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A Turkish satirical magazine cover depicting a scowling Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy asking what he would do to get attention back on himself in the midst of the Israel-Gaza war is fake, despite an image circulating online. The title for the Turkish magazine, LeMan, can be seen across the upper-third of the screenshot. Edition 1647 was actually published on Oct. 18 and does not depict Zelenskiy, nor does it refer to the war between Hamas and Israel. The outlet published the real 1647 edition cover on X on Oct. 19. No such cover was published by the Turkish magazine LeMan.
Persons: Volodymyr Zelenskiy, , LeMan, Read Organizations: Twitter, Facebook, Turkish, Reuters, Thomson Locations: Israel, Gaza, LeMan
Plastic levels in Swiss-French lake as high as world's oceans
  + stars: | 2023-08-25 | by ( )   time to read: +2 min
FOUNEX, Switzerland Aug 25 (Reuters) - Lake Geneva, nestled at the foot of the Alps, has long been considered as a near-pristine body of water, but new research has found that its plastic pollution levels are as high as those in the oceans. Oceaneye, a Geneva-based non-profit that has for more than a decade been scouring the seas to collect plastic fragments, has turned its attention closer to home to landlocked Switzerland. [1/5]A boat of NGO Oceaneye collects plastic fragments in the water of Lake Leman in Founex near Geneva, Switzerland August 21, 2023. Microplastics derive from the breakdown of various consumer and industrial plastic waste over time and their concentrations are accumulating in the world's oceans. "When we began working on this 12 years ago and talked about plastic fragments in water, people took us for wackos and now it is a recognised problem."
Persons: Pascal Hagmann, Denis Balibouse, Hagmann, Cecile Mantovani, Emma Farge, Sharon Singleton Organizations: REUTERS, Thomson Locations: Switzerland, Lake Geneva, Geneva, Lac Leman, Lake Leman, Founex, Leman, Europe, France, Switzerland's, Evian
Sursa foto: APJoe Biden şi Vladimir Putin se întâlnesc astăzi la Geneva // LIVEPreşedintele american Joe Biden şi omologul său rus, Vladimir Putin, se vor întâlni miercuri, la Geneva, iar această întrevedere a lor va fi una dintre cele mai importante din sfera geopolitică de anul acesta. Întâlnirea de săptămâna aceasta dintre Biden şi Putin are loc în cadrul primei vizite internaţionale a lui Biden ca preşedinte, în timpul căreia a reconfirmat alianţele cu liderii G7 şi partenerii NATO. La sediul NATO, Biden le-a declarat reporterilor că s-a consultat cu ceilalţi lideri mondiali înaintea întâlnirii cu Putin, scrie „Fiecare lider mondial de aici, cei mai mulţi dintre ei au menţionat asta şi mi-au mulţumit pentru întâlnirea cu Putin”, a spus Biden luni, citează La întrunire vor participa patru persoane: Biden, Putin, secretarul de stat american Antony Blinken şi ministrul rus de Externe, Serghei Lavrov.
Persons: Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin, Biden, Putin, Donald Trump, Putin . Trump, preşedinte, american Antony Blinken, Serghei Lavrov Organizations: G7, NATO, CNN, Air Force, rus Locations: Geneva, Elveţia, Statelor Unite, Helsinki, american, Kremlin, ţară, Leman, Bruxelles, Grange
Joe Biden şi Vladimir Putin s-au întâlnit la Geneva // LIVE
  + stars: | 2021-06-16 | by ( )   time to read: +4 min
Sursa foto: captură videoJoe Biden şi Vladimir Putin s-au întâlnit la Geneva // LIVEUPDATE 14:40 // Preşedintele american Joe Biden şi omologul său rus, Vladimir Putin, s-au întâlnit miercuri, la Geneva. Apoi a ieșit împreună cu Putin și cu președintele Elveției, și au dat mâna pentru o fotografie de protocol. De asemenea, întâlnirea dintre Joe Biden și Vladimir Putin are o acoperire mediatică internațională, fiind prezenți peste 3.000 de reprezentanți ai mass-media. „Fiecare lider mondial de aici, cei mai mulţi dintre ei au menţionat asta şi mi-au mulţumit pentru întâlnirea cu Putin”, a spus Biden luni, citează La întrunire vor participa patru persoane: Biden, Putin, secretarul de stat american Antony Blinken şi ministrul rus de Externe, Serghei Lavrov.
Persons: Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin, Apoi, Putin, Biden, Donald Trump, Putin . Trump, preşedinte, american Antony Blinken, Serghei Lavrov Organizations: US News, G7, NATO, CNN, Air Force, rus Locations: Geneva, Grange, Federației Ruse, Elveției, Elveția, Helsinki, american, Kremlin, ţară, Leman, Bruxelles
Few outsiders have ever attended a KOTS fight in person. "The most notorious fight club, the one and only place for the unwanted ones, delivering the most stressed out and fucked up environment you can find. Back in 2019, the fight club started live streaming its events and charging around $14 per fight. In the exchange, a fan asked why the fight club allows anti-fascists to compete. "This is the most raw form of fighting," Hooi, who is not affiliated with any far-right groups, wrote during our interview.
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