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Search resuls for: "Harvard University's Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health"

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As the Earth spins inexorably forward, more elder millennials like me cross the great divide: We turn 40. She was then on the cusp of turning 105 in an assisted living facility outside Asheville, North Carolina. Her answer delighted me: "I think 'middle-aged' is when you start collecting Social Security." I laughed, thinking about how Suze Orman recommends waiting until you're 70 to begin collecting Social Security benefits, if you can. Negative beliefs about aging can be "a self-fulfilling prophecy," while positive beliefs can prompt you to form and keep good longevity habits, said Kim.
Persons: Shirley Hodes, Suze Orman, Eric S, Kim, Harvard University's Lee Kum Organizations: Social, Harvard, Harvard University's Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health, American Heart Association Locations: Asheville , North Carolina
Total: 1