To the Editor:Re “The Isolationism Antidote,” by Nicholas Kristof (column, Feb. 11):I was surprised that in his column addressing the need for Americans to spend time abroad Mr. Kristof failed to mention the fact that the Peace Corps has been doing exactly that since 1961.
In 2011, the Peace Corps celebrated its 50th anniversary, and for the occasion three other editors and I created four books of Peace Corps stories, now housed in the Library of Congress.
This collection of more than 200 stories from the Americas, Africa, Eurasia and Asia/Pacific covers the range of joys, frustrations, surprises and sorrows that Peace Corps volunteers experience in the two years of service.
I heartily agree with Mr. Kristof and would add that the Peace Corps has made a good start doing what he suggests.
The writer served in the Peace Corps in India from 1967 to 1969.
Nicholas Kristof, Mr, Kristof, Jane Albritton, Nicholas Kristof’s
Peace Corps, of Congress, Corps
Americas, Africa, Eurasia, Asia, Pacific, Jane Albritton Santa Fe, India