Once known as the Swiss army knife of climate change for its myriad potential applications in heating, heavy industry and vehicles, green hydrogen has fallen to earth.
High fossil fuel prices have also made green hydrogen more affordable relative to other types made from gas.
Yet green hydrogen is mostly confined to large-scale industrial usages like steel and ammonia manufacturing.
López Borrego will do well to get his IPO away at 3 billion euros without a tangible discount.
Switching an average European steel site to green hydrogen could cost 7 billion euros, according to a Hydrogen Europe report.
Miguel Ángel López Borrego, Thyssenkrupp, DNR.MI, Nucera, López Borrego, Nora, George Hay, Streisand Neto
Reuters, Nucera, Industrie, Energy, ITM, Mingyang Smart Energy, Reuters Graphics Reuters, Thyssenkrupp, European, Council, Thomson
Frankfurt, Dortmund, U.S, Swiss, Saudi