As a child making home videos, Marcel Dzama, 49, asked his father and sister to cover their faces with masks because they couldn’t stop grinning.
The collection: Handmade masks, in materials ranging from paper to wood to cloth.
I said, ‘A mask.’ It was made out of ceramic and had a happy face on one side and a sad face on the other.
I’ve been sending her masks because she likes to paint them.”Most expensive: “Probably these 40 wooden masks from Guadalajara [in Mexico].
José inherited his mask collection, but he couldn’t look at it because he felt too sad.
Marcel Dzama, “, Lorca, ”, Federico García Lorca, Mamma Andersson, I’ve, José, Salceda
Performa, Arts
Canadian, Spanish, Hawaii, Winnipeg, Brooklyn, Guadalajara, Mexico