As the Earth spins inexorably forward, more elder millennials like me cross the great divide: We turn 40.
She was then on the cusp of turning 105 in an assisted living facility outside Asheville, North Carolina.
Her answer delighted me: "I think 'middle-aged' is when you start collecting Social Security."
I laughed, thinking about how Suze Orman recommends waiting until you're 70 to begin collecting Social Security benefits, if you can.
Negative beliefs about aging can be "a self-fulfilling prophecy," while positive beliefs can prompt you to form and keep good longevity habits, said Kim.
Shirley Hodes, Suze Orman, Eric S, Kim, Harvard University's Lee Kum
Social, Harvard, Harvard University's Lee Kum Sheung Center for Health, American Heart Association
Asheville , North Carolina