For more than a year, I had been dealing with my progressive hair loss and clamoring for some sort of control.
I launched into the story of my hair loss journey, attempting to convey the stress and uncertainty that had defined the past year.
I purchased a long brown human hair wig that initially looked natural in the shop lighting.
I learned I had a lot to learn; there was a whole "wearing hair" subculture with special lingo that I knew nothing about.
I accepted that I have hair loss and I'm aging, and one day, I'll look in the mirror, and it won't be just my hair that's changed.
Bangs, Barbie, I'm, I'm balding, Scissor, Rogaine, —, didn't, LaCroix, hadn't, Kim Kardashian, Instagram, Emilie, I'd, Moira Rose
Business, Melrose
Los Angeles