"Some companies have told us their estimations of their nature risk are larger than their climate risks."
The guidelines aim to get companies to report their nature risks in ways that mirror their financial and economic reporting that for decades have been part of regular corporate operations.
Both the climate and nature frameworks urge companies to choose appropriate indicators to measure, monitor and report their risks.
Climate and nature-related risks are often closely connected, Goldner said.
The 14 recommendations launched on Monday include describing nature-related risks and opportunities to business models, and explaining management's role in assessing and handling them.
Jack Bertenthal, Loren Elliott, Tony Goldner, Goldner, Isla Binnie, Timothy Gardner
Tahoe Community College, Research, REUTERS, Bank, KPMG, BlackRock, HSBC, Tata Steel, United Nations, Thomson
Blodgett, Georgetown , California, U.S