Observatory Center/NASAShortly after launch, the observatory focused on what has become an iconic celestial target: supernova remnant Cassiopeia A. Chandra has returned to this feature again and again, revealing new insights each time. Chandra X-ray Observatory Center/NASA“Before Chandra, it was known that there was a sort of diffuse haze of X-ray emission coming from all directions in the sky. The NASA budget allotment for Chandra will gradually dwindle in the coming years, based on the agency’s budget request released in March. Chandra X-ray Observatory Center/NASADespite 25 years spent in space, Chandra remains in good health and virtually all of the spacecraft’s systems are in good condition, Slane said.
Persons: NASA’s Chandra, Chandra, Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar, Eileen Collins, ” Collins, , Pat Slane, astrophysicists Riccardo Giacconi, Harvey Tananbaum, NASA’s, Slane, Chandra’s, ” Slane, Organizations: CNN, NASA, Center, Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian, Hubble, Telescope, Spitzer, Compton Gamma, “ NASA, Chandra Locations: Columbia, Cambridge , Massachusetts,
NASA's Chandra X-ray Observatory is one of its most scientifically productive space missions. The telescope has been in space for 25 years, discovering black holes and dark matter. download the app Email address Sign up By clicking “Sign Up”, you accept our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy . The Einstein Observatory pioneered X-ray astronomy in the late '70s, but the crown jewel of this science field is the Chandra X-ray Observatory, which has been in space for the last 25 years. Here are some of Chandra's most stunning images and groundbreaking discoveries of the invisible X-ray universe.
Persons: NASA's Chandra, , Chandra Organizations: Service, NASA, Einstein Observatory
CNN —July’s full moon will shine bright in the sky this weekend — and lands near the anniversary of a special lunar event worth celebrating. The full moon — nicknamed the buck moon — will peak at 6:17 a.m. “The first moon landing was in the afternoon on (July 20, 1969), and then they did the moonwalk that night,” Petro said. Lunar discoveriesNASA’s Artemis program aims to return astronauts to the moon for the first time since Apollo 17 in 1972. Petro recommends observing the full moon with these recent findings and future space missions in mind.
Persons: CNN —, It’s, Noah Petro, ” Petro, , Neil, Armstrong, Aldrin, Michael Collins, Petro, , Artemis III Organizations: CNN, Reconnaissance, Artemis, NASA, Farmers Locations: Northern, Southern
The star is one of a binary pair, so the planet orbits the primary star, while the primary star orbits a secondary star. While Jupiter takes 4,000 Earth days to complete one orbit around the sun, hot Jupiters complete one orbit every few days. Astronomers use “eccentric” to refer to the shape of a planet’s orbit on a scale from zero to 1. “It’s a pretty extreme process in that the changes to the planet’s orbit are massive,” Millholland said. Discovering a second hot Jupiter precursor is helping astronomers to confirm the idea that high-mass gas giants transform into hot Jupiters as they migrate from eccentric to circular orbits, the researchers said.
Persons: , , Arvind Gupta, NOIRLab, Gupta, Suvrath Mahadevan, Verne, Willaman, Jason Wright, ” Wright, ” Gupta, Sarah Millholland, , ” Millholland, Wright, James Webb Organizations: CNN —, Penn State, Astronomy, Mercury, NASA, Massachusetts Institute, Technology’s Kavli, for Astrophysics, Space Research, chrysalis Locations: Kitt, Arizona
Fast-forward to seventh century East Anglia in the United Kingdom, where an Anglo-Saxon warrior king was buried alongside exquisite goods within a massive ship. Researchers are hoping to reconstruct the ship — and it’s not the only vessel gaining new life centuries after disappearing from time. Emily Harris/Zayed National MuseumUsing a supply list written on a clay tablet, a team of experts in the United Arab Emirates has reconstructed a Bronze Age ship. Once upon a planetScientists excavated a 52,000-year-old woolly mammoth skin from the Siberian permafrost. Love Dalén/Stockholm UniversityThe freezing temperatures of the Siberian permafrost preserved a piece of 52,000-year-old woolly mammoth skin so well that it contains a first-of-its-kind genetic treasure trove.
