Investor demand for exchange-traded funds is not slowing down, and firms without ETF offerings may risk losing business, according to one Goldman Sachs expert.
"Any number of our clients would tell you, the opportunity cost of not [offering ETF products] is greater," he recently told CNBC's "ETF Edge."
To help clients through the process of launching their own ETF products, Goldman Sachs created its ETF Accelerator, a digital platform that helps clients launch, list and manage their own ETF products.
The idea was it made it easier to launch an ETF, but it didn't make it easy," Sachs said.
It can still take years to build the expertise, headcount and risk management framework necessary to launch an ETF, said Sachs.
Goldman Sachs, Steve Sachs, Sachs, Brandes
Eagle, Equity, Quality, Brandes Investment Partners, Value, International, Eagle Capital