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CNN —For the first time in Rwanda’s history, its health ministry is dealing with an outbreak of Marburg virus disease, a rare but deadly hemorrhagic disease similar to Ebola – but unlike Ebola, there is no treatment or vaccines for Marburg, and it has a fatality rate of 88%. In addition to sending medical supplies, the World Health Organization said over the weekend that it is deploying a team of seven global experts in hemorrhagic disease to Rwanda who can provide guidance for public health experts on the ground. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said Monday that it is also sending experts to Rwanda to help support testing and contact-tracing efforts. There are no cases of Marburg in the United States, and the risk to Americans with this outbreak is low. Unlike in some other sub-Saharan African countries that have dealt with Marburg virus disease, Rwanda has a strong public health system, according to WHO.
Persons: , Matshidiso Moeti, Brian Chirombo, Dr, Sanjay Gupta Organizations: CNN, World Health Organization, US Centers for Disease Control, Prevention, CDC, WHO, , Rwanda’s Ministry of Health, CNN Health Locations: Marburg, Rwanda, United States, Africa
LONDON, May 5 (Reuters) - The World Health Organization on Friday declared an end to COVID-19 as a global health emergency, marking a major step toward the end of the pandemic that has killed more than 6.9 million people, disrupted the global economy and ravaged communities. "It is therefore with great hope that I declare COVID-19 over as a global health emergency," said WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, adding that the end of the emergency did not mean COVID was over as a global health threat. The WHO's emergency committee first declared that COVID represented its highest level of alert on Jan. 30, 2020. The status helps focus international attention on a global health threat, as well as bolstering collaboration on vaccines and treatments. The decision to end the global health emergency status was supported by a majority of the committee, said Didier Houssin, head of the agency's COVID emergency committee.
Equatorial Guinea confirms eight more Marburg cases - WHO
  + stars: | 2023-03-23 | by ( )   time to read: +1 min
DAKAR, March 23 (Reuters) - Eight new confirmed cases of Marburg disease have been reported in Equatorial Guinea, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Thursday. This brings the total of laboratory-confirmed cases to nine and probable cases to 20 since the outbreak of the deadly disease similar to Ebola was declared in February. The areas reporting cases are about 150 kilometres (93 miles) apart, suggesting a wider transmission of the virus, the WHO said. Marburg virus disease is a viral haemorrhagic fever that can have a fatality rate of up to 88%, according to the WHO. Neighbouring Cameroon also detected two suspected cases of Marburg disease last month despite restricting movement along the border to avoid contagion.
DAR ES SALAAM, March 22 (Reuters) - Tanzania has confirmed its first-ever cases of Marburg, a high-fatality viral hemorrhagic fever with symptoms broadly similar to those of Ebola, the World Health Organisation (WHO) said. "The efforts by Tanzania's health authorities to establish the cause of the disease is a clear indication of the determination to effectively respond to the outbreak," said Matshidiso Moeti, WHO regional director for Africa. With a fatality rate of as high as 88%, Marburg is from the same virus family responsible for Ebola and is transmitted to people from fruit bats. Symptoms include high fever, severe headache and malaise which typically develop within seven days of infection, according to the WHO. Equatorial Guinea is also battling its first-ever outbreak of Marburg that was confirmed in February.
JOHANNESBURG, Feb 13 (Reuters) - Equatorial Guinea has confirmed its first outbreak of the Marburg virus, a highly infectious and deadly disease similar to Ebola, following the deaths of at least nine people, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Monday. The small Central African country quarantined more than 200 people and restricted movement last week in its Kie-Ntem province after detecting an unknown hemorrhagic fever. In addition to the nine deaths, Equatorial Guinea has reported 16 suspected cases of Marburg virus with symptoms including fever, fatigue and blood-stained vomit and diarrhea, the WHO said. Marburg virus disease can have a fatality rate of up to 88%, according to the WHO. The deaths have been preliminarily linked to a funeral ceremony in the Kie-Ntem province's Nsok Nsomo district, Equatorial Guinea Health Minister Mitoha Ondo'o Ayekaba said on Friday.
