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In early December, German police uncovered a plot by far-right conspirators to mount a coup. It is widely acknowledged that the electoral appeal of the far-right Alternative for Germany, or AfD, to about 10% of German voters is a matter of great concern. This image of political stability, though not unjustified, caused many observers to downplay the revelation in early December that German police had uncovered an organized plot by a network of far-right conspirators to mount a coup. German police and intelligence services had to take the threat this network represented seriously. This complacency gave the East German Stasi and other Soviet-bloc intelligence services opportunities to reach out to emerging radical networks willing to destabilize the Federal Republic at the time.
This week she was arrested in a raid as part of a group suspected of plotting to violently overthrow the German government. Prosecutors have said the 58-year-old, a member of the far-right Alternative for Germany (AfD) party, was to become justice minister in a new state headed by aristocrat Heinrich XIII Prinz Reuss after the coup. The AfD said in a statement on Wednesday that it condemned the efforts of the suspected plotters. The inscription 'To the German people' is written above the entrance to the Reichstag building, the seat of Germany's lower house of parliament Bundestag, in Berlin, Germany December 9, 2022. Nationwide it is polling at 14%, making it the most successful far-right party in Germany since World War Two.
Председатель профсоюза полицейских Германии Райнер Вендт (Rainer Wendt) потребовал федерального запрета на акции сторонников движения Querdenker («Мыслящие нестандартно»), выступающих против правительственных мер по борьбе с пандемией, передаёт По мнению Вендта, во время таких мероприятий «правонарушения запрограммированы заранее», поскольку многие их участники сознательно не соблюдают дистанцию и не носят маски. По официальным данным, во время беспорядков 1 мая в Берлине пострадали 93 полицейских. Власти городов и коммун Германии требуют от федерального правительства единого общенационального плана по выходу из локдауна. «Спустя более года в режиме пандемии объяснить гражданам, почему мы двигаемся на ощупь, становится все сложнее», — добавил он.
Persons: Rainer Wendt, Querdenker, Райнер Вендт ( ), Вендт, Герд Ландсберг Organizations: Объединение немецких городов и общин () Locations: Германия, Берлин
Total: 3