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CNN —Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico was in a life-threatening condition in hospital Wednesday after he was shot multiple times in an assassination attempt. Slovakia's Prime Minister Robert Fico attends a European Council summit in Brussels, on April 18, 2024. Kenzo Tribouillard/AFP via Getty Images/FILEFico previously served as Slovakia’s prime minister for more than a decade, first between 2006 and 2010 and then again from 2012 to 2018. European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, tweeted: “I strongly condemn the vile attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico. My thoughts are with PM Fico, his family.”And Hungarian Prime Minister Orban added: “I was deeply shocked by the heinous attack against my friend, Prime Minister Robert Fico.
Persons: CNN —, Robert Fico, Fico, Zuzana Čaputová, “ I’m, Roberto Fico, ” Čaputová, upend, , , Vladimir Putin, Viktor Orban, Kenzo Tribouillard, Jan Kuciak, Martina Kušnírová, Kuciak, Ursula von der Leyen, Orban Organizations: CNN, CNN — Slovakia’s, Facebook, Ukraine, NATO, Kremlin, Hungary’s, European Union, Slovakia's, Getty Locations: Handlova, Banska Bystrica, Bratislava, Slovak, Ukraine, Brussels, AFP, Hungarian
EU Lawmakers Raise Alarm Over Slovakia's Criminal Law Reforms
  + stars: | 2024-01-17 | by ( Jan. | At A.M. | )   time to read: +2 min
(Reuters) - European Union lawmakers said on Wednesday they had "deep concern" over Slovakia's planned criminal code changes and shutting a special prosecutor's office, piling on criticism of the government's plan to fast-track the changes. The European Parliament, in a resolution approved by 496 of the 630 lawmakers who voted, said the changes needed more scrutiny and called on the European Commission to take action "to safeguard the rule of law and judicial independence". Slovak President Zuzana Caputova has threatened to veto the legislation, although Fico's government will be able to override her move. According to Slovak media, 40 people have been sentenced while another 130 are being investigated or tried. The EU's justice commissioner Didier Reynders said in mid-December the Commission could take action against Slovakia if it enacts criminal law changes that violate EU laws.
Persons: Robert Fico's, Zuzana Caputova, Didier Reynders, Jan Kuciak, Fico, Daniel Lipsic, Jason Hovet, Ros Russell Organizations: Reuters, Union, European Commission, European Union, The, USP Locations: Western, Poland, Hungary, United States, EU, Slovak, Slovakia, Prague
Slovakia's New PM Fico Stops Talking to Some Media Amid Rift
  + stars: | 2023-11-20 | by ( Nov. | At A.M. | )   time to read: +2 min
(Reuters) - Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico stopped communication with four leading domestic news outlets on Monday after accusing them of failing to provide truthful information, widening a rift with some independent media groups. Fico became prime minister for a fourth time last month at the head of a leftist-nationalist coalition after an election in which he attacked liberal policies, Slovakia's Western allies and media that is critical of him and his SMER party. "As long as the cited media outlets do not begin to fulfil their legal obligations, Prime Minister R. Fico is interrupting any communication with them," the government office said in an emailed statement. While he had not barred journalists, halting communication contravened laws ensuring that media are kept informed by the authorities, he added. Pavol Szalai of Reporters Without Borders said Fico was subjecting Slovakia's democracy to a "crash test".
Persons: Robert Fico, Fico, Jan Kuciak, Kuciak, R, Dennik, Matus Kostolny, Kostolny, Beata Balogova, Jason Hovet, Gareth Jones Organizations: Reuters, Slovak, TV, Facebook, Borders, Government
According to preliminary results released by Slovakia’s Statistical Office at 6 a.m. local time, Robert Fico’s populist SMER party won 23.3% of the vote. While in opposition, Fico became a close ally of Hungary’s Prime Minister Victor Orban, especially when it came to criticism of the European Union. Fico previously served as Slovakia’s prime minister for more than a decade, first between 2006 and 2010 and then again from 2012 to 2018. Kuciak reported on corruption among the country’s elite, including people directly connected to Fico and his party SMER. In the Czech Republic, which used to form one country with Slovakia, 71% of people blame Russia for the war.
