Now that I'm stepping away from an employer-sponsored retirement plan, I need to save for my future on my own.
Anjali Jariwala, the founder of financial planning firm FIT Advisors, says the most important aspect of planning contributions is setting good financial habits.
Consider an IRANow that I'll be saving for retirement without the help of my employer, I'll want to consider an IRA.
Consider a solo 401(k)I can also consider a solo 401(k), which provides similar benefits to an employer 401(k).
And you can open up multiple retirement accounts, but keep track of your contributions and limits.
I've, it's, —, Anna Sergunina, Sergunina, Anjali Jariwala, Jariwala, Roth, Tricia Rosen, Robinhood, Rosen, Wealthfront, Read
Roth IRA