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That impending doom people feel when watching, reading or listening to the gloomier news of the day is a frequent occurrence nowadays. Discussions of climate change on social media and in mainstream media often focus on warnings with little emphasis on solutions. Not only does this information overload elevate feelings of uncertainty or in this case doom, but it can cause negative emotions and depressive symptoms. Making Sense of Media Reporting on Climate Change.”Social media messaging and gloomy news coverage can cause feelings of doom, according to a 2008 study. So, it’s important to remember that not everyone’s use of doomer slang contributes to negative feelings.
Persons: , Chan Hellman, fixating, , Norma Mendoza, ” Hellman, we’ve, Maxwell Boykoff’s, ” “, ” Mendoza, Denton, , Hellman, It’s, they’ve Organizations: CNN, rumination, Hope Research, University of Oklahoma, UCLA Locations: Denton, Covid, Mendoza,
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