Persons: Robert Fico’s, Fico, upend, Peter Pellegrini, Hlas, , Pellegrini, Slovakia “, , Vladimir Putin, Putin, Victor Orban, Orban, Jan Kuciak, Martina Kušnírová, Kuciak, Věra Jourová, GlobSec, Organizations: CNN, Kremlin, NATO, Slovakia’s, SMER, Progressive, Ukrainian, Ukraine, European Union, Russia, Hungary’s, European, Justice, Kyiv Locations: Slovakia, Ukraine, Progressive Slovakia, Slovak, Kyiv, Brussels, Russia, Bratislava, Baltic, Czech Republic, States
[1/2] SMER-SSD party leader Robert Fico walks outside his party's headquarters on the day of the country's early parliamentary election in Bratislava, Slovakia, September 30, 2023. Fico, who analysts see inspired by Hungary's Viktor Orban, has said he has Slovak interests at heart and wants the war to end. Born to a working-class family, Fico graduated with a law degree in 1986 and joined the then-ruling Communist party. "He became the most prominent political representative of a movement against face masks or vaccination," said political analyst Grigorij Meseznikov. Fico also swatted away accusations of graft that have dogged his party during his political career.
Persons: Robert Fico, Eva Korinkova, Michal Vasecka, Fico, Hungary's Viktor Orban, Viktor Orban, Zuzana Caputova, George Soros, Jan Kuciak, Martina Kusnirova, SMER, Grigorij Meseznikov, Jan Lopatka, Michael Kahn, Michael Perry Organizations: REUTERS, Rights, European Union, Institute, Ukraine, NATO, Reuters, Communist, European Court, Human Rights, Democracy, Thomson Locations: Bratislava, Slovakia, Rights BRATISLAVA, European, Brussels, Europe, Ukraine, Russia, Hungary, Hungarian, France, Germany
Fico, who analysts see inspired by Hungary's Viktor Orban, has said he has Slovak interests at heart and wants the war to end. Born to a working-class family, Fico graduated with a law degree in 1986 and joined the then-ruling Communist party. Polling under 10%, Fico once sought to address voter fears during the coronavirus pandemic when he slammed government health measures. "He became the most prominent political representative of a movement against face masks or vaccination," said political analyst Grigorij Meseznikov. Fico also swatted away accusations of graft that have dogged his party during his political career.
Persons: Jan Lopatka, Robert Fico, Michal Vasecka, Fico, Hungary's Viktor Orban, Viktor Orban, Zuzana Caputova, George Soros, Jan Kuciak, Martina Kusnirova, SMER, Grigorij Meseznikov, Michael Kahn, Michael Perry Organizations: European Union, Institute, Ukraine, NATO, Reuters, Communist, European Court, Human Rights, Democracy Locations: Jan Lopatka BRATISLAVA, European, Brussels, Europe, Slovakia, Bratislava, Ukraine, Russia, Hungary, Hungarian, France, Germany
The frontrunner, former Prime Minister Robert Fico, has made no secret of his affinity for the Kremlin during the election campaign. Fico’s left-wing populist SMER party has been leading for months, although opinion polls published earlier this week showed SMER neck-and-neck with the Progressive Slovakia (PS) party. “The approach to Russian war in Ukraine is a divisive line (in the election),” she said. It is also far from certain that the leader of the biggest party will become the prime minister. While in opposition, Fico has also become a close ally of Hungary’s Prime Minister Victor Orban, especially when it comes to criticism of the European Union.
Persons: Robert Fico, Slovakia’s, Zuzana Čaputová, Fico’s, Michal Šimečka, Věra Jourová, , Peter Pellegrini, Pellegrini, Fico, Ján Kuciak, Martina Kušnírová, Russia ”, OLaNO, Kyiv’s, , Vladimir Putin, Putin, Victor Orban, Orban Organizations: CNN, European Union, Kremlin, NATO, Progressive, EU, Kyiv, West ., , Coalition, Republika, Russia, , and Solidarity Party, Independent, Ukraine Fico, Hungary’s, Justice Locations: Ukraine, NATO, American, Progressive Slovakia, Slovakia, “ Slovakia, Russia, Russian, Brussels
Robert Fico, chairman of the Slovak Social Democracy (SMER), during an interview at the party headquarters in Bratislava, Slovakia, on Tuesday, April 25, 2023. The central European country of 5.4 million people has been a staunch supporter of Ukraine since Russia's full-scale invasion in February 2022. watch nowIn more concrete terms, he has pledged to end all Slovak arms deliveries to Ukraine and resist plans for additional sanctions on Russia. Fico showed pragmatism in his previous terms and largely avoided conflicts with partners in the EU and NATO, Valyaeva added. Trading of critical comments by officials on both sides escalated the dispute, with Poland saying it will no longer supply Ukraine with weapons.
