Ed Siskel moved from Chicago to Washington last weekend to begin his new role as White House counsel.
He had one entire day — last Monday — to settle into his office, in a coveted corner on the second floor of the West Wing.
In a statement, Mr. Biden praised Mr. Siskel as a seasoned lawyer who could “hit the ground running as a key leader on my team” to advise on everything from policy litigation to judicial nominations.
Still, it was an unusually busy week — and one focused squarely on impeachment — even by Washington’s frenetic standards.
A veteran of the Obama White House, where he countered Republican efforts in the Benghazi and Solyndra investigations, Mr. Siskel, 51, will help steer Mr. Biden through a political maelstrom as an ultraconservative bloc of Republicans pushes for impeachment.
Ed Siskel, —, Siskel’s, Biden, Siskel, Obama
Republicans, House
Chicago, Washington, Benghazi