Persons: it’s, Emily Harris, Shipwrights, Jacob, Alex Braczkowski, Griffith University Jacob, Tibu, Butch Wilmore, Suni Williams, James Webb, Ashley Strickland, Katie Hunt Organizations: CNN, East, Zayed National, United Arab Emirates, Zayed National Museum, Griffith University, Uganda’s Queen Elizabeth, International Space Station, NASA, Boeing, European Space Agency, James Webb Space, Penguin, , CNN Space, Science Locations: Siberia, East Anglia, United Kingdom, Persian, Mesopotamia, Zayed, Abu Dhabi, Sweden, Denmark, Peru, Machu Picchu, Uganda’s, Stockholm, Western Australia
CNN —The James Webb Space Telescope has captured a stunning new view of two galaxies, nicknamed the Penguin and the Egg, locked in a cosmic dance to mark the observatory’s second anniversary. Launched on December 25, 2021, the Webb telescope shared its first science observations of the universe on July 12, 2022. Astronomers estimate that the Penguin and the Egg galaxies first interacted 25 million to 75 million years ago. NASA/ESA/CSA/STScI NASA/ESA/CSA/STScI Arp 142 Hubble Webb NASA, ESA, CSA, STScIInitially, the Penguin looked like a spiral, but over time, its appearance has been reshaped through interactions with the Egg galaxy. Meanwhile, the oval-shaped Egg galaxy remains much the same.
Persons: James Webb, Webb, Bill Nelson, Arp, , Mark Clampin, “ Webb Organizations: CNN, Telescope, Penguin, NASA, Hubble, ESA, CSA, Hubble Webb NASA, NASA’s Astrophysics
Read previewTwo years ago today, NASA unveiled the first full-color space images captured by the James Webb Space Telescope. Webb's raw telescope images can look like empty black boxes when they first beam back to Earth. NASA/ESA/CSA/STScIDePasquale is a principal science visuals developer at the Space Telescope Science Institute. He processed some of the very first Webb images that the public got to see. They're able to resolve very small details in these really distant objects," like the Tarantula Nebula, DePasquale told Business Insider.
Persons: , James Webb, Joe DePasquale, DePasquale, Webb, David Higginbotham, Webb peered, Joseph DePasquale, Anton M, Alyssa Pagan Organizations: Service, NASA, James Webb Space, Business, JWST, ESA, CSA, Telescope Science, Hubble
Now, data from the James Webb Space Telescope has revealed another intriguing feature of the planet known as HD 189733b: It smells like rotten eggs. Located only 64 light-years from Earth, HD 189733b is the nearest hot Jupiter that astronomers can study as the planet passes in front of its star. HD 189733b only takes about two Earth days to complete a single orbit around its star, Fu said. Webb’s data also showed levels of heavy metals on HD 189733b that are similar to those found on Jupiter. “HD 189733b is a benchmark planet, but it represents just a single data point,” Fu said.
Persons: James Webb, , Guangwei Fu, Fu, ” Fu, Webb, they’re, Organizations: CNN, Johns Hopkins University
This week, two asteroids — one big enough to destroy a city, and the other so large it could end civilization — are set to fly near our planet. Both have a zero percent chance of impacting Earth. And, depending on where you are in the world, you may even be able to see one of them. It is a whopping 7,600 feet long, but it will be too far to spot easily without a strong telescope. On Saturday, at 9:46 a.m. Eastern time, it will zip by Earth at 75 percent of the distance to the moon.
Persons: speck
CNN —Jupiter’s iconic Great Red Spot is a massive storm that has swirled within the atmosphere of the largest planet in the solar system for years. The Great Red Spot is a massive vortex within Jupiter’s atmosphere that is about 10,159 miles (16,350 kilometers) wide, which is similar to Earth’s diameter, according to NASA. Vincenzo Pinto/AFP/Getty ImagesWhile the first two scenarios resulted in cyclones, they differed in shape and other characteristics witnessed in the Great Red Spot. But the researchers believe that the persistent atmospheric storm cell, which resulted from intense wind instability, produced the Great Red Spot. Previous research, published in March 2018, has shown that the Great Red Spot is growing taller as it shrinks in size overall.
