The rate of weight loss with the experimental pill, called amycretin, appears to be more rapid than what’s seen for other drugs.
“It’s roughly double the weight loss rate seen with current GLP-1 agonists and approaching procedural or surgical-level outcomes,” said Dr. Christopher McGowan, a gastroenterologist who runs a weight loss clinic in North Carolina.
McGowan said that while the weight loss was significant, he still has concerns about how fast people lost weight.
“While losing weight is seemingly the end goal, how that weight is lost matters,” he said.
Spratt said she would like to know how much of the weight loss came from fat compared with muscle.
“, ”, Christopher McGowan, ” Dr, Susan Spratt, Spratt, haven’t, Martin Lange, Lange, McGowan, ” McGowan
Novo Nordisk, European Association for, Diabetes, Population Health Management, Duke Health
Novo, Spain, North Carolina, semaglutide, Wegovy, It’s