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AdvertisementThe world's most popular YouTuber — real name Jimmy Donaldson — has announced his engagement to his girlfriend Thea Booysen. But Booysen — a fellow YouTuber with almost 40,000 subscribers on her channel TheaBeasty — may be less familiar. Booysen is a gamer and internet personality, as well as a published authorLike Donaldson, Booysen, 27, is also a content creator. MrBeast and Booysen began dating in 2022. Related storiesDonaldson and Booysen's relationship began onlineAfter Donaldson's trip to South Africa ended, he reportedly began speaking to Booysen online.
Persons: MrBeast, Jimmy Donaldson —, Booysen, Donaldson, Thea Booysen, Melissa, , Alberto E, Rodriguez, vibed, he's, Dave Kotinsky, YouTube Booysen, Indy100, We're, It's, it's Organizations: of, University of Edinburgh, YouTube, The New York Times Locations: South Africa, Greenville , North Carolina
An OnlyFans performer shot a video at holy Colombian landmark the Rock of Guatapé, indy100 reported. The video sparked local outrage and could mean Katty Blake is fined by police. Katty Blake and a male companion were filmed in a sexual act on the Rock of Guatapé. The Rock of Guatapé is more than 650 feet high and is located in the town of Guatapé, northwest Colombia. Porn videos being filmed at historic landmarks in Colombia sparked outrage in 2014 when two were shot at sites including the Botanical Garden of Medellin.
A satirical tweet about the UK Home Office trying to repatriate 15-year-old British twins, who left the country to fight in Ukraine, is being taken seriously by people online. The post also includes an image from at least six years ago which has been digitally altered. Comments on the Facebook post suggest other people have taken it seriously, with one user replying: “Disgusting! However, the tweet stems from an account which appears to produce satirical content. ‘News’ articles on the account’s website, which was described as a satire website by Indy100 (here), also appear satirical in nature (
Jurnalista a mers în club, a intervievat oamenii și, pentru a le oferi sentimentul de încredere, li s-a alăturat. Fischer are 26 de ani și a ulterior a spus că i-a fost foarte ușor să facă asta pentru că este singură. Mama a râs când a auzit materialul și a spus că i se pare amuzant. Tata a spus că este foarte tare ce am făcut”, a spus Louise Fischer. Totuși, Louise Fischer a spus că deși nu a fost cea mai reușită partidă de sex din viața ei, consideră că a fost o experiență cool.
Persons: Indy100 . Louise Fischer, Jurnalista, Fischer, Tata, Louise Fischer . Fischer, jurnalista . Fischer, Louise Fischer Locations: Danemarca
Женщины, наносящие макияж перед работой, зарабатывают больше денег. К такому выводу пришли американские социологи Жаклин Вонг и Эндрю Пеннер из Калифорнийского университета. По итогам опросов ученые пришли к выводу, что существует зависимость между заработком респондентов и усилиями, которые они прикладывают перед рабочим днем, чтобы лучше выглядеть. Так, женщины, которые используют декоративную косметику перед работой, зарабатывают больше остальных. Те участники эксперимента, которые считались некрасивыми в подростковом возрасте, в дальнейшем приносили домой больше средств, чем остальные.
Persons: Жаклин Вонг, Эндрю Пеннер, Сатоши Канадзава, Мэри Стилл Organizations: Research, Калифорнийский университет, Лондонская школа экономики и политических наук, Университет Locations: Массачусетс
Total: 5