Persons: Giovanni Domenico Cassini, Ann Ronan, Cassini, , Agustín Sánchez, Lavega, , updrafts, Donato Creti, Vincenzo Pinto, Michael Wong, ” Wong Organizations: CNN, Research, NASA, University of, Visitors, Vatican Museum, University of California Locations: Italian, Basque, Bilbao, Spain, AFP, Berkeley
Editor’s note: A version of this story appeared in CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. The Triceratops fossil emerged first as it eroded from the rock of the Hell Creek Formation in 2006. Across the universeAn artist's illustration shows a supermassive black hole as it wakes up at the center of a faraway galaxy. M. Kornmesser/ESOAstronomers are watching a supermassive black hole awakening in the middle of a distant galaxy for the first time. Sign up here to receive in your inbox the next edition of Wonder Theory, brought to you by CNN Space and Science writers Ashley Strickland and Katie Hunt.
Persons: dino, rex, Mark Eatman, , Eatman, Sergey Krasovskiy, Lokiceratops rangiformis, Lokiceratops, Butch Wilmore, Suni Williams, won’t, Stephen Hawking, Robert Erwan Fordyce, Benjamin Kear, Martin Bernetti, Fernando Trujillo, Ashley Strickland, Katie Hunt Organizations: CNN, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, NASA, International Space Station, Boeing, ESO, University of Otago, Southern Hemisphere, Uppsala University’s Museum, Evolution, Getty, CNN Space, Science Locations: what’s, Montana, Raleigh, what's, Maribo, Denmark, British, New Zealand, Pangea, Uppsala, Sweden, Nui, Chile, AFP, Easter, Rapa, Colombian
Piping Up at the Gates of Dawn
  + stars: | 2024-06-22 | by ( Dennis Overbye | )   time to read: +1 min
Since the James Webb Space Telescope began operating two years ago, astronomers have been using it to leapfrog one another millions of years into the past, back toward the moment they call cosmic dawn, when the first stars and galaxies were formed. Last month, an international team doing research as the JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey, or JADES, said it had identified the earliest, most distant galaxy yet found — a banana-shaped blob of color measuring 1,600 light-years across. It was already shining with intense starlight when the universe was in its relative infancy, at only 290 million years old, the astronomers said. The new galaxy, known as JADES-GS-z14-0, is one of a string of Webb discoveries, including early galaxies and black holes, that challenge conventional models of how the first stars and galaxies formed. “This discovery proves that luminous galaxies were already in place 300 million years after the Big Bang and are more common than what was expected,” the researchers wrote in a paper posted to an online physics archive.
Persons: James Webb, Webb Organizations: James Webb Space Telescope
CNN —Despite its name, June’s full moon will not look like a strawberry. But the bright orb could still turn heads Friday night with an appearance that is bigger and more colorful than the average moon. Since a full moon is opposite the sun, this strawberry moon will shine lower in the sky than usual, according to NASA. Native American tribes across North America gave the strawberry moon its name to mark the in-season ripeness of strawberries, according to The Old Farmer’s Almanac. For optimal viewing, Dyches recommends looking when the moon is rising or setting to see the effects of the moon illusion.
Persons: , Preston Dyches, Dyches, don’t, it’s, ” Dyches, , Vega, Buck Organizations: CNN, Northern, NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, North America Locations: Pasadena , California, North, Alaska, Denmark, Northern
CNN —Astronomers are witnessing a never-before-seen spectacle in the cosmos: the awakening of a supermassive black hole at the center of a distant galaxy. In late 2019, a team of astronomers took notice of an otherwise unremarkable galaxy named SDSS1335+0728, 300 million light-years away in the Virgo constellation. “If so, this would be the first time that we see the activation of a massive black hole in real time.”Sleeping celestial giantsSupermassive black holes are classified as having masses more than 100,000 times that of our sun. “In the case of SDSS1335+0728, we were able to observe the awakening of the massive black hole, (which) suddenly started to feast on gas available in its surroundings, becoming very bright.”Previous research has pointed to inactive galaxies that appeared to become active after several years, which is usually triggered by black hole activity, but the process of a black hole awakening has never been directly observed before, until now, Hernández García said. The same scenario may play out with Sagittarius A*, the supermassive black hole at the center of the Milky Way, but astronomers aren’t sure how likely it is to occur, Ricci said.
