To the Editor:Re “Liberals on Their High Horse About ‘Rich Men,’” by Nicholas Kristof (column, Aug. 31):Thank you, Mr. Kristof, for once again opening eyes with your column about Oliver Anthony’s song “Rich Men North of Richmond.”I will admit to being one of those “liberals” ready to dismiss the song without listening to it.
After reading the column I did listen to it, and I recognize it as continuing the tradition of protest songs that many in my generation embraced wholeheartedly in the ’60s, expressing the frustration of the working class in its struggle for the dignity and respect we all crave.
It is time that those of us who have had the privilege of higher education and rewarding career paths put ourselves in the shoes of those who have had neither.
We need to recognize the resulting widespread anguish and despair as a failing of our society, and embrace our own responsibility to proactively work toward healing these widening cracks in our democracy before it is too late.
Barbara WilsonAltadena, Calif.To the Editor:Nicholas Kristof writes, “Liberals are properly attentive to racial injustice but have a blind spot about class, driven in part by unfair stereotypes that members of the white working class are invariably bigots.”
Rich, ”, Nicholas Kristof, Kristof, Oliver Anthony’s, Barbara Wilson, “
North, “ Liberals
Richmond, Barbara Wilson Altadena, Calif