For most investors, holding just one passive global stock market fund and one passive global bond market fund over the long term is the best way to construct a portfolio, the strategists said.
While some more time-consuming, complicated strategies may allow for higher returns, this approach gives investors the best all-around bang for their buck, Loeys and Wise said.
Our point is instead that we believe you can achieve most, if not all of your financial objectives by following our KISS approach.
Two stock funds that do this include the Vanguard Total World Stock Index Fund (VTWAX) and the SPDR Portfolio MSCI Global Stock Market ETF (SPGM).
For investors who want to do more with their portfolio, Loeys and Wise suggested dedicating 80%-90% of one's portfolio to the above strategy, and using the other 10%-20% on other investments.
Jan Loeys, Alexander Wise, Wise, Joeys, Loeys
JPMorgan, Business, KISS, Index, Stock Market, Bond, Fidelity