This case requires us to determine whether the same rule applies to police encounters that take place on a bus.
The mere fact that Bostick did not feel free to leave the bus does not mean that the police seized him.
This court is not empowered to forbid law enforcement practices simply because it considers them distasteful.
We therefore believe the district court erred in relying on whether the conduct ‘seriously affect plaintiff's psychological well-being’ ...
As for the victims, the government now has license to transfer property from those with fewer resources to those with more.
Sandra Day O'Connor, Bostick, —, James Acton, Bollinger, ”, Rumsfeld, ’, James Madison, impartially
Florida Supreme, Systems, Law, Ritz, Carlton
Florida, Hudson, New York, Harris, Davis, Vernonia, Acton, America, Hamdi, City of New London, ‘