Rosenberg continued: "But it's a false debate because the choice isn't between a soft landing and a recession.
Consumers are the lifeblood of the US economy, and if they're forced to cut back on spending, Rosenberg thinks growth would quickly turn negative.
Investors nervous about the economy should target stocks in four defensive parts of the market, Rosenberg said: consumer staples, healthcare, telecommunications, and utilities.
"As growth is scarce, you want to own what's scarce, so you want to own growth stocks," Rosenberg said.
"I'm probably much more bullish on growth than I am on value because value is very cyclical, and growth stocks tend to be valued on a longer-term earnings profile."
David Rosenberg, Rosenberg, we've, Rosenberg isn't, hasn't, nonfarm payrolls, that's, Uncle Sam, " Rosenberg, they're, couldn't, he's, he'd
Federal Reserve, Rosenberg Research, Technology, Fed