Persons: Robert Fico, Robert Fico —, , AKO, Smer, Ján Kuciak, Martina Kušnírová, Fico, Slovakia's, SMER, Tatiana Valyaeva, Valyaeva Organizations: Slovak Social Democracy, Bloomberg, Getty, Ukraine, Progressive, NATO, Slovakia —, EU, CNBC, World Trade Organization Locations: Bratislava, Slovakia, Ukraine, Progressive Slovakia, Russia, U.S, Slovak, Soviet, London, Košice, Ukrainian, Poland, Hungary
Fico previously served as Slovakia’s prime minister for more than a decade, first between 2006 and 2010 and then again from 2012 to 2018. Heger continued as a caretaker prime minister but he, too, ended up quitting in May and was replaced by a technocrat, Ludovit Odor. Eduard Heger, pictured in Tallinn, Estonia, in November 2022, resigned as caretaker prime minister in May. In the Czech Republic, which used to form one country with Slovakia, 71% of people blame Russia for the war. “The government took a very quick and firm decision — and I’d say in doing so found itself on the right side of the history — to support Ukraine,” he said.
Persons: Robert Fico’s, Kyiv’s, , , Vladimir Putin, Putin, Fico, Grigorij, Jan Kuciak, Martina Kušnírová, Kuciak, Igor Matovič, Matovič, Eduard Heger, Heger, Ints Kalnins, ” Mesežnikov, “ SMER, GlobSec, , Dominika Hajdu, Mesežnikov Organizations: CNN, Kremlin, NATO, Institute of Public Affairs, Voters, Independent, Republika, for Democracy, Resilience, Austro, Ukraine, , it’s, European Union Locations: Slovakia, Russia, Ukraine, Slovak, Moscow, SMER, Tallinn, Estonia, ” Slovakia, Bratislava, Baltic, Czech Republic, States, Hungary, Trianon, “ Slovakia
People demonstrated in Valletta, Malta, in 2019 over the killing of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia two years earlier. Photo: Guglielmo Mangiapane/REUTERSBRUSSELS—The European Union, among the world’s strongest proponents of media freedom, isn’t doing enough to protect reporters within its own borders, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists, an international advocacy group. The group, in a new report, identifies growing restrictions on media across the 27-country bloc and spotlights the murders of Maltese journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia in 2017 and of Slovak journalist Jan Kuciak in 2018, both of whose killings were linked to their work.
Deputaţii subliniază că libertatea mass-mediei, pluralismul, independenţa şi siguranţa jurnaliştilor sunt elemente esenţiale ale dreptului la libertatea de exprimare şi de informare şi sunt vitale pentru funcţionarea democratică a Uniunii şi a statelor sale membre. „Libertatea mass-mediei a fost afectată în ultimii ani”, avertizează rezoluţia, iar epidemia de Covid-19 a agravat această deteriorare. O mai bună protecţie a jurnaliştilor, în special a femeilorEurodeputaţii consideră că „s-a dezvoltat un model de intimidare din ce în ce mai extins care vizează reducerea la tăcere a jurnaliştilor”. Deputaţii subliniază că încercările de a îngrădi libertatea şi pluralismul mass-mediei trebuie considerate un abuz de putere grav şi sistematic şi o încălcare a valorilor fundamentale ale Uniunii. Deputaţii subliniază că acţiunile voluntare ale platformelor sunt „necesare, însă în continuare insuficiente” pentru a combate dezinformarea, conţinutul ilegal şi interferenţele străine.
Persons: Ei, Daphne Caruana, Jan Kuciak, transparenţa Organizations: Uniunii, Europeană Locations: Europa, Uniunii, Bruxelles, Uniune
Total: 11