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A woman from Bucha, Ukraine fled to Israel last year to escape Russian occupation. Viktoria Druzhenko told Radio Free Europe that the Hamas attack reminds her of the war in Ukraine. She said she will not leave this time around because she is "tired of fleeing from war." AdvertisementAdvertisementA Ukrainian refugee who escaped to Israel told Radio Free Europe that she's not going to evacuate this time because she's "tired of fleeing from war." Druzhenko told Radio Free Europe that she experienced "déjà vu" after seeing footage of the Palestinian militant group Hamas attack Israel over the weekend.
Persons: Viktoria Druzhenko, , she's, Druzhenko, Israel, Israel Druzhenko, Volodymyr Zelenskyy Organizations: Radio Free, Service, International Criminal, Hamas, country's Ministry of Aliyah Locations: Bucha, Ukraine, Israel, Radio Free Europe, Russian, Belarusian, Kyiv, Gaza
A Culture in the Cross Hairs
  + stars: | 2022-12-19 | by ( Jason Farago | Haley Willis | Sarah Kerr | )   time to read: +30 min
A Culture in theCross Hairs Russia’s invasion has systematically destroyed Ukrainian cultural sites. It has also dealt a grievous blow to Ukrainian culture: to its museums and monuments, its grand universities and rural libraries, its historic churches and contemporary mosaics. This is how empires always work.” The war in Ukraine is a culture war, and the extent of the destruction is becoming clearer. Kyiv Sviatohirsk UKRAINE Damaged or destroyed religious sites Areas controlled by Russia at any time since invasion. Kyiv Sviatohirsk UKRAINE Damaged or destroyed religious sites Areas controlled by Russia at any time since invasion.
Since the early days of the invasion, Mr. Putin has conceded, privately, that the war has not gone as planned. “I think he is sincerely willing” to compromise with Russia, Mr. Putin said of Mr. Zelensky in 2019. To join in Mr. Putin’s war, he has recruited prisoners, trashed the Russian military and competed with it for weapons. To join in Mr. Putin’s war, he has recruited prisoners, trashed the Russian military and competed with it for weapons. “I think this war is Putin’s grave.” Yevgeny Nuzhin, 55, a Russian prisoner of war held by Ukraine, in October.
Recoltele crescute în apropiere de Cernobîl încă mai sunt contaminate cu radiații de la dezastrul nuclear din 1986, potrivit noilor cercetări. Un nou studiu arată că oamenii de știință au descoperit că grâul, orzul, ovăzul și secara crescute în această zonă conțin doi izotopi radioactivi, stronțiu 90 și cesiu 137, în cantități peste limitele considerate sigure pentru consum. Regiunea este în afara zonei de excludere de la Cernobîl, care acoperă o rază de 48 de kilometri în jurul centralei care a fost evacuată în 1986 și a rămas părăsită de atunci. Oamenii de știință au descoperit că izotopii radioactivi, în special stronțiu 90, erau peste limita sigură pentru consum în 48% dintre mostre. Cercetătorii solicită ca Guvernul ucrainean să repornească programul de monitorizare și să creeze un sistem pentru eliminarea în mod corespunzător a cenușii radioactive.
Persons: David Santillo Organizations: Universitatea Exeter, Regiunea Locations: Cernobîl, Ucrainei, Ivankiv, Ucraina
Total: 4