At 7:50 a.m. on Monday, July 24, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey reported that cars driving east through the Lincoln Tunnel to Manhattan were taking 30 minutes to make the crossing, compared with only seven minutes earlier that morning.
According to the authority, traffic was actually “light” compared with normal: The tunnel has limited capacity, so during the morning rush, cars always back up on the infamous Helix, the corkscrew approach to the tunnel.
If you choose to drive into Manhattan during that rush, you add to that backup.
And of course, the congestion you create by driving into the busiest part of Manhattan is just beginning when you’ve exited the tunnel.
Your presence slows city buses, the taxis and other for-hire vehicles that make up more than half of Midtown traffic, the delivery trucks that keep the city’s economy functioning.
Port Authority of New
Port Authority of New York, New Jersey, Manhattan, Midtown