Persons: , Paula Sánchez Sáez, Neil Gehrels Swift, Chandra, Sánchez Sáez, Lorena Hernández García, Claudio Ricci, , Hernández García, Ricci Organizations: CNN —, Palomar, Astrophysics, European Southern Observatory, Survey, Micron, Sky Survey, Sloan, European Southern, Southern Astrophysical Research, Keck, Millennium Institute of Astrophysics, University of Valparaíso, Diego Portales University Locations: California, Germany, European, Chile, Hawaii,
In the 19th century, Charles Darwin and Jean Baptiste Lamarck suggested that giraffes evolved long necks to help them snatch leaves on trees. A later theory usurped Darwin and Lamarck's, suggesting that male giraffes evolved long necks to fight and compete for female mates. "I realized that the important question was, 'Do males have proportionally longer necks compared to the rest of their body?'" Cavener said this may be the first study to suggest that females, not males, are the reason for giraffes' long necks. That's important not only for understanding giraffe evolution but how male and female giraffes behave differently, which could help with conservation efforts.
Persons: , Charles Darwin, Jean Baptiste Lamarck, Darwin, Lamarck, Douglas Cavener, wasn't, Cavener, Art Wolfe, Zoe Raw, Raw Organizations: Service, Business, Biology, Penn State, International Union for Conservation Locations: Tanzania, Kenya, East Africa, Darwin, bushmeat
“The James Webb Telescope: Are We Alone?” on The Whole Story With Anderson Cooper offers an inside look at the most powerful telescope ever built. The Beta Pictoris system, located just 63 light-years from Earth, has long intrigued astronomers because of its proximity and age. “So I was super excited to reobserve this system in 2023 using the James Webb Space Telescope,” Chen said. The dust was then pushed out of the planetary system by radiation from the central star, which is slightly hotter than our sun. But the powerful Webb telescope was unable to detect any dust.
Persons: James Webb, Anderson Cooper, Pictoris, Christine Chen, , , ” Chen, Beta, Chen, Webb, JWST, Cicero Lu, Johns Hopkins, Spitzer, Kadin Worthen, “ We’re Organizations: CNN, Beta, Johns Hopkins University, American Astronomical Society, Spitzer, Telescope, Johns, Johns Hopkins Locations: Baltimore, Madison , Wisconsin
Now, a new study that looked at 5 million stars in the Milky Way galaxy suggests that seven candidates could potentially be hosting Dyson spheres — a finding that’s attracting scrutiny and alternate theories. If Dyson spheres really exist, what could they be used for? “Freeman Dyson said that we should dismantle Jupiter — the whole planet (for the raw materials).”That supercolossal scale probably means that Dyson spheres, if they exist at all, are very rare. “However, contamination by circumstellar debris disks, which mimic Dyson Sphere infrared signatures, remains a concern,” he added in an email. However, he added, the radiation fingerprint of the seven Dyson sphere candidates might be explained by natural phenomena as well.
Persons: Freeman Dyson, , Dyson, Olaf Stapledon’s, George Dyson, , Freeman J, couldn’t, Matías Suazo, Suazo, , Webb, that’s, Gabriella Contardo, NASA’s James Webb, ” Suazo, “ Freeman Dyson, Jason Wright, James Webb, , Leslie Surginer, ” George Dyson, Tomotsugu Goto, Zaza Osmanov, ” Osmanov, George Organizations: CNN, Institute of, , , AP, Dyson, SETI Institute, Fermi, Accelerator Laboratory, Fermilab, Royal Astronomical Society, Uppsala University, NASA, Survey, JPL, ESA, European Space Agency, Micron, Sky Survey, University of Massachusetts, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, International School, Studies, Telescope, Penn State University, James Webb Space Telescope, William Press, Computer Science, University of Texas, Tsing Hua, SETI, of Physics, Free University of Tbilisi Locations: British, Princeton , New Jersey, Sweden, Trieste, Italy, Austin, Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, Georgia
But there is a possibility that residual underground lava tubes may still exist. HUM Images/Getty ImagesIf these lava tubes are anything like Earth's, they could be the perfect place for astronauts to hunker down during their stay on Mars. It's unclear if lava tubes on Mars would also be this warm — it's not a stretch to imagine, just a challenge to confirm. But to be clear, just because there could be life in these pits, doesn't mean Mars definitely hosts extraterrestrials. "This is a good place to look, but we don't know if there's life on Mars at all," Johnson said.