CNN —Uganda declared an outbreak of Ebola after a case of the relatively rare Sudan strain was confirmed in the country, the World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday. “This is the first time in more than a decade that Uganda is recording the Ebola Sudan strain,” Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Regional Director for Africa said. “We are working closely with the national health authorities to investigate the source of this outbreak.”Uganda last reported an outbreak of Ebola Sudan in 2012, the WHO said. Uganda’s last outbreak was in 2019 when it confirmed the Zaire Ebola strain, which led to the death a of 9-year-old Congolese girl near the border with the DRC. According to the WHO, vaccination has been approved against the Zaire strain but inoculation against the Sudan strain hasn’t been tested.
REUTERS/James Akena/FilesKAMPALA, Sept 20 (Reuters) - An outbreak of Ebola has been declared in Uganda after health authorities confirmed a case of the relatively rare Sudan strain, the health ministry and World Health Organization (WHO) said on Tuesday. "Uganda is no stranger to effective Ebola control. The WHO said there had been seven previous outbreaks of the Ebola Sudan strain, four in Uganda and three in Sudan. It said Uganda last reported an outbreak of Ebola Sudan strain in 2012 and an outbreak of the Ebola Zaire strain in 2019. Another vaccine produced by Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N) may be effective but has yet to be specifically tested against the Sudan strain, it added.
Sursa foto: epicentre.msf.orgOMS trage un nou semnal de alarmă: Al treilea val de COVID-19 "se amplifică şi se accelerează" odată cu noile varianteAl treilea val de infectare cu virusul SARS-CoV-2 "se amplifică şi se accelerează" în Africa, odată cu noile variante de coronavirus. Avertismentul aparține biroului Organizaţiei Mondiale a Sănătăţii (OMS) de pe continent, care solicită o creştere a ofertei de vaccinuri anti-COVID. Africa are nevoie de aceste doze aici şi acum pentru a opri al treilea val"" pe tot continentul, a declarat Matshidiso Moeti, directoarea OMS pentru Africa, în timpul unei conferinţe de presă virtuale. Potrivit unui comunicat de presă a OMS, aproximativ 12 milioane de persoane sunt în prezent complet vaccinate aîmpotriva noului coronavirus, fapt ce reprezintă "mai puţin de 1% din populaţia continentului". Creştere este explicată, în mare măsură, de o vreme mai rece decât normalul perioade în Africa australă şi de răspândirea unor variante mai contagioase.
Persons: Creştere Organizations: OMS, Alpha Locations: Africa, Democrată Congo, Namibia, Uganda
În contextul în care lucrul la dezvoltarea unui vaccin s-a accelerat de la începutul lunii, în urma anunţurilor promiţătoare a mai multor fabricanţi, OMS a făcut apel la Africa să-şi intensifice preparativele, estimând într-un comunicat că este pregătită pentru a vaccina numai 33% din populaţie.Acest procentaj. evaluat pe baza datelor furnizate de 40 de ţări de pe continent privind o serie de criterii, este pentru moment net inferior obiectivului de 80%, potrivit organizaţiei. "Planificarea şi pregătirea vor fi decisive pentru această sarcină fără precedent", a declarat directoarea regională a OMS, dr. Matshidiso Moeti, într-o conferinţă de presă online, precizând că obiectivul este de a vaccina 3% dintre africani până în martie 2021 şi 20% până la sfârşitul anului viitor.Principalele carenţe privesc lipsa de finanţare şi instrumentele de comunicare cu populaţia, iar pentru a remedia acest lucru "solidaritatea internaţională va fi imperativă", a precizat ea.OMS evaluează costul vaccinării numai al populaţiilor prioritare din Africa la circa 4,8 miliarde de euro.Ţările africane vor putea beneficia de o parte din dispozitivul de achiziţionare şi repartiţie a vaccinurilor COVAX, dar şi de finanţări de la Banca Mondială.Deşi Africa este net mai puţin afectată decât majoritatea celorlaltor continente de pandemie, cu circa 50.000 de decese înregistrate oficial la 2,1 milioane de cazuri confirmate, continentul se confruntă cu recrudescenţe locale, în special în Africa de Sud şi Maghreb, a subliniat dr. Moeti.
Persons: OMS, . Organizations: OMS Locations: Africa, Africa de Sud
Total: 9