Plenty of side hustles and businesses become lucrative because they fix an unsolved problem, or improve something that already exists.
If that seems easier said than done, there's a simple solution: Study people who've fixed other unsolved problems before, self-made millionaire and RSE Ventures CEO Matt Higgins said at the CNBC Make It: Your Money virtual event last week.
Higgins pointed to one particular billionaire as an example: Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky, who accidentally co-founded his company while brainstorming ways to pay rent in 2007.
Chesky and one of his co-founders booked out air mattresses to strangers who were in San Francisco for a design conference.
Pay attention to your surroundings, and ask yourself if your solutions to everyday problems are replicable, Higgins said.
Matt Higgins, Higgins, Brian Chesky, Uber
San Francisco