Persons: , Brandon Johnson, Johnson, George Rose, Ross Beyer, Beyer, there's, it's Organizations: Service, University of Arizona, Business, NASA, JPL, Scientists, Purdue University, Olympus, SETI Institute, Goddard, Arizona State University, Reconnaissance Locations: Arizona, Tharsis, Hawaii
Just a few years ago, that same road — 34th Avenue — was a traffic-clogged artery. The 34th Avenue Open Street is 26 traffic-restricted blocks with a handful of entirely car-free plazas outside schools. Thousands of students use the 34th Avenue Open Street to get to and from school every day. Siff and others hope 34th Avenue will become a public park that prioritizes people on foot. Do you live on or near an open street in New York City or a traffic-restricted street elsewhere?
Persons: , Nuala O'Doherty, Naranjo, Kathy Hochul, O'Doherty, ", Eliza Relman, Braulio Tellez, Tellez, Jim Burke, Burke, they're, " O'Doherty, Shekar Krishnan, Krishnan, they've, Dawn Siff Organizations: Service, Manhattan, Business, Initiative, New York Gov, Immigrant, Central Queens, Elmhurst Hospital Center, City Department of Transportation, City College, Coalition, City, Department of Transportation, Alliance, Park, Citi Field Locations: Jackson Heights , Queens, York, Manhattan, Jackson, Central, Elmhurst, New York City, Bronx, Siff, Mexico City, Paris
Chris O'Meara/APAfter lifting off Wednesday, Starliner and its first human crew set a course for the International Space Station. “We’re just happy as can be to be up in space,” Williams said. “One could be a warning sign — you’re in our backyard, you better behave yourself. The dinosaur-discovering family returns to the site in July 2023 for the excavation, including (clockwise from upper left) Sam Fisher, Emalynn Fisher, Danielle Fisher, Liam Fisher, Kaiden Madsen and Jessin Fisher. They find wonder in planets beyond our solar system and discoveries from the ancient world.
Persons: Chris O'Meara, Butch Wilmore, Suni Williams, We’re, ” Williams, , , Philip Riris, ” Dino, Sam Fisher, Emalynn Fisher, Danielle Fisher, Liam Fisher, Kaiden Madsen, Jessin Fisher, Jessin, Liam, Genyornis newtoni, Jacob C, newtoni, George Frandsen, Ashley Strickland, Katie Hunt Organizations: CNN, SpaceX, eventual, Boeing, Atlas, Cape Canaveral Space Force, International Space, NASA, Bournemouth University, Denver Museum of Nature, Denver Museum of Nature & Science, — Engineers, NASA’s Hubble, CNN Space, Science Locations: Florida, Starliner, Venezuela, Colombia, England, Australia, Williams , Arizona
CNN —Walking through “The Portal” — the immersive art experience that I have created at Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville, Arkansas — is like stepping into a mandala. Jared Sorrells/Crystal Bridges Museum of American ArtI also began to carve marble, mold clay and draw around the same time I began writing songs. Crystal Bridges Museum of American ArtHere, there is also a sculpture I made titled “CHILL,” made of lucite and filled with a variety of medications. Jewel - Dedication Meditation (Official Visualizer from "THE PORTAL: an art experience by Jewel")The journal is for each visitor to keep. Crystal Bridges Museum of American ArtTraditional art mediums like oil painting and sculpture are often viewed today with preconceived notions and judgments.
Persons: , Danny Goldberg, , Philip Thomas, I’m, Rod Bigelow, Alejo Benedetti, Crystal, , Melesio Casas, Jared Sorrells, I, I’ve, it’s, James Webb, Kase, Jewel ., Jewel Organizations: CNN, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art, Atlantic Records, Crystal Bridges Museum of American, , Bridges Museum of American, James Webb Space Telescope, Bridges Museum of, Nova Sky Locations: Bentonville , Arkansas, Crystal, San Diego , California
CNN —The Hubble Space Telescope will transition to a new way of operating that aims to prevent the space observatory from experiencing lapses in its ability to observe the universe, according to NASA officials. The storied telescope, which has captured breathtaking images of the cosmos for 34 years, has traditionally operated using six gyroscopes. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope eyes the universe in May 2009 after one of the space shuttle missions to service the space observatory. Hubble is expected to operate into the mid-2030s, with its cosmic observations providing a complement to the work of the James Webb Space Telescope and future observatories that haven’t launched yet, Clampin said. “We do not see Hubble as being on its last legs,” Crouse said, “and we think it’s a very capable observatory.”
Persons: Mark Clampin, Hubble, Clampin, Patrick Crouse, Crouse, ” Clampin, James Webb, , ” Crouse Organizations: CNN, Hubble, NASA, Astrophysics, NASA's Hubble, Goddard Space Flight, James Webb Space Telescope Locations: Greenbelt , Maryland
WASP 107b: The exoplanet that shouldn't existAn artist's impression of WASP 107b passing in front of its host star. But models suggested that WASP 107b's core would be too small to have formed a gas giant. Scientific models didn't align with observationsHubble images of WASP 107b didn't solve the mystery of its large size and low density. Venom82Why it took astronomers years to understand WASP 107b's mysterious origins stems from what many astronomers face: a lack of information due to technological limits. But WASP 107b's surface temperature was cold enough that it should have had more methane than what JWST observed.
Persons: , they've, it's, David Sing, NASA's, Luis Welbanks, Sagan, James Webb, Welbanks —, Sing, Welbanks, Ralf Crawford, we're, Scott Gaudi, Gaudi, Olmsted, Russo Organizations: Service, Business, ESA, Hubble, NASA, Kornmesser, Bloomberg, Johns Hopkins University, WASP, NASA's Goddard Space Flight, ESO, Arizona State University, Telescope, Sing, WASP 107b's, CSA, JHU, Ohio State University
CNN —An unusual horned comet notable for a series of outbursts, nicknamed the “devil comet,” will make its closest approach of Earth on Sunday around 3 a.m. Given that the comet won’t pass by Earth again for decades, collective observations by astronomers could provide key insights into its true nature and behavior. Officially known as Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, the celestial object made its closest pass of the sun on April 21, coming within 74.4 million miles (119.7 million kilometers) of our star. The comet will make its closest pass of Earth on Sunday, but it will be more than 143 million miles (230 million kilometers) away from our planet and won’t pose a risk. An overlapping series of events likely has contributed to Pons-Brooks’ distinctive look, but it could also be due to our perspective of the comet, Kareta said.
Persons: Pons, Brooks, Gianluca Masi, Dave Schleicher, , Teddy Kareta, Jean, Louis Pons, William Robert Brooks, ” Schleicher, Kareta, Schleicher, , it’s, 12P, Theodore Kareta, ” Kareta Organizations: CNN, Northern, Southern, Millennium, , Telescope, Lowell Observatory, Lowell, Pons, , Lowell Discovery Telescope Locations: Italy's Tuscany, Arizona, Pons
Why we need to know what time it is on the moon
  + stars: | 2024-06-01 | by ( Ashley Strickland | )   time to read: +6 min
CNN —It’s easy to take the moon for granted as a silvery orb in the night sky, providing a soft light on most evenings. The new system of measurement that NASA and its international partners need to agree on will have to account for the fact that seconds tick by faster on the moon. But it will be crucial for astronauts living in lunar habitats and scooting around in moon buggies who need to know exactly what time it is. We are familyA digital reconstruction of a Bronze Age woman's face is on display at Scotland's Perth Museum and Art Gallery. And now, researchers know what creates their unusual fur pattern: a mutation affecting a gene called KIT, which controls hair color.
Persons: CNN —, Albert Einstein’s, Butch Wilmore, Suni Williams, Joe Skipper, Chris Rynn, Julius Caesar, Gaul, Ari Kankainen, NASA’s Lucy, Ashley Strickland, Katie Hunt Organizations: CNN, NASA, Boeing, Veteran NASA, Perth Museum, Art, Culture, Kinross, CNN Space, Science Locations: North America, Europe, Southern Hemisphere, Culture Perth, Scotland, Indre, France, Finnish, Petäjävesi, Italy
Total: 25