Eating regular, healthy meals, especially shared with loved ones , has also been linked with healthy aging, Thornton-Wood said.
Strength training also helps minimize the loss of bone density, which is important for healthy aging, Worthington said.
In particular, if you have a strong family history of heart disease, it's important to lay the foundation for a proactive heart health plan now."
The American Heart Association recommends following the DASH diet , which stands for Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension, for heart health.
AdvertisementShe said that giving up smoking is the single most important thing you can do for your heart health.
It's, —, Bryan Johnson, Elaine LaLanne, it's, Clare Thornton, Wood, Thornton, Luke Worthington, Worthington, Nicole Harkin, Harkin, Joanne Whitmore, Whitmore, Charles Puza, Puza, Dale Bredesen, Bredesen
Service, Business, Getty, Disease Control, Cardiology, American Heart Association, British Heart Foundation, American Academy of Dermatology, Buck Institute for Research, Aging
Thornton, barre, San Francisco, New York, California