The LAPD is searching for potential victims of Dr. Hajhosseini, who allegedly used job recruiting sites to target women.
LAPD / X“Though he is charged with assaulting a single victim, investigators believe there are other victims who have yet to come forward,” the LAPD said.
Hajhosseini voluntarily took a polygraph exam, which he passed.”Hajhosseini was arrested on Nov. 26 and released days later after posting a $2 million bond.
On Friday, Hajhosseini was formally charged with multiple counts of drug-induced rape and rape of an unconscious person.
“Hajhosseini used job recruiting websites and offered high hourly wages to locate and entice potential victims,” the LAPD said.
drugging, Babak Hajhosseini, Hajhosseini, ”, Caleb Mason, Jackson, Quinn, ” Mason, “ Dr, ” Hajhosseini, “ Hajhosseini, “
Beverly, West Los, Centers of America, Catalina, Los Angeles Police Department, LAPD, Hajhosseini, Quinn LLP, Stanford University School of Medicine
West